Reviews for This Is How We Breathe
dg.sangita chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
Sorry I read this fic toooooo late. But let me tell you it was amazing. Lisa really loved Dean but she only loved a part of him but when you love someone you love that person completely with their flaws as well. Lisa only loved Dean as the broken man who came to her door without a single hope but she could never love the man who was Sam's big brother, Sam's father mother all in one. The only constant in Dean's life is Sam. Their relationship is not wincestial it's more of a soulmate and soulmate can be anybody.

Ren chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
This is *sob* really really good
ToastandOut chapter 1 . 4/6/2015
Beautiful and sad and perfect, as usual. Why do your stories always seem to make me cry?
LadyDragonRain chapter 1 . 10/4/2014
Holy crap this is amazing. Just wow. You capture the depth of their bond so well, and you portray Dean and Sam perfectly. I cried reading this..especially the part about the photo. You are a wonderful writer. This story is heading to my favorites.
ccase13 chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
I liked Lisa and would have thought it fine if she and Ben had stayed close to Dean.

I don't think Lisa really loved DEAN though, what she said when the truth spell was upon her showed that she never knew the real Dean Winchester at all.

Lisa only saw a hot, funny guy who cared for her and her son. If she had really known Dean or even been able to get him to share some of his childhood and teen years she would have seen she should not be judging Dean and Sam's relationship by herself and her younger sister but by the feelings of someone who had lost their only child.

I'm sure Lisa would have raised all kinds of hell if her boyfriend had wanted to be put always ahead of her son but she did not give Dean the same leeway.
giacinta2 chapter 1 . 9/7/2011
A very interesting story.

It's difficult for anyone to understand the bond between Sam and Dean, they probably don't fully understand it themselves, so I can't really blame Lisa for not getting it.

She should have realised though, that to keep Dean close, she would have had to accept Sam just as fully.

Dean went to Hell for Sam so I doubt that he would be ready to leave his brother to dedicate himself exclusivly to any one else.

I liked your idea of comparing their bond to the act of breathing as verily, for one to be without the other, is like dying from lack od oxygen, regards
nancylou chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I do not like Lisa. Wow, that was fun. I want to say it again. I do not like Lisa. Felt good that time as well.

Really, how did a weekend fling become Dean's 'true love'? Please!

Anyway, I like your story. In the grand scheme of things, Dean will always choose Sam. period. end of story
Likaella chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
This is beautiful. thank you for this.
Twinchester Angel chapter 1 . 4/10/2011
I really liked this story. I am one of the people that doesn't hate Lisa but I'm kind of indifferent to her. I think, had Dean had a different life they may have been good together. But I also think that this show isn't "Supernatural: A Very Special Love Story" so I've never been a huge fan of the whole Lisa/Ben storyline anyway. Dean is a hunter. He's not a traveling salesman so I knew the arrangement they made about him coming home when he could, would never work. I believe that was Lisa's desperate way to hang onto Dean. I believe Dean cares about her and Ben and feels bad for the way it worked out but I don't believe he'd ever feel complete or happy living that life. He would always feel something is missing. Plus, and this is a big plus, Lisa doesn't understand Sam and Dean, their relationship, or their past. No matter how hard she tries, she'll never get it. And I don't think anyone could. Are Sam and Dean codependent and dysfunctional? Absolutely. But how could they not be? They witnessed horrors people would never believe, let alone understand. And that was before either one of them were 5 yrs old. And it only got worse from there. They were raised on the road with only each other to depend on. They didn't get to forge relationships with other people. It only makes sense that they are so tangled up together. And they are more than brothers. Sam is Dean's little brother, his hunting partner, his best friend, and for all intents and purposes, his son. Dean was both mother and father to Sam, plus he is his big brother and best friend. I have nothing against slash but what I'm saying here is not a slash thing: Sam and Dean are soulmates. I'm not talking lovey dovey soulmate kind of thing. I'm talking real true genuine soulmates. They can live without each other but not without feeling empty and alone. The only way for them to feel complete is to be together. You wrote a very compelling story that describes exactly that. I don't think Lisa knows Sam enough to truly hate him but I think she hates the idea of him and I think she resents his existence. I think the conversation you wrote would be pretty much how it would go. I think you wrote everybody very in character. Sam can see that Dean is torn and unhappy and he would do anything to make things right for Dean. And I believe that Dean would react the way you wrote he did. He'd basically say, "Yeah Sammy. It sucks and it hurts but this is just the way it's gotta be." Dean understands that she doesn't fully get how hunting would disrupt their lives and most importantly she doesn't accept Sam, which is the same thing as not accepting the core of what Dean is. This was very well written and I really liked it a lot. Thanks so much for writing it and sharing it with us. *hugs*
Twinchester Angel chapter 1 . 4/10/2011
I really liked this story. I am one of the people that doesn't hate Lisa but I'm kind of indifferent to her. I think, had Dean had a different life they may have been good together. But I also think that this show isn't "Supernatural: A Very Special Love Story" so I've never been a huge fan of the whole Lisa/Ben storyline anyway. Dean is a hunter. He's not a traveling salesman so I knew the arrangement they made about him coming home when he could, would never work. I believe that was Lisa's desperate way to hang onto Dean. I believe Dean cares about her and Ben and feels bad for the way it worked out but I don't believe he'd ever feel complete or happy living that life. He would always feel something is missing. Plus, and this is a big plus, Lisa doesn't understand Sam and Dean, their relationship, or their past. No matter how hard she tries, she'll never get it. And I don't think anyone could. Are Sam and Dean codependent and dysfunctional? Absolutely. But how could they not be? They witnessed horrors people would never believe, let alone understand. And that was before either one of them were 5 yrs old. And it only got worse from there. They were raised on the road with only each other to depend on. They didn't get to forge relationships with other people. It only makes sense that they are so tangled up together. And they are more than brothers. Sam is Dean's little brother, his hunting partner, his best friend, and for all intents and purposes, his son. Dean was both mother and father to Sam, plus he is his big brother and best friend. I have nothing against slash but what I'm saying here is not a slash thing: Sam and Dean are soulmates. I'm not talking lovey dovey soulmate kind of thing. I'm talking real true genuine soulmates. They can live without each other but not without feeling empty and alone. The only way for them to feel complete is to be together. You wrote a very compelling story that describes exactly that. I don't think Lisa knows Sam enough to truly hate him but I think she hates the idea of him and I think she resents his existence. I think the conversation you wrote would be pretty much how it would go. I think you wrote everybody very in character. Sam can see that Dean is torn and unhappy and he would do anything to make things right for Dean. And I believe that Dean would react the way you wrote he did. He'd basically say, "Yeah Sammy. It sucks and it hurts but this is just the way it's gotta be." Dean understands that she doesn't fully get how hunting would disrupt their lives and most importantly she doesn't accept Sam, which is the same thing as not accepting the core of what Dean is. This was very well written and I really liked it a lot. Thanks so much for writing it and sharing it with us. *hugs*
2gsdip chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
Loved it. ;) I like Lisa but nobody can be in Dean's life (not even the "love of his life") and not have Sam too.

