Reviews for Psychosomatic Monsters
Secret chapter 3 . 9/22/2018
I LOVE this story so far!
Honestly the first chapter got me hooked!
Eye chapter 10 . 11/14/2017
Eye chapter 8 . 11/14/2017
All these personality changes reminds me of when cyborg and beastboy find ravens mirror on Teen Titans
IFeelLikeIzaya3 chapter 42 . 6/24/2017
Well~ well~ Review number four-hundred and one~! Ahhh~! This was such a great read~! I love the ending, this is one of the first stories (from real books to fanfiction) that ever had an ending that resolved and solve the problem. But it was just the right mix to not add any questions~ I love this fanfic~!
ashleytorres2123 chapter 42 . 3/15/2017
This is the 400th review! Omgosh there is no doubt as to why! This story was very beautiful, although dark. I'm so happy I stumbled upon it. You have amazing talent as a writer! Your imagery is amazing! Everything I read, I could visualize. I also loved how you were able to make us readers feel the emotional pain with each of the alternates and Shizuo and Izaya. Every word, every thought, I felt as if I were seeing myself in their shoes. This idea of dissassiciative identity disorder was also really neat! TBH, this was my first fanfic I e read that involved the alternates because I never really understood them being in stories when they're part of Izaya and Shizuo to begin with. However, the use of the alternates work I this story and I'm glad I gave this one a chance. Thank you so much, again for your hard work and time dedicated for this fic. Expect to see me lurking in your other works! (:
ashleytorres2123 chapter 34 . 3/15/2017
Gosh this chapter was really beautiful and special. But then it had to get all sad at the end. ToT

I noticed that Izaya said that sex with Shizuo made him feel complete again and that "mentally" it was a lot to take in. Could this have something to do with shizuo's other personalities shining through Shizuo all at once? I wonder how psyche, roppi, and hibaya will react to this? Were they able to hear Shizuo proclamation of love?

I just noticed that this fic is so far in and Shizuo and Izaya just barely had sex. I know their other personalities fooled around a lot, but Shizuo and Izaya really had only done so like 3 times before the actual act. One day of them just dry humping lol. I like that though.
ashleytorres2123 chapter 31 . 3/14/2017
Another chapter and I'm still crying! Like, ugly crying. The past 2 scenes have been so sad and romantic. Will Roppi and Tsuki get a chance to say goodbye too? Will Shizuo lose Izaya to his madness? I'm hyperventilating here!
ashleytorres2123 chapter 30 . 3/14/2017
I am literally bawling my eyes out. This chapter has so far been the saddest one yet. I hate goodbyes too...

And the way Shizuo is silently looking out for Izaya because he loves him and even admitted he's selfish enough to keep him even when he's losing's so heart wrenching. And poor Izaya depicted as slowly fading really breaks my heart. I just want him to get better already.

And poor psyche and tsugaru too! I'm saddened because both shizuo's counterparts are lying to Izaya and his counterpart to protect them. And I just can't stop crying! Ugh. I always become emotional when I'm PMSing.

Great job on this chapter. I'm looking forward to continue reading the rest of this story. You probably won't see this, as it's been years since your last update, but I'm really looking forward to reading more of your work. Thank you so much!
random chapter 42 . 3/14/2017
This is so damn awesome, brilliant, amazing, i can't even think about words to describe how much i love this fic. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. *wipes tears*
JAFootnote chapter 42 . 8/14/2016
Ah the classic story of destroying who you were before in order to create who you will be. And of course who would be more fitting for such a trope than Ikebukuro's two god-like monsters? Ne, very well done~
Jxzzyra chapter 42 . 3/22/2016
This is officially one of my top favourite Shizaya fanfiction
xBornxOfxFlamesx chapter 42 . 1/12/2016
Absolutely brilliant! LOVED the idea, the story, everything! You painted such a vivid picture. A true pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing this with all of us!
Froid chapter 42 . 10/11/2015
So, I actually just found your story like, yesterday..? And read all of it in one go (sacrificing my sleep time, yes)
And it's TOTALLY worth it. You even make me cry (literally) not only once, but twice, no, thrice..Oh what the hell, I lost count of it already...
I love the twisted izaya, the way you describe his losing sanity
I love the way you describe every character, the way they interacted with each other...especially izaya,shizuo,delic,ropp
I heart the Hitachiin twins chapter 3 . 10/8/2015
Does Shizu-chan have schizophrenia? Oh, a hard one... Poor Shizuo.
victory over death chapter 42 . 10/6/2015
This sweet and all
But I'm kinda frustrated that Izaya has to take pills for the rest of his life. Shizuo wouldn't even take his own pills at the beginning.
I like crazy Izaya though but it makes me a little sad.
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