Reviews for The Voice
Guest chapter 1 . 10/4/2019
God I’m such a sap, who authorized you to make me feel emotions? It’s so gooooood! I’ve binged your entire USUK archive and honestly my heart can’t take much more. Congratulations on fantastic writing and characterization!
itsundere chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
I absolutely loved this story,like oh my god,I teared up at the end.I always had a thing for sci-fi romance stories and this is just perfect because it also includes one of my favourite ships! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing fic!
NoMeLlamoAlfred chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
Mahogany chapter 1 . 3/16/2017
Man, this is sp beautiful. I cry
Kokoa Kirkland chapter 1 . 1/14/2017
Arthur fue totalmente adorable c:
Kirani56 chapter 1 . 11/22/2015
I love this story! Beautiful meaning and great character depth :3
Thanks for writing it!
Iggy Butt chapter 1 . 7/11/2015
As always, love your work! It's so beautiful and touching.
Please write more!
Chiisaioni chapter 1 . 1/26/2015
And I'm off to study physics, because I want to work for NASA :D
I don't think that the last sentence is whorish. It's more like the ultimate statement of Alfred's love for whole being that is The Voice.
Really melting hearts :)
name chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
I love the way alfres described arthur when he saw him. Aaand the last line really made my heart ache with feels, its really heart warming!
theSardonyx chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
It's so weird how people can be worried about not liking somebody they've been talking to, and liking, for a year and a half or any other long expanse of time when they've met in person. Because that would mean that appearances mean something. I mean, it does, but in this way, wouldn't it be like the way the other person looks is more important that whatever you learned from them before? Like all the trust that you've built up, the secrets you share, the banters that you went through, the things you find similar, they're like insignificant in the face of appearances because all the former ones would be forgotten because of a simple "I don't like how this guy looks like" or "I don't like how this guy dresses". It's all so weird to me.

So I agree with Alfred. Whoever is behind the things said in between, they are the same with whoever you see. At least, as long as they're really the same person and not someone pretending to be that person... Let's not delve into that. Anyway, you cannot not like someone you've liked even though you've never met. At least for me.

Alfred didn't sound "whorish". To me, he sounded like he realized a lot of things in his life, all reflected in that last quote, which is actually a good technique. It's a closed ending, or maybe open-ish, which makes it good in terms of effect. Again, meanings are lost when you come face-to-face with something that offers more of a philosophical or abstract look in things. So that last sentence would be full of meaning, casting aside beliefs, making others stronger, realizations and things learnt. And stuff.

Write on.!
Justaway Ninja chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
XD Can I just say, you weren't joking about the being specific with USUK romance thing. :P (Sorry, I did kinda stalk you to your fave stories page. I hope you don't mind, um...) It looks like you have a lot of USUK stuff I can look forward to reading! :D And I like the whole idea of 'The Voice'. :) Frankly, I'm not surprised Arthur would come up with an idea like this just to get to know Alfred. The poor man really needs more confidence. :3

Good job! :) Now I'm really glad you came and commented for me. I'm so lucky. XP
Whymsical chapter 1 . 7/4/2013
I don't think the last line made Alfred look whorish at all! He seemed more like...a lost puppy or something. XD It was a really sweet story, and I'll admit I've reread it on more than one occasion. Awesome job!
TeaAndUmbrellas chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
That was very sweet! I loved the idea so much :) Goodness how scary it would be for both of them to actually meet though! (shudders at the very thought). Good thing Alfred manages to be so very not awkward. Which is why they work, I suppose xD Thanks for a lovely story!
watch-me-write chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
I... I can't even begin to describe how wonderful this was D': This is a reasonably short story, but for like half of it I kind of just made high-pitched squealing noises of pleasure and fangirlyness, I'm surprised my flatmate didn't come in and wonder what the hell I was screeching about XD

This is lovely and sweet and I just love it all. I think it makes sense that Alfred was hesitant about the whole meeting in person thing, because I really do think it's quite different from talking through an ear piece for a year and a half, but I knew he'd love Arthur when he met him anyways X3 As for the last line, I thought it fit too. As you said, he doesn't class his apartment or even Earth as home, but it feels like it is with Arthur and oh god it's just so beautiful it makes me want to cry ;A;

Great story, it gave me the USUK feels like you wouldn't believe :')
Corey5268 chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
I love the last line, actually. It strikes me as more sweet than whorish.
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