Reviews for Modern Hyrule
Kurama The Platinum Zoroark chapter 23 . 8/6/2015
Is Kevin on crack or something, because he seems to be the least stable of anyone in this fan-fiction, and yes that includes Zant. He's still ******* Hilarious though.
HylianMelodies chapter 36 . 2/20/2015
Three words for an anime

Sword Art Online

Two series one ongoing of games, humor and way too serious main characters. Needless to say I liked it.
KnownForHardlyNothing chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
If there was a theme park like that I would do literally almost anything to get into it. Even If It was being made like 600 years in the future and I had to a find a way to get seven more lifetimes to be able to go to It.
the real kevin chapter 18 . 12/5/2014
i swear i love my POV i wish the story had continued further.I always wondered if i die.
M aeeeeee chapter 36 . 9/1/2014
Ooh! I Like Soul Eater and Fairy Tail and Fruits Basket! Update soon! I like the story!
khalistani chapter 2 . 8/24/2014
please update this was fantastic
Guest chapter 36 . 3/13/2014
please get writing back on track
devilsTorment chapter 36 . 2/2/2014
For the anime question, I love watching the Naruto series! Epically since it's got ninjas! But if you decide to try it, just Google Naruto episode one on ! But the beginning is kinda slow. Try it out! Please and thank you!
I don't really write, but I want to try!
And I'm good, thanks for asking! How are you?
By the way, LOVE the story! It really great! And quick question: What happened to Dovetail? It was going so well, and then it stopped. Why?
AgoTheTiny chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
gah, female dakota D: never a male, I'm the only one... :'C
Guest chapter 36 . 1/28/2014
Huehuehuehuehe what episode are you on now ewe
If you like Sherlock-esque stuff try Gosick. 24 episodes and that's all uvu/
I think I'm pretty much inactive in my ffn account unless I can actually continue writing my AC3 fic.
TheMedicSoldier chapter 36 . 1/28/2014
CameronKirkland13 chapter 36 . 1/28/2014
My deepest apologies if I am bothering you with the long reviews.
I actually don't watch anime.
One of my stories is going well. My other I'm not really working on because my writing style has changed since I started them and I don't really like how I wrote then.
I've actually had the flu the last couple of days so I'm not doing fantastically. But I was eating blue jello just now and I thought, "Hey, it's like I'm drinking Blue Potion!" Sorry that was random.
And I'm so happy that you put in Ricky! :D
CameronKirkland13 chapter 35 . 1/28/2014
I'm gonna answer all of your questions because I'm weird like that.
My holiday was good. My dad got me Twilight Princess!
I don't have 3ds so I can't play A Link Between Worlds.
When I watched the first Percy Jackson movie I wanted to chuck the tv out the window. In Sea of Monsters I was ripping my hair out and screaming in such rage I think I blew out a couple hundred brain cells. If my friend had let me, I would've been ranting for hours.
Sorry that was so long. I do have one quick question though; did you'd draw this story's cover?
TheMedicSoldier chapter 35 . 1/28/2014
Aww yeah! We have started getting back together, I shall be with you guys hopefully soon...WITH MAH CHU-BUCKS.
Guest chapter 34 . 1/23/2014
Can you update. p.s. you can try to include sword kirby as his hat looks like links.
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