New story! How exciting! This story leaves off right where Mirror's will finish, the second chapter will overlap with the last chapter of Mirrors, but you don't have to read Mirrors to follow this story. This story takes place in my Perfection world along with Break You Hard (Kim/Jared story) and Mirrors (Embry/OC story).

If you are a fan of Mirrors then don't worry, you will still see Ariana and Embry in this story but the focus won't be on them.

I am thinking I will be updating this story twice a month, I really want to focus on the writing with this story and making the chapters better, longer, and more grammatically correct than my other stories. If you have been with me since I first started writing then let me know what you think of my writing...I feel like I have improved SO much, so let me know what you think.

If you have any questions about what exactly is going on then please message me or ask in a review, I will make sure to get back to you!

Also, if you plan on reading this without reading Mirrors then leave a review telling me and I'll PM you a summary of everything you would have to know about Mirrors to make this story a little easier.

Thank you for checking out my story, I think this is a different story and I haven't seen any story on here like this so I hope you guys enjoy it!

Make sure to review, alert, favorite, all that jazz. I really appreciate it! XX. Cass

Edited: January 7, 2017



"I have some of my clothes in my duffle but everything else is in my closet, good thing we're the same can wear whatever you like! Sometimes I wear my hair curly and sometimes I wear it straight so it doesn't really matter how you style it. All my makeup is on my vanity. I usually wear brown or black eyeliner and mascara but sometimes I wear fun colors or something. No one will notice if you wear something different than I usually do.

"You have my laptop password, my entire life is on that thing. When in doubt, look on Facebook, I'm friends with practically every single person in La Push, so if you get stuck, resort to that. You've already studied my closest friend's pictures and I've told you about them but you might not know everyone's name, if you forget just pretend you didn't…" Natalie trailed off and I blinked a few times.

"I'm not going too fast, am I?" She asked. I opened my mouth but she continued. "Good! Mom and Dad are at work until six-ish so you will have time to explore the house and surroundings before they get back. Ava has lacrosse until eight-thirty so you won't have to meet our annoying little sister until then."

"Your little sister." I pointed out, speaking up for the first time. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in an awkward way since she was trying to balance the big duffle bag she was carrying.

"Nikita, Nikita, Nikita." She tsked. Full name. "She's our little sister because she's my little sister and you're my twin sister." I bit my lip still not sure how we were going to pull this off. "We need to find out what happened all those years ago. Don't you want to meet her?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled, uncrossing her arms and patting one of mine soothingly.

"Everything is going to work out just fine and when I get back we'll tell everyone and it will be perfect. I promise." She insisted. I nodded my head and sighed again, still not sure how we were going to pull this off.

"Train to Los Angeles will be departing in five minutes."

Any confidence I had before that went away in an instant. I couldn't do this. I couldn't pretend to be someone I wasn't, I couldn't pretend to be someone else. My heart was hammering so loudly that I was positive the other people in the busy train station could hear it.

"It's going to be okay, Nikki. Don't panic, I'll be back before you know it and everything will be fine." She soothed. I closed my eyes and nodded again, I couldn't even find my voice to talk to her and answer her. "This is for you." I opened my eyes and accepted the hard-covered sketch pad and small wrapped box from her. "The sketch pad has detailed descriptions of all the people I see on a daily basis, codes for my house, and passwords for anything you might need to get into. I also have my school schedule and gave an extremely detailed description of where each class is, where I sit, and who is in the class. Everything you might need to know will be in here."

"Wow, I guess you've been planning this for a while." I mumbled. She giggled softly.

"Ever since I found out you existed." She clasped one of my hands in hers. "I'm going to find our mother and when that is over with, you are going to live with me and we can make up for all the lost time."

"You really think this will work?" I asked for what felt like the thousandth time.

