Reviews for Everlasting Light
StanaBanana chapter 3 . 9/9/2017
I'm getting addicted to the dash series! Really love it, thanks!
SeannysMom chapter 3 . 12/23/2015
Another beautiful story that tells in detail what we had learned in Dash Away. Very interesting. Thank you.
Hazmatt chapter 3 . 6/11/2015
Amazing story! I really enjoyed it!
Divasand chapter 3 . 12/20/2014
Ok, I already mentioned this in the previous chapter, and I know it doesn't really have to to with the story, but it really is subliminally spreading incorrect myths about colic, formula and breastfeeding, and I don't think these myths need to be perpetuated...the future mothers reading this story don't need this in the back of their minds. Firstly, a mother has the right to feed her baby however she wishes, but switching to formula for colic is not in any way necessary or proven to be helpful. (Myth 1) nursing mothers are also fine to drink a bit of coffee- a cup or two a day is fine, as is a glass of wine. occasionally. Granted, if your baby is colicky, you may try cutting out various foods to see if it helps, but it usually has nothing to do with feeding practices.
Ok, phew, I will get off of my doula soap box now and go back to enjoying where the story goes.
Divasand chapter 2 . 12/20/2014
Have you got something against breastfeeding? Just curious why the need to mention switching to formula. Have to admit that as a lactation specialist, I found it needlessly off putting.
CileSuns92 chapter 3 . 10/3/2013
Okay, before I comment on this short companion, let me tell you, I've been obsessed with the song you used for the title. I probably played it all through the reading of the story, and on and off all day. It's haunting and smooth and...I don't know, I just found a new band to obsess over with, at least for a little while. Thank you! I'm probably biased here, because I usually put songs I love in titles/stories, so I tend to think people do the same, and sometimes a song can really change the way I read a piece. Thank you for The Black Keys!

Now, onto the real review.

Somehow, it didn't surprise me that Alexis got a little bit left out in all the madness that were the first weeks with Dashiell. She's quiet and an almost-adult, it's hard to lose track of these things. I'm glad we witnessed the moment when Kate finally accepted the Castles into her life. Dash is hers, and it was only natural for her to accept him right away, but for a very solitary individual like Kate Beckett it must have been a shock to have someone depending solely on her like Dash, or someone hovering around her all day, like Castle. I understand why it took her so long to accept this, but it was beautiful to see the change in her.

The proposal was perfect, even with Rick's understandable hesitation, and Kate quiet and excited astonishment. The ring, the moment after, opening their presents, all just fit seamlessly into this universe.

Thank you for this, and the great musical suggestions! Florence and The Machine was nothing less than perfect as well ;)
conservativegirl chapter 3 . 6/9/2013
Awwww, amazing story! So very, very sweet! I didn't realize that a bunch of these were prequels but I love it:)
Mark C chapter 3 . 5/17/2013
This was really amazing and it gives me more understanding to the events in the story that created this prequel.

Kate was so not use to being in a family but felt so welcome by Rick and his that she didn't know what to do. I think that it was through that and having Dash that she finally said yes to marrying Rick.

I liked how Kate and Alexis grew closer here. It meant the world to both of them to find out how they felt for each other.

The ending was wonderful because it felt like they were finally becoming a real family.
ER-Freaky chapter 3 . 8/19/2012
I have no idea what I can or should say to you other than I love it. I love that I got to see the beginning of Kate and Alexis. The engagement was perfect. 3
SparkleMouse chapter 3 . 7/4/2012
Castle releases it into her grip and she moans, bringing it straight to her mouth even as she struggles to sit up. Even after a long time away, she's too practiced to even spill a drop, and it pours hot and rich and decadent down her throat and directly to her veins. - Such an amazing feeling.

"I don't even write Nikki Heat - all that comes out is poetry. Stupid, free verse poems about how you look when you hold Dash, about how it feels to have the bed warm with your body next to mine. I write about how Dashiell's eyes have changed color, how you sat between my legs in bed the first night we were home - both of us watching him sleep." - CLENCHY!

"It's all I want to write. For the rest of my life. I know I'll get back to Nikki Heat, to whatever else is out there, but these are the stories I was meant to tell, Kate." - WHY IS HE SO PERFECT?

