Reviews for The CEO's Assistant
c28no chapter 37 . 7/31
This fanfic is LITERALLY Perfection! I didn’t get a chance to read this fix for months, but nowwwwww that I have read this I am literally mad that I did not read this earlier lol. I went through so many emotions it was pathetic. I was thinking I was in a movie lol great great job!
Mowatts87 chapter 37 . 11/7/2018
I know I'm extremely late but this is an awesome story. Glad I found it!
Emestee1 chapter 37 . 3/11/2018
Yes, this is my 2nd time reading your brilliant Samcedes fanfiction! Definitely worth the read, Loved it. Thank you for contributing to Samcedes fanfiction.
whoknowstv chapter 36 . 12/12/2017
Yes, I am reading this story again. I simply love it. So sue me!
Guest chapter 37 . 1/20/2016
This was a Damn rollercoaster ride! I absolutely loved it great job!
Guest chapter 33 . 12/22/2015
That was so beautiful,I'm in tears right now but at least they are happy tears at this point.
whoknowstv chapter 37 . 11/30/2015
What! There's going to be a sequel?! When is it going to be up? I'm looking forward to reading it.
Emmma chapter 37 . 8/9/2015
Can't wait to read the sequel!
Guest chapter 37 . 5/26/2015
Hi hope we get the sequel soon!
Lamimi25 chapter 37 . 1/24/2015
I know this story is damn near 3 years old but I saw it on a Samcedes great fanfic list so I had to read it. I also saw that you had over 1K reviews and I thought if that many people commented then this story must be on point and I was right. This was not only entertaining plot but it was funny too. I love you as a writer but this story is by far my fav. Thanks for bringing this to life you're amazing

bcandylandgirl chapter 37 . 1/6/2015
Just finished reading your fic for the first time. I must admit, it took quite a few evenings to get thru. lol. But anything that can intrigue me day after day is the best kind of writing. Thank you for taking us all on a journey of love, faith building and forgiveness. It was a wonderful ride. And the fact that you were able to use my two favorite characters to do it? Cherry on top my love, cherry on top. Thank you! God bless. ; )
Issyabeller6791 chapter 37 . 10/31/2014
Ohh any new ideas ? would love another journey...
Emestee1 chapter 37 . 10/24/2014
Thank you! I truly enjoyed that fanfiction. You have definitely got to write another Samcedes fanfiction!
Guest chapter 37 . 9/12/2014
Can we have some more with Stevie and them all together x
jacquelinehogan922 chapter 37 . 8/13/2014
This was the best story ever. Thank you for creating and sharing.
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