"Of course." She scoffed as if I had no right to doubt her brilliant plan. "The box is a present for you and you can open it later." I fumbled with the box for a moment before managing to put it in my large purse...well, it was really Natalie's large purse but she insisted that I needed to have it since she carried it almost everywhere. "This is my phone." She handed over the shiny white iPhone. "Everyone's in there so if you need to get in touch with someone then feel free to text away. My Twitter and Facebook is hooked in and you will probably need to update those every so often so people don't get suspicious and wonder why I've dropped off the face of the technological earth." I blinked and fumbled with the fancy phone. "There is also a contact under Nikita which is a phone number you can reach me at." She showed me a phone of hers that, I'm guessing, was her old one. "Here's the keys to my baby, don't let anything happen to her." She regretfully handed me the keys to her car, which she had told me was named Ashley after Ashley Olsen.

"I won't." I promised, swinging the keys between my fingers.

"Train to Los Angeles will be departing momentarily."

"I'll miss my train if I don't go now." She said, shooting me a smile. I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tightly.

"Be careful and call me everyday and don't do anything stupid and if I need you, you have to come back." I told her before pulling away. She nodded her head, her dark brown curls moving wildly around.

"Bye Nikita."

"Bye Natalie."

After everything my sister had told me, she had forgotten to mention where she parked her car. I wandered around for a good ten minutes outside of the train station, clicking the unlock button, before finding her car. It was a shiny, gray Passat and I instantly got excited that I would be the one driving it.

"Well, Ashley, I'm Nikita or you can call me Nikki I guess. I'll be your owner for now until Natalie gets back but you can't tell anyone that I'm not Natalie or else we will both get in big trouble and they might send me back to foster care." The car didn't say anything but a guy walking past me gave me a weird look, probably questioning my sanity. I slipped into the drivers seat and turned the car on, preparing for the drive to my home-for-now, La Push. I tapped 'go home' on the navigation system before pulling out of my spot and taking off, out of the large parking lot and down the road.

How did I get into this mess? I had been asking myself that question a lot lately. I had always been content in the foster system, it definitely wasn't preferable and getting moved around a lot was hard but I had never known any better so I was never disappointed by what life threw at me. Up until a few months ago, I had no intention of figuring out where I came from and who my real parents were...that was until Natalie came along.

Apparently she had been doing research behind her adoptive-parent's backs, trying to figure out where she was from and who her real parents were. She hadn't figured that out, but she had found out that she had a twin sister — me. We had both been put into foster care at a young age but she had gotten adopted by a nice family that lived in La Push, Washington. We wouldn't have even known that the other existed if she hadn't dug deep enough. She had found me on Facebook and after exchanging messages back and forth for about a week, our friendship moved to talking on the phone and finally Skyping. It was creepy how identical we were, we had yet to find one difference in our images and even our voices were almost exactly the same.

We had talked about meeting and doing all the things that real twin sisters did like shopping and finishing each other's sentences. I wasn't sure if that would ever happen but apparently Natalie had been planning something from the start. She wanted more information on our family and had found the foster home we had both started in, she was determined to find out what had really happened and to get the whole story. Her adoptive-parents weren't that supportive of her finding out about her past so she hadn't told them what she was doing, she hadn't even told them about me. She told me that they wouldn't understand and that this was just something she had to do.

This is where I fit into the plan. She wanted us to switch places while she figured everything out. I was skeptical at first, insisting that it wouldn't work but she was so confident it would work, that I started to believe it would. She promised it would only be a few days, a week tops so I didn't see the harm in living the good life for a little while. That was why I took a bus from my home in Salem, Oregon to Portland, Oregon to meet Natalie. The family I was staying with was behind on their monthly bills so I knew they wouldn't call and report me missing, since that meant they would lose their money from the state.

The plan seemed simple enough and that was what I told myself as I drove down the highway, making sure to take calming breaths as I drove. I could do this. I could be Natalie. We were twins, that meant I would be able to channel her inner self when I needed too...right? I stepped on the gas a little more, pushing seventy-five.

