I don't own Glee or any of it's characters, I just like to make them a little angsty from time to time.

It wasn't supposed to end this way…hell, it wasn't even supposed to have begun in the first place.

As Mercedes stared down at the positive pregnancy test she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes again. She promised herself she wouldn't cry anymore, not about this. She had dreams, and a 5 year plan and being single, jobless, and pregnant at 26 wasn't a part of any it. How could she have let this happen? How could she have been so stupid? How could she have fell for him?

Her mama always warned her about letting herself fall for a pretty smile and even prettier words, but Mercedes never worried about it because she knew she was too smart for that. And she was too smart…until she met him. At the beginning she hated him and he hated her but like the saying goes, there is a thin line between love and hate and at some point they crossed it. Well, she did at least. She fell head over heels for him despite all the warnings and for a while it was perfect. But because nothing could truly be perfect the cracks started to show. The lies were revealed. The things done in the dark were brought to light. Their shiny, happy, perfect world was shattered and she was the one that suffered.

Mercedes was pulled sharply out of her thoughts by her cell phone ringing shrilly on the bathroom counter. She picked it up and started dully at the name on the screen. It was him. She looked at her call log and was surprised to see that it was the 22nd time he had called in the last thirty minutes. She wondered briefly how she could have been oblivious to all of those calls, but then she glanced back down at the little white stick in her hand and it all came rushing back to her. It's kind of hard to hear a cell phone's ringtone when everything in your life systematically changes. The phone rang again and Mercedes glared down at it as if it were the reason for all of her problems. Once upon a time it would have warmed her heart to see him trying so hard to get in touch with her but now she felt nothing. She knew at this point that he must have finally found the letter of resignation she'd slipped on his desk when he was away and he was calling her to demand an explanation. She knew she had taken the coward's way out by not telling him face to face that she was quitting but she knew her weaknesses and he was