Hello everyone! Just let me say that since I'm already working on Dovetail, this story might not be frequently updated, as I can multitask skillfully at almost anything except "the second story" but I wanted to get started on this idea while "the force was with me." This story is actually based off a dream I had a couple of months back that I never actually forgot because it was so crazy but failed to recall some of the details until I dug out my journal and found a record of it. Anyway, part of the dream itself will be changed/added/deleted, as they made no sense what-so-ever. I just wanted to clear that up before you get to far into this story. Please enjoy and leave a review on your way out ^_^

Disclaimer: Do I look Japanese? No, I don't think so! Therefore I cannot be the owner of Legend of Zelda. If I was Gannondork would have bit the big one a loooooong time ago and Vaati and Ghirahim would have taken over as the main villains, for they are more awesome than Gannonpork could ever hope to be.

My three friends and I stood outside the chain link fence surrounding the large theme park. Unfortunately, I was the only one who actually seemed to give a care about where we happened to be. When I had heard that a Legend of Zelda theme park was opening near where we lived I had been chomping at the bit for weeks until I finally wore my mom down enough to get her to cave.

Though, I suppose I should have filled my friends in a bit more about our destination. I had showed up at school waving around three tickets (in addition to my own) that said "Admit One" without giving the name of the park or any additional information.

They had been ecstatic at the prospect of going to a park because there are none nearby in North Carolina unless you count the county fair that rolls through every October. None of us ever get to go to a park that stays in its location permanently unless we were to go to Bushe Gardens in Virginia.

What I hadn't mentioned was the park was Zelda themed, and I was the only one in my group of friends who actually played the games. Which was probably why as we stood outside the gates, two were giving me vacant stares and the other was glaring at me in a very annoyed fashion.

"Really, Ruby?" Ginger asked glaring at me and then glaring at the sign, "Usually, I think you're pretty smart. But when it comes to these game and anime type things, I sometimes wonder about you."

"You're one to talk!" I snapped, somehow managing to sound angry and stare dreamily at the sign on the front gate, "Miss wii-rock-band-rocks-socks!"

"Now there's something I'd like to see," she stated, crossing her arms, "A Rock Band theme park built around here instead of this stupid 'Modern Hyrule' place."

Ginger looked even more pumped for a Rock Band theme park, with her dark blue jeans, heart-breaker T-shirt, black leather jacket, and those orange highlights in her hair that I swear, if you looked directly at them you'd go blind.

I was about to ask her how the freakin' HECK you could build a theme park based on Wii Rock Band when another of my friends, Dakota, jumped in.

"Now personally, I think it might be fun," she challenged Ginger, "after all, you never know until you try!"

Dakota usually stands up for me whenever something like this comes up. But she makes up for it when she picks on me because I like Bleach. It really doesn't matter though, because I know she's just messing with me when she does that.

Ginger "hmphed" and returned to her contemplation of the design for a Rock Band theme park while we waited for the gates to open. I had purposefully told them to meet me an hour before it opened so we could be the first ones through the gate. Unfortunately, it appeared that I wasn't the only one with that idea. Something that further ticked Ginger off after she found out how many people were gathered outside and how early we were.

I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose before turning to my last friend. "So what say you, Kevin?" I asked.

Kevin looked at me, seeming a bit uncomfortable at the fact that he was the only boy in our little group. "I don't know," he shrugged, "I guess it might be fun."

Then he gave me a truly chilling smile. "You know what would make it even MORE fun?" he asked.

"What?" I replied nervously.

"If you'd let me wear your stupid hat!" he cried, reaching up and snatching the Shadow Link style cosplay hat off my head.

"Hey!" I shouted, attempting to reclaim the lost hat.

Kevin ran off toward the gate, laughing all the way with me pursuing him.

"I've got the stupid Link hat!" he shouted, before tripping over his own feet and landing on his face in the middle of the path leading to the gate and (the gate not the path) had unfortunately just opened.

Poor Kevin stood up only to be nearly trampled to death by a crowd of crazed Zelda fans. It was probably a bit cruel but as soon as the storm passed I trotted over to him and reclaimed my Shadow Link hat.

"You lose, punk!" I laughed replacing it on my head.

"Aww, but I wanted to wear the stupid hat!" he whined, pretending to pout.

I rolled my eyes and helped him to his feet before taking a normal, green Link hat from my shoulder bag and plopping it on his head. Kevin pumped his fist in the air and went flying through the open gate while screaming, "look every one! I'm a nerd wearing a stupid Link hat!" earning him laughs and a few dirty looks from the more serious Zelda fans.

I shook my head and motioned for Dakota and Ginger to follow me. We were finally in and from the looks of it, we would have to catch up with Kevin before anything else.


"Excuse me!" I cried, pushing through crowds of people in an attempt find the hyperactive boy.

"Figures," Ginger snorted, "we're in this park for five seconds and Kevin's already managed to get himself lost."

"Why don't we split up and go look for him?" Dakota suggested, pulling several maps from the nearby sign and handing them out, "We're in the Hyrule Castle Town Market right now, let's meet back here in an hour to regroup if we don't find him.

Ginger nodded, "sounds good," she agreed, "we should find that knucklehead within the hour, though. I'll search from here to the castle. Dakota, you take the area from here to the Minish Village. And Ruby, you take from here and search this area, the Faron Woods."

"Geeze Gin," I said, "I don't know, the Faron Woods is a pretty big area."

Ginger rolled her eyes, "then knowing him, that's where he ran off to. Now get going, you!"

She turned and stomped off in her assigned direction while Dakota and I headed off in ours. Here we were in the most awesome park known to man and we had to look for a hyper kid before we could check anything else out! When we found Kevin, I was going to smack him hard on that pointed head of his!