After all, I had a fake family to meet.

I finally reached La Push just after six-o'clock. I had researched the Quileute tribe and looked at pictures of La Push beforehand, but it was so much different in person. I pulled into the driveway of a medium size sky-blue house. It looked exactly like it did in the pictures and I knew which key on her keyring would open the big white front door. I took a deep breath before grabbing the purse, book, and small bag of personal things I had brought before getting out of the car.

"Natalie, dear!" Someone called from behind. I spun around and sent a wave at Nat's neighbor who was watering flowers across the street. I wondered why she was watering them...didn't it rain all the time here?

"Hi." I answered in my clearest and hopefully most Natalie-ist voice.

"I wanted to know if you could babysit on Thursday, you know how much the boys love you." She said in an overly cheerful voice. Was I free on Thursday? Sure I was, but the real question was if Natalie was free.

"Uhh...I'm not sure if I'm about I stop over later and let you know." I told her. She nodded her head.

"Okay, Hun, have a good rest of your night." I can't do this. I can't do this. I smiled and gave one last wave before rushing to the safe house that was Natalie's empty home. I finally managed to get the door open and quickly shut it behind me. I didn't even know that lady's name. I didn't even know that Natalie babysat. How was I supposed to walk around and pretend to be her when I hardly know anything about her?

The inside of the Khan household was exactly as I had imagined it. Well, more like exactly how Natalie had told me it would look. I felt like I had already been here before and knew where everything was. I brought my things up the stairs and walked down the hallway to the room I would be staying in for however long I was here for.

Natalie's room was beautiful. Two of the walls were a cream color while the other two were a bright pink. She had a white bed and matching nightstand tables on either side. She had a desk with her prized laptop sitting on it and a door off to the right that led to her closet. My bed, my nightstand tables, my desk, my laptop, my closet. For now, anyway. I could get used to living like this, but I couldn't, I might be gone in a few days for all I knew.

I put my bag on the desk chair and decided I should do some exploring. I went from room to room, looking at everything and figuring out where everything went. I was growing more excited and more nervous as it got closer to the time when my fake parents would be home. Would they like me? Would they know I wasn't Natalie?

Natalie had told me that she was pretty sure that they didn't know I existed so they wouldn't have any reason to think someone could be pretending to be her. I hoped she was right. After exploring for a little I decided to take a break and look at the sketch book Natalie had left me. There was extremely detailed descriptions of everything just like she had said. Natalie had printed out Facebook pictures of the people she went to school with and written things I should know about them. I studied everything until I heard the front door open downstairs. I paused for two long seconds before stashing the book behind the pillow I was leaning on and dashing out of Natalie's room.

"Natty? Honey?" A female voice called from downstairs. I breathed in a shaky breath. I can do this.

"Up here, m-mom." I stuttered out softly, the name feeling weird coming from my mouth. "Up here!" I spoke up more clearly. Natalie's mother, Kristen, came to the bottom of the stairs and smiled up at me. She was even more wonderful than in the pictures I had seen. I had never had a permanent mother, especially one that I could call mom. She obviously didn't know what a big deal this moment was to me so she continued on talking.

"Hey, Sweetie. Grab your shoes, we're meeting your father at the diner for dinner. We'll head over to Ava's game after. Sound good?" She asked. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice and headed back into the bedroom, grabbing the large purse and putting on a pair of black UGGs that were sitting near Natalie's door. I headed down the stairs, jumping from a couple steps before the ground.

"Careful." Kristen scolded. I smiled at her and she opened the front door, letting me walk ahead of her to the car. I watched out the window as she drove down the street towards La Push's little diner, I need to remember where this was so I could get here in the future because Natalie would most definitely know where this diner was.

And right now, I was Natalie.

