Reviews for Severus
Summer vibes chapter 7 . 8/5
Nooooo. I do not aprove.
MJ chapter 6 . 5/13
He should have definitely changed his robes to neon yellow with dark purple polka dots, too.
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 7 . 7/3/2019
Hello there!
I know it's been almost 8 years to this story and I'm not even sure whether you'll ever read this review, but if you ever do, I want you to know that I have a huge respect for you and your writing.
The way you have portrayed them all is perfect and it just shows how complex human emotions and relationships are and everything is so tangled in everybody's lives. Nothing comes easy and you have to just move on with life.
Nobody ever writes about that Lily did love Severus in her own way and she always wanted him to come back to the good side and to her even after everything that happened between them. The way you've captured their moment after her marriage is brilliant.
Not to mention the other previous chapters were amazing too.
Keep writing Molly. :)
Loads of love...
EmeraldFlower24 chapter 6 . 7/3/2019
For the past few days I had been missing my college as it's been almost 4 months since I left college. And reading this I just couldn't help the lump that kept growing at the back of my throat. The marauders' last night in Hogwarts reminds me of my last night and how similar they are and also the bidding goodbye to a nemesis. It was just perfect. Brought out so many emotions and memories. I loved it a lot and now I can't keep a track of the tears streaming down my cheeks.
Keep writing :)
Guest chapter 4 . 1/20/2019
Lava chapter 7 . 8/1/2018
It's very bittersweet and realistic. Especially James trying to make amends and Lily kissing and telling Snape that she loved him. Most authors would just emphasise how Snape was ostracised after he called her a Mudblood but you showed that he was actually given chances even after that to redeem himself. And most authors would make Snape seem like the height of evil but he is actually shades of grey.
Really good fic, very good plot and execution!
Agustn Hiro chapter 7 . 6/14/2018
First of all, i would like to say that thiss the story that has touched me the most of all of your other works. I think its truly magnificent how you manage to convey such a complicated situation in such a short period of time, specially taking into account the seriosness of the relationship between Lily and Severus.
I do have a few questions that i would like to vociferate though. Please do not misunderstand them as criticisms to your work, nothing more far from it. Its just that this topic in particular has always been a source of great interest for me.
First of all, ¿How can Lily proclame her love for James and still kiss Severus in the way that she does? It appears to me that theres some of confussion in her, imagining the life that she could have had, if things were diferent between them, but still it lingers that particular problem, for me at least. She mentions towards the end of the story that she didnt tell James where she was going, but i cantell if she did that because she didnt want to worry him, or if it was because she felt some sort of confussion towards her own fellings, as if she didnt know how to react to the choice between Severus and James.
Second, ¿How can Severus claim to love Lily and still persevere in the actions and decisions that come with been associated with Death eaters, specially if one takes into account the fact that one of the main objectives of them is to cleanse the magic world of "impurities" such as her? In the middle of the story, he claims that he would leave that organization if she promises to be with him after he does, be that appears, to me at least, to be a condition for his "unconditional love" for her, as if she should accept him if she makes that promise.
I apologize for my rambling. Its just that "love", as a theme for analysis, and romantic interpersonal relationships in general, is always been a subject of my interest and curiosity.
Please forgive any grammatical error i could have (english is not my natal language).
I sincerely thank for for and excelent reading.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/3/2018
Cheating is never okay
AMProngs chapter 1 . 12/31/2017
That scene when Severus tells Lily that he doesn't talk that to his mom...I've always assumed his mom told him all that since he doesn't seem the sort to be taken anywhere. But your story.
Guest chapter 7 . 10/6/2017
Oh my.. it was beautiful.. the last chapter.. it was really something else.. thank you so much for this!
Guest chapter 7 . 3/1/2017
My favorite story of yours so far :D I feel like all the characters are on point, yay! Thank you
Guest chapter 4 . 6/6/2016
I really loved this - I saw a rec for this in an LJ community and decided to give it a go. Am so glad I did! I loved the characterisation of Lily, James and Severus. I particularly loved your James because you showed true growth in his character and sometimes I think that many fics don't do him justice.
Bryan chapter 7 . 4/14/2016
Good story. The kiss was awkward to read because I can't see Lily cheating on James but other than that, you did a good job.
fantasylife07 chapter 7 . 12/30/2015
I absolutely loved it! Your style of writing is fantastic and I love how the story goes like a series of interwoven memories rather than one complete story. It makes it different. And as for the whole thing from Snape's viewpoint...excellent job there. I love how this story, even with barely many James and lily scenes and moments still perfectly makes us believe in their love. I didn't like the kiss though between snape and lily coz I never can picture lily actually doing that. To lily they were just great friends! Their closure was great but the kiss not needed much... But overall it was brilliant... Made us believe that it actually happened... Beautifully narrated
LaLaOfLaLaLand chapter 7 . 11/11/2015
aahuuhuuhh Moreeeee
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