Reviews for I Left My Heart With A Canadian!
Bongdesigirl chapter 4 . 9/19/2017
Is there any hope for this to ever get updated? I know it's been a while, but still... If there is, I'd support you in a heartbeat! Please update it if you can?

P.s. I love the full title of this story, it's way better than the shorter version...
Just no one chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
Please please please update! I love it so much!
nobody10901 chapter 4 . 12/19/2012
Wow! I was looking through your stories and saw this. It's really good so far!

I like how Francis actually does /not/ like Elizabeth. It's refreshing; Francis isn't a saint.

And there's quite a few interesting things in here... I can't say I like the way Austria and the 'bitchy' girls are portrayed, mostly because I love them, but I understand it's for the sake of the story. ;w;

Very nice detail. I'm enjoying this compared to "It's A Girls' World..." and I hope you'll write more at some point! Thanks!
Lycadius chapter 3 . 11/10/2012
I feel for ya' Kiku! I think it's funny Ludwig doesn't know what happens in his bed. XD
Lycadius chapter 2 . 11/10/2012
Oh Belarus, ever creepy even when genderbent!
Lycadius chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
*giggles* I love the full title. XD
canadiangirl13 chapter 4 . 9/9/2012
I really like this story. I came across your Twilight parody and I loved it along with the sequel and this one too. I can't wait to read more. Keep up the excellent writing.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/23/2012
are you going to update this story? Because it seems kind of interesting, and I like your writing style
Guest chapter 4 . 5/14/2012
wait, I thought hinrik was the other Nordic? Update soon! Pretty please!
Lady Elizabeth Kirkland II chapter 4 . 3/27/2012
You, yeah you. Write. Now. FINISH BLOODY AMAZING STORY NOW! Please. :)
Lammie chapter 4 . 8/3/2011
I feel sorry for Eli's partner. (okay, not really... xD)

Nice chapter and looking forward to the next, as always. :3
Hokuto Uchiha chapter 4 . 8/2/2011
BAHAHAHAHA! XD Ludwig wouldn't figure out his feelings even if a 'recognizing your true feelings' self-help manual hit him in the face XD That's true XD

Ludwig loooooves manuals, doesn't he? XD

Gilberta and Lea are right; Ludwig and Feliciano would make a cute couple if LuLu would stop being such a hard-ass and realize that he likes-likes Feli.
Lalliey chapter 4 . 8/2/2011
XD again with the radio active sheep! that is genius!
The Fairy Cake chapter 4 . 8/2/2011
Oh, gosh, Francis. You're so in denial, it's unbelievable. Really.

Hm...something told me that Elise & Co. would think that Gilberta and Associates are as bitchy as the latter thinks the former is. This either means drama between the two groups forever and ever, or drama and then reconciliation. Or there might be a third way, or even a fourth. But hey, my predicting abilities are fairly shabby.

Oh, and something I noticed: "'I can't possible hold feelings for that poor excuse for a girl,' Francis said..." - I think you meant "possibly", not "possible". But, you know. Just a tiny thing. one spot, you spelled "Lea" as "Leah". But I assume that you meant "Lea". And another nitpick (of course...): "'Hey, I'm not lusting after Tiina – its Erika that I want!'" - "it's" instead of "its". Again, just little things. Your writing actually lacks errors for the most part.

I haven't seen Sailor Moon in ages. I do remember that there were magic girls in skirts saving the world, though.

Anyway, it was a good chapter! Keep it up, and jazz~
PinkCatsy chapter 4 . 8/2/2011
I think Denmark/Sailor Jupiter thing might be partially because they have the same name. Even though, usually I never remember her name.

I remember all the other scouts except her and Venus.

Nice chapter! And it kind of amuses me that Gilberta & Crew think Elise & Crew are bitches and vice versa.
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