I stayed quiet for most of dinner, just observing my new parents. I had a book with tons of information about them but that really didn't tell me who they were. I knew their name's were Kristen and Scott and that they had the bedroom at the end of the hall, but I didn't know what their favorite foods were or how they met. I hoped I would eventually learn these things about them…

After dinner we drove to the small neighboring town of Forks to go to Ava's lacrosse game. I sat on the cold metal bleachers, drumming my fingers against the linoleum and humming softly to myself. I didn't know anyone here. A few of their pictures were vaguely familiar but other than that, I couldn't tell you a single one of their names. I had learned half way into the game that Ava's number was 12 so I made sure to cheer her on at the appropriate times, hoping I was acting like Natalie.

Did Natalie go to her sister's games? Did she cheer from the stands? Did she sit near her parents instead of with her friends?

Well, she did now.

I watched as a girl and a boy walked, hand in hand, in front of the bleachers I was sitting on. They were both tan and beautiful. The boy was taller than her but they were still both tall, he was leaning down a little and whispering in her ear causing her to smirk. He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist making her smile up at him. They looked Quileute. I wonder if Natalie knew them...she probably did.

I really need to study that book some more before school tomorrow…

The girl caught my eye as she walked by and tilted her head to the side for a second. I was a little embarrassed to have been caught starring but I couldn't bring myself to look away. She held my gaze as she continued walking and her smirk become a little more prominent. She wiggled her fingers at me and I was quick to send a little wave back to her.

I snapped out of my trance as the spectators cheered for the Forks/La Push team that had just scored the winning goal. I glanced back to where the two tan people had last been but no one was there.

"Hellooo." My twin drawled from the other end of the phone. "Natalie!" I whisper yelled, relief washing through me. She hadn't been picking up her phone and, of course, I had been expecting the worse. "Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you forever, I thought you were dead!" I did my best to keep my voice down since Ava and the Khan parents were in the house. She laughed, obviously not bothered by how concerned I was.

"Oh Nikki, I'm fine. I got into the city a few hours ago, then I was getting dinner. Did you know they have Chinese food everywhere? I love Chinese food but the only place you can get it is Port Angeles. Sesame chicken is my favorite. Do you like Chinese food because if you do then we—"

"Nat." I interrupted. "Focus." How was she not freaking out right now? She was in a new city, all alone, and I was pretending to be her. I was dying and I hadn't even started school yet. Oh boy, school.

"Er...right...sorry." She muttered. "I checked into this little motel, I'll head out to follow my leads tomorrow." I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

"Natalie, I get this is a big deal and everything and I want this just as much as you do but I need to know that you have my back. I don't know you that well but I am trusting you with something monumental here. Don't let me fail and screw up. I want everything to end well but if it doesn't, you'll still be there for me...right?" I asked, chewing on my bottom lip.

"Oh, Nikki." She sighed. "Of course I will always be there, we're sisters, and it will work out." She always sounded so confident when she talked about this, it made me want to believe her so badly.

"We write our own destiny. We become what we do." She told me in her best, wise voice.

"Huh?" I asked, not really sure where she was taking this conversation. She giggled softly and I could hear the crinkle of a wrapper.

"I don't know, that was what my fortune cookie said, I thought it might help." Well, it didn't, but it made me smile a little...and become incredibly confused.

"Okay, Nat, thanks."

"Good luck tomorrow, you'll do great, I know you will." She promised. I nodded my head and fiddled with the edge of her pillowcase. She was definitely the more confident twin...or at least the one who knew how to get what she wanted. "Oh, and you have a history test first period! Love you! Bye!" My mouth dropped. I had a history test tomorrow? But I hadn't studied! I took another big breath.

That's okay.

I didn't have a history test tomorrow, Natalie did. There was nothing to worry about.

After all, if we really become what we do like the fortune cookie says, then I would be Natalie and Natalie didn't usually study. So basically, that Chinese mumbo-jumbo was telling me not to study because it was my destiny to be Natalie for a few days.

Yeah...that sounded about right…