Lisa only fell in love with a part of Dean because he wasn't all there...when Sam came back he was. And now she can't handle that.

I have to say I really like Lisa...she seemed like she could handle things when she let Dean go off with Sam. But I guess Dean pushing Ben and then not explaing things was what ended the deal.

I still hope they manage to work things out but only ONLY if Lisa is willing to take on the WHOLE Package. Ya Know.

Anyway this is me rambling...(i tend to do that with writtings i really like LOL)

Anyhoo great job, this is going to my fav's list ;)

(ps) Have u thought about a Lisa and Dean talk? Even if u don't FIX things but at least have Dean explain somewhat WHY he pushed Ben. I hate the fact that Lisa is thinking Dean has kept too much inside and that made him hurt Ben. Dean would NEVER do that. And u seem to have a real good view on Lisa.

*shrugs* just a thought.
DarkHawk14 chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
This was beautifully done. You explained the bond Sam and Dean have perfectly, and I almost teared up a few times. Words cannot describe how much I loved this. Great work. :)
Madison chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
Please ignore Lamarquise's review. This girl is a rabid EDG who likes to go around and attack and bitch at other people's stories if it's not showing Dean in an amazing light or if it's always showing Sam in a decent light and she doesn't like that. Oh and if you don't agree with her or feel the same way she does, it's the end of the world.

Anyway, I just wanted to post here and tell you how much I really enjoyed this story. It was very very interesting to see Sam and Lisa having such an unsettling discussion. I don't feel that Lisa will ever understand the bond between Sam and Dean. Dean practically raised Sam. Dean not only has the brotherly feelings toward his little brother put parental ones as well seeing as how he took care of Sam the way a mother and father would a child.

Sam's more than just a little brother, and I don't mean that in a Wincesty way either. I hate Wincest. The mere thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. In any case, I'm just saying I think you were spot on with both characters. I can see why you would feel Lisa might "hate" Sam or feel hatred toward him, but as I said before Lisa doesn't get it. I don't feel she ever will because she never had to grow up the way that Sam and Dean did. I loved that Ben came out and stood up for Sam.

I actually really felt for Sam (which I would because I'm a Sam girl at heart though I love both Winchesters), and I loved his comment about not punishing people for breathing because it's true. A lot of people could really stand to believe that line and listen to it and understand it and deal with it. Anyway, sorry for the ramble here. I loved your story, I enjoyed it a great deal and I hope you continue to write more great stuff in the future! Take care!
Paulathe Cat chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
I loved it! I can totaly see it playing this way and you're right. The bond between brothers is completely down to core componenets of life. I think what attracts us most (aside from the very hawt actors bringing the characters to life) is thbe undying sense of loyalty, family, and love we aren't going to find here. I am completely devoted to my family an I know it would ruin me if something happened to them, but there is never the sense that I need them like air to survive. I find the relationship... the fraternal relationship with these two is as though they truly are soul bonded. In no way did I see in your writing something more than that (a fact for which I am truly grateful).
Lamarquise chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
Lisa doesn't hate Sam, nor do I think she'd hit him without provocation so great that hitting him shouldn't be held against her. (That seemed sort of contrived to make her out to be the bad guy.) All she said-under supernatural influence-was that she knew Sam would come between her and Dean if he ever came into the picture again and that the brothers' relationship was horribly unhealthy...which was absolutely and in no uncertain terms true from my POV. (It's incredibly sick to be so attached to a sibling that you can't build or have any kind of life of your own or family.) I think she'd have been perfectly fine with having Sam in their lives if there were appropriate boundaries and if he and hunting didn't always take first priority over her and Ben. And Lisa isn't punishing Dean for loving Sam; she's acknowledging that Dean doesn't have the bandwidth for her and Ben and they deserve a whole lot better. Which is also absolutely true. (Which is why I was disgusted that the show stashed Dean with them in the first place just to treat them badly and break tacit commitments to them and hurt and abandon them and leave them open to attack at any time.)
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