Reviews for Wormwood's New Patient
Mark chapter 1 . 7/2
It wasn't about the wrong person not getting the Ring. It was about Sauron not getting it.
Mark chapter 1 . 7/1
There's also the fact that Sauron was a Maia, not a devil.
Mark chapter 1 . 7/1
The danger in The Lord Of The Tings wasn't of the One Ring falling into the wrong hands. That was not the real threat. The real threat was of Sauron returning, which could happen as long as the Ring existed.
SweetheartSoldier chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
I LOVE this concept!
TheDarkLordofDoom chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
I know not why, but I find this completely hilarious. The dry humour elicited many a chuckle indeed.

The Screwtape letters is a tale long lost in the rusts of memory, but I thnakfully recalled enough to understand it.

What makes it so terribly funny is how it is written with a serious air. There is also a little feeling of strangeness to it all, as if it is all inherently wrong and extremely awkward.

One discrepancy is Sauron being Screwtape's brother-perhaps Screwtape is an Úmaia who is simply called a 'demon' by those who fail to understand the nuances of ainurin hierarchy?

Perhaps Screwtape should cross-examine Sauron himself at some point. That should definitely help with the- ahem, terrible fits of rage, the tendency to kill his own servants, blasting fire randomly at people all the time, the "IT'SNOTMYFAULTILOSTCURSETHELUCKOFTHOSEHOBBITS" rants, and all the "To think I left Valinor for this" sentiment.

Thank you for the laugh.
Lowenweiss chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
Nicely done. One of the better Screwtape stories I've read.
Prismatic Lollipops chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
great crossover.
Reldresal chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
Sauron is a Maia. Not a devil.
Deleted Account Pending Remove chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
Wow! I'm not sure how you've managed to combine hilarious and chilling in the same oneshot, but you've done it. Maybe because I can see it at the same time from the demons' perspective (hilarious to them) and also that of the heroes of Middle-earth (chilling, of course).

I haven't read the Screwtape Letters, but now I want to. (Thanks, SG, for the background you gave me on that story earlier!) It's easy to see what's going on here, though. What a situation! It's spooky how well you weave the concept of the corrupting/tempting demons together with the story of Frodo, the Ring, and LOTR overall. Your descriptions of the characters were spot-on, and often highly entertaining. My very favorite is what Screwtape called Strider. ;) The bit about Boromir was awesome, too. It was sort of a dark "Wow Moment" to read that.

About the plan against Frodo, I can definitely relate to the concept of power over one's own life as opposed to being trapped in fear! It gave me a chilling moment to think of that as a demonic tool of control, even though in the real world I see it (and try to live it) in a positive way. You've just given a clear and noteworthy illustration, I think, of how almost anything can be twisted into evil if we let it be.

It's very interesting, too, how the demons are so anxious to avoid Frodo getting "noble," or taking the Ring in order to help others, or any of the other things that troublesome hobbit kept on doing!

And finally, I just have to love the part about Gandalf. "Saying things the patient shouldn't hear," indeed! That is just so perfectly in keeping with the antiquated-creepy-evil-psychiatrist feel of these demons (which, from your explanation to me when we talked earlier, seems to be what C.S. Lewis may have been going for).

All in all, a fascinating and very entertaining, as well as thought-provoking, read. I found myself regretting that it's only a oneshot, as I'd have loved to read more of the same with the demons' take on further LOTR events. But still, you end it at a very effective point and it does work really well as a story on its own. Kudos!

DragonElf chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
"dreadfully perfect, power-despising Ranger" that is awesome :D
this is very well written, well done.
Violets and Lilies chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Haha. This was funny. I like how you chose desire for power and fear as Frodo's temptations. I must admit, it's been a while since I watched Lord of the Rings, so it took a few sentences to figure out what you meant, but I think I got it. Whose the "certain man of the south"? I don't recall...

Say, my account is pretty new, and I've decided to take it easy for a few weeks (not completely stop writing, but be more relaxed about it) and perhaps, I hope, make some more Fanfiction friends. I've written 3 stories about Screwtape tempting the children that go to Narnia and, if you'd like, I'd love for you to read/review. My stories, for now, have been Narnia and Disney related, but I'm going to do others by and by after my break as well.

gandalf chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
Sauron is a Maia. It's not the same thing as a devil.
The Wayfaring Strangers chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
Oh my. I'm ...stunned? This is a very good crossover, SG! I love how you developed the ideas of fear and power and how the writing style so closely resembles Lewis'. I think he would be pleased with this.

And the bit about Sauron being a Tempter before his 'accident in Númenor' was genius!

Majikkani Hand chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
Excellent! You kept the voice of the character enough that it wasn't distracting, the means of corruption were amusing, and you ended it before it could become tiresome (as sometimes these sorts of things can get-they become lists, and that's no fun for the unexpecting). I enjoyed this.
Vilinye chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
I have to add that to favorites. It's absolutely hilarious!
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