"Kate Beckett."

Oh God-

"Please marry me." - I love how I'm nervous for her answer and scrolling slowly even though I know they get married lol.

Love this so much. These stories make me so happy.
SparkleMouse chapter 2 . 7/4/2012
"It's fine. I should've realized," she says, shaking her head. She's got tears in her eyes, which stuns him. Throughout her whole pregnancy, she never let the hormones get the best of her. At least, not where he could see. She's spent so long tightly in control of her facial expressions and her body, so long disciplined to be stoic and reserved that not even pregnancy could sway her.- Oh Kate. She makes me want to cry a little. That she has to take off the ring, that it's her fault. Poor baby.

"Can you wear it on one of your fingers?" he suggests.

Kate shakes her head. "It's too small." - Crap. That made me cry a little.

"Kate? Tell me you know. Tell me you think of this as our family, together. Tell me-" His voice breaks and she curses herself for her wandering, post-pregnancy-hormonal mind, reaches a hand up to his cheek, brushing her thumb over his mouth.

"I do. I do; I'm sorry. I can't manage to pay attention long enough to have an intelligent conversation, Castle." She huffs on a laugh and lifts her head to look at him, hoping the humor does what she can't seem to figure out how to do - reassure him, soothe him. - It's so hard to read this which of course means you're pulling it off perfectly.

"I have vivid, sexual dreams about caffeine. It's rather obscene."

Castle laughs harder, momentarily falling away from her, his eyes twinkling like the Christmas lights. "Am I in these dreams?"

She grins back. "You bring me coffee. And then it's just me and the caffeine." - Hahaha that's wonderful.

Castle stares at her for a long second, hungrily soaking her in. "Gorgeous, you are just. . ." - Sigh.

Alexis gives her a soft, happy smile - something entirely too tender and knowing for this conversation. "I think you'll end up loving what happens next, Kate. Even if. . .well, just know that we love you too. - Ringggggg.
SparkleMouse chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
Still kind of knocks her breath from her body when she sees him. Tiny little thing, narrow little face and greying eyes and that thick, dark hair. Every day his eyes grow that much darker; it amazes her to watch. The pale skin over such small and delicate fingers. The way his mouth opens for her, his eyes locked on her face. - What a beautiful description.

She knew months ago that she loved the unborn surprise, but she just didn't have any idea how much. How very much. - Ugh now I just want to see her as a mom. A lot.

"Hey, bubba." - Oh PS. I started to call my roommate's cat that. It just came out of my mouth and I was like Oh, so Dash has seriously infiltrated my whole life lol.

Uh, okay. Kate shifts to keep her balance as she rocks, and it pulls the baby out of Alexis's reach - entirely accidental - but Alexis drops her hand and steps back, something shuttered in her eyes. Kate curses her lack of dexterity but doesn't know how to fix this. She knows that Alexis knows more about her and Castle's awkward relationship issues than the girl probably should, but she doesn't know how to fix that either. - I love Kate's uh okay because she seems annoyed by Alexis too hahaha. But no I love knowing how their relationship changes from this. It's really nice.

careful of the soft spot. - Soft spots creep me out.

has he not even been writing? the laptop's battery is probably dead now - Love the foreshadowing of this. And also that she hasn't even realized that Alexis and Dash are siblings.

In fact, there's no bassinet either. So hopefully the two are together somewhere - LOL.

"It was the first time I got to hold him," Alexis says softly. - That makes me sad.

At least he's got his kids who want to snuggle with him. Even Dashiell snuggles. Just not Kate. - Aw Castle, she will. Eventually.
AshLiz chapter 3 . 6/28/2012
Such a cute story!
TrapperII chapter 3 . 5/7/2012
Great proposal scene. The perfect mix of hesitance and joy.
TrapperII chapter 2 . 5/7/2012
Kate chose her gift well :). But I don't think Castle needed anything more than this:

She hears the choked noise that works out between her lips and then buries her face in his neck, hugging him with one arm as tightly as she can, her other hand keeping Dash still on her lap, knowing it's not nearly enough but unable to speak. Happy doesn't even begin to cover it.
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