Reviews for 2 is Better
Lalaland972 chapter 17 . 5/3
This was a cute story! I really enjoyed the background of the twins and Natalie delving Into their separation. I wish that would have made her nicer to Nikita when she returned...but well, she is still young in the story. I liked the bits of Ari/Embry we got to see and when Ari was missing Jake in class. I like that Ari’s character was still ever the same. And I really like Leah’s character arc in this one. I am really glad I sat down and read these stories this weekend in my down time. Thanks for sharing them! You’re a great writer and glad you’re still working on stuff today :)
Guest chapter 17 . 12/7/2019
Love this chapter and this story so much! So glad you finally finished it and can’t wait to read your new Seth story he’s my favorite :)
ThatBlueStrawberry chapter 17 . 12/7/2019
this was nice! I really liked reading this story 3
ThatBlueStrawberry chapter 16 . 11/15/2019
this was a nice chapter! i'm so glad to see you still updating this :D i'm glad Nikita is getting along with Ava 3 and it's nice seeing Nikita happy and with Seth :)
SlytherinPrinsesse chapter 16 . 11/11/2019
Love it!
foreveradreamerinlife chapter 15 . 1/13/2019
Holy crap. I had forgotten about this story until you updated it. I was like huh and I reread the whole thing once I saw what story it was! I’m glad that you’re alive! This is an amazing story!
Debbie Hicks chapter 15 . 1/13/2019
16. the Project
then used us as with Werewolf DNA With Alien Venom then attackked them the three to best friends bitten freely with her bitten the the n with aliens/Vulcans you there who creatd yiu then pain ! then Felix yiou brpolke the law then then Blacking out fire without mercfiul words with themkidnapped good then used then were Expitments like lab rats then then Hybrids late then biten then was Changed good then my powers suddenly Moving a trash bag so my sister with them then Drained of as all blood a pity die with the freaks then then deathday came then Successfully died then was turning then were in fact training then then binded to new lives then Motionless but lost memories of our human lifes good Waere oin fact members of the Phoenix coven then nulled sickest then broken then the four found us then screaming then nuked freely then blew apart the bonds terminated good fled use them then too late machines failed skin/bones offically blew apart tore freely Brought them they harbored newborns were Drained by snakes then Executed then too late the project successful too late Fed wer found yiu there don't hunt then gfget then then Assaulted then took from here
ThatBlueStrawberry chapter 15 . 1/13/2019
I was happy to see this had updated! This was a nice chapter! I'm glad Nikki's settling into her new, own life :)
Lexee99 chapter 14 . 6/18/2017
️️️ You're my favorite fanfiction author! I love this story so much! I'm so lucky you started updating this again once I started reading it haha! Keep up the good work!
Zoey24 chapter 14 . 6/16/2017
Yay, another chapter! So glad to see this story still going. And I'm very happy reading that Nikita's not going anywhere, I guess almost everything is resolved except for Nikita finding out about Seth's furry problem. Can't wait to read more!
ThatBlueStrawberry chapter 14 . 6/5/2017
Oh man I'm so excited! This chapter was really good!
Guest chapter 13 . 2/22/2017
I WAS SO SURPRISED AND EXCITED WHEN I SAW THIS WAS POSTED! I love Seth and Nikita so much individually and as a couple, they make my heart all fluttery and happy! Can't wait for the rest of the story!
ThatBlueStrawberry chapter 13 . 2/22/2017
I'm really excited to see this updated! This chapter was really good - I'm glad Natalie's parents are considering adopting her!
Livvie chapter 13 . 2/20/2017
Hello! I was so pleased to see that you'd updated. I've been a fan of your stories for years - I've read and re-read Wonderland several times and I love 2 is Better and Acid Annie! I'm looking forward to reading more of your updates. :)
Skylight26 chapter 2 . 2/18/2017
Hey! I've only read a few chapters so far but it's so interesting! It reminds me of that old abc show The Lying Game that sadly ended too soon. I haven't read Mirrors yet, so would you be so kind to send me a summary please?
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