Reviews for No Escape
PartiPooper chapter 1 . 1/10/2018
I like the layout of this story! It seems more like a song. I like the way it makes you think twice, too. When I got to the end, I had to do a double-take like, "Wait?... Oh!... Wait..." and then go back and read it again, haha! It's nice when a story can take you by surprise like that, especially when fanfictions are usually so predictable (not that being predictable makes a story bad - I just like surprises). It was darker than I'm used to as well, which is equally refreshing. As much as I'm a fool for cute, sweet Kyman, I can appreciate the more messed-up side to their relationship, especially in regards to Eric's infinite mental issues. It was cool the way you tricked us into a false sense of security with the opening section of this, where it's talking about kissing and heartbeats and love, and you think it's just the usual fluffy fanfiction where everything's sunshine and rainbows and happy-go-lucky. And we're unaware until the ending section that it's obviously Eric's delusions and his - as Kyle called it once - "mental gymnastics" coming into play. The stark contrast is plainest to see between the mutuality of "when we kissed" and the singularity of "I pushed your lips open with my tongue." The way you've made use of the character's questionable mentality to make the reader question their own mentality is quite a clever bit of writing. Good job! :)
Style4ever205 chapter 1 . 1/6/2018
Wow, this was deep! This is probably what Cartman would do when he is older.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
John-117sp chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
Woah. I've seen some poems before, but this is amazing. While it doesn't rhyme, it had Cartman's character all over it. Very great job.
hellokitty chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
Damn you FonicsMonkey! I don't like Cartman with anybody cause he's Cartman! BUT...

I really, really liked this. (I can see these as replacement lyrics to "The disappearance of Luka Megurine". Yes, the Luka version, not the Miku version. It's the disappearance of Kyle Brofloski!)

Especially loved the end, how you never really let go of the original Cartman and make me laugh when he's so sad.

Now hurry up and update the Letter! Or I'm coming after you!
Panruru chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
I love this! The last line is absolutely *perfect*.
xxThe Extra chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
Really good, I liked the poetic format. I think a lot of people make Cartman the villain and say he's insane, but your interpretation is more accurate; he's really just unable to think like everyone else does, and to have empathy for other people. I appreciate stories like this, great job.
m-adam ant chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
This was amazing. I still feel a bit bad for Cartman, even in this. He has no idea how to control his emotions and act correctly on them. Great work. Also, im a massive fan of The Letter and looking forward to a new chapter :)