Reviews for Torque
compa16 chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
Pleas make this a mini series this is so awesome. I mean no words can describe
Thunder chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
A great story here I hope you continue it in a mini-series.
sangi chapter 1 . 1/29/2012
Oh, I love this little AU too!

This was amazing. My favorite scenes: the ending, the part where Mai convinces Katara not to waterbend, when Sokka approaches Katara in the street and she denies knowing him. This Mai/Katara dynamic is so much love. This was wonderful and very unique; I never would have thought to place Katara with Mai's family. I really love this story, I hope you do decide to write some more drabbles based in this world.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Why didn't you continue this one? Ugh! It's so happy and sad at the same time!
BlueLion chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
For crying out loud, it's such a shame you're closing down this one. Brilliant AU idea, and done in a beautiful, sensitive way, too. The whole adoption idea isn't without true historical background either.

I'd really, REALLY like you to continue this one, you've started an epic tale, and it would be really sad to end it now ...
snarkhunter chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
Oh, God. This is heartbreaking. I love the relationship that grows between Katara and Mai, but the scene with Sokka? I so, so want Katara to run and find Sokka before they leave the FN.
heavenbound2him chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
I'll admit, I really liked this story until you did the kissing scene. Part of it is my personal beliefs, but also, I just thought it was really abrupt and awkward. It didn't seem to fit in with the story.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
Oh jeez! I think my favorite part is when Ozai visits and intimidates Mai. And when they are leaving. I wonder, has Katara forgotten her waterbending, or has she pushed them aside?
OmniSchreiber chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
This is actually quite good. Even though there are a lot of aspects that I feel are normally ingredients for failure, it turned out to be a pretty damn good one-shot.

For example, I'm not sure I entirely buy the premise. There's a lot of "Katara becomes a Fire Nation slave/adopted daughter/concubine/assassin" type stories out there. Most of them have an incredibly stupid context for why this would happen.

Here, I gather, Katara is actually seen as a sort of discussion piece for nobility... something treated very much like one would treat a foreign tapestry or other decoration. It sorta works. I say sorta because it seems she was thrust at Mai's family, rather than actively sought after.

If she was purchased at an auction or something, that makes slightly more sense, but then that's more likely in the slavery context... and really, I can't buy the slavery idea much. The Fire Nation's use of machinery and the total lack of canon precedent regarding Water Tribe slaves (Earth Kingdom is a different story) makes it unlikely. Doubly so for the concubine concept. But then it is a kids show.

So let's accept the premise at face value then. Katara's development, from rebellious to moderately accepting to even enthusiastic (at least regarding school) is very well done. Mai and Katara's childhood relationship growth is also very believable, up to a point.

You can guess what that point is. I consider myself to be "ship-neutral" for the most part, so I don't automatically hate it. The whole kissing scene(s) just feel somewhat abrupt and ultimately distracting from the better elements of the story.

Unless it doesn't develop any further (which is entirely up to the reader's brain, I suppose), than it oddly makes a sort of brilliant sense to me. Katara has been through a tremendous amount of trauma (and Mai as well, to a lesser extent) and perhaps it's the best way she can express how important her surrogate sister is to her.

There are other parts I really like, though. The dichotomy of Mai being a noble and wishing she wasn't, and Katara being a "savage" and learning to prefer nobility in some ways... very interesting. The fact that she rejected her brother was surprising, but it seems to fit: after so many years (more years of memories with her "sister" than her actual brother), she can't help but feel her loyalties must go to Mai. Sokka, being older, probably doesn't see it that way. It was a very poignant scene.

Also, I particularly liked Katara telling Azula to shut up, and it actually *worked*. Again, up to the readers brain (since the story is over), but someone (besides her mother) actually opposing Azula in a meaningful way has the potential to make a huge difference in her development. It's the fact that canon Azula's constant reinforcement throughout childhood of "I can control anyone except my parents" that is largely responsible for how screwed up she becomes later.

Part of me wishes you'd continue this, but it'd be annoying to say so. I also recognize that sometimes adding to a complete and well-done piece of art ruins it, and you already have an ongoing project. So yeah.

Also kinda nice to see a non-psycho version of Katara in your writing ;)