Reviews for The Land of Dorado
Arizuki Madcat chapter 18 . 1/22/2017
Holy I read the newest chapters...and I know about you quitting the story (Timeline now at 2017 appearently) I missed so much...I liked your story a lot when I started reading it though,so thank you!
~Arizuki and Madcatanime-chan
Arizuki Madcat chapter 7 . 1/22/2017
Arizuki:I love Romano's curl..for known reasons XD...but I hate baths...for some reason though when it's a shower,I don't wanna go in,then I get in the shower...and I just...DONT WANNA GET OUT DX!
Also I wouldn't be able to take a bath with Spain washing me..I just can't TT
Arizuki Madcat chapter 5 . 1/22/2017
Arizuki:They both make me want to swoon...But I dont!...Also,Madcat isn't a neko,she's just a weird gamer that ironically doesn't get mad much and isn't really into anime 's a she part temmie *UNDERTALE*
Arizuki Madcat chapter 4 . 1/21/2017
Arizuki:Romano and Spain are my top favorite characters be honest here though...I may be Puerto Rican/African American (and I live in America) but I can't really speak much...and I should know it because i'm Puerto Rican! UURRG!...*Sigh*.sorry I made this a little long...and i'm probably way late on the story and spamming the shit out of the comments!
Madcatanime:...Meow...Arizuki has a curl too but it doesn't look like Romano's or Canada's
Arizuki:...Dude...not cool...
Arizuki Madcat chapter 3 . 1/21/2017
Arizuki:NUUUUUU! Don't call Romano an ass-wipe XD. He's just misunderstood QWQ and he's a tsundere XD,I know how it feels to be like him ._.
Madcaanimet:...You don't act like it when you read fanfictions though...
Arizuki:PFFT! So!? Fuck you...
Madcatanime:...A-are you acting like one now one purpose to prove me wrong Ari-chan!
Arizuki:...When the hell did yo start calling me Ari-chan...?
Madcatanime:Just now!
Arizuki:...Oh hell no...*Walks away*
Arizuki:...Fuck this shit i'm out!~
Arizuki Madcat chapter 2 . 1/20/2017
Arizuki:FRAAAAAAANCE He was my old roleplay character before my friends and I changed roles and I became Romano who happened to be my favorite character XD
Madcatanime:Is there a specific reason why her hair has to to be straight? I'm just asking because i'm curious (Also my hair is curly in real life and hard to manage...). P
Aph-Basque chapter 4 . 5/15/2016
Rip Spain...
FangirlOfLegend chapter 15 . 11/3/2015
/slams face on wall/ YOU WOULD FRANCE!
FangirlOfLegend chapter 14 . 11/3/2015
/throwing bricks/
you have hurt my heart!
FangirlOfLegend chapter 9 . 11/3/2015
bro you hurt my heart, I don't need this right now...
*continues reading*
but I have to finish it!
wildrainbowwolf chapter 2 . 1/14/2015
Loved the first chapter, love this chapter can't wait to read the next!
This Name Is Easy To Remember chapter 2 . 5/4/2014
France no molesting! France no molesting! France no molesting!
(Brownie points to those who knows what that's from)
sarah.provo.5 chapter 18 . 3/17/2014
I love this fucking story so much. Please finish it! It is to good to stop!
Multi Fandom Sleeper chapter 4 . 2/26/2014
Nice correction but 'me' not 'mi'...
I like it _
Multi Fandom Sleeper chapter 2 . 2/26/2014
Okay I love the infusion of spainsh but I would like to correct you...
Me llamo es...
If you need any Spanish I will be happy to help cause I'm Puerto Rican...
Also don't break up the es... Just go e-es

Glad to read and will review as I continue but so far so good!
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