Reviews for Crazy Quest
TheWeaselette chapter 3 . 5/29/2009
nearby buvljak? stari krojaci? ok, ovo mi se svidja :)
kathyhime85 chapter 9 . 3/29/2003
Broadwaypoetess chapter 9 . 10/27/2002
Fab! Lved every moment, but, especially SNAPE! Germany, Paris, andd Italy were great (I went there o'er the summer, it was VERY big for me, the little Upstate New Yorker that I am)!

Loved it! Sequels wouldbe appreciated! (the Trelawney*Snape was weird but funny)
Broadwaypoetess chapter 7 . 10/27/2002
America takes no offense
Broadwaypoetess chapter 6 . 10/27/2002
I go to a Roman Catholic Church, WE'RE highly decorated! Not as nice as the ones in Europe though. I think we have frescos on the ceilings. Ahaha! Loved the bit where the priests swore!
Cheo The Ragdoll Slut chapter 9 . 9/6/2002
WONDERFUL STORY! I fully enjoyed it! Are you a Severus/Sybil shipper too? I love that you paired them up together! I don't know why, but they are soooo meant to be!

My fave part was when Flitwick had the fight with that huge Gypsy, and hit him on the head with the mellon!(I love that reference to Allo' Allo'!)

Keep writing these humor stories! And, if you really are a Severus/Sybil fan, I would love to see some romance stories between the two!

P.S. Thanks for reviewing my Allo' Allo' story, I really appreciate it!
TragicEndings79 chapter 4 . 5/20/2002
This is hilarious (did spell that right?)! Continue it. I'm printing it out for my friend and she thinks it very funny. I'm putting this on my favorite list.
Nataly Ravenlock chapter 4 . 5/17/2002
You really have way, way, way too much free time.
electricnats chapter 2 . 5/15/2002
It's good, but I have to admit it needs a little work. Don't take offence coz I said this, I'm only saying what I think. But if you update it, then I won't be as firm on you. Please try to read my stories if you can.

Analensey chapter 1 . 5/14/2002
It's good please continue with the next chapter...please

Slytherin Serpent
Ailsa chapter 1 . 5/14/2002
This is Funny. More, I like this, but Julia Sprout? Oh well, It isn't as if I could think of a better name.
Medrelina the Weird chapter 1 . 5/14/2002
Flitwick's first name is Filius, it's on a trading card. Keep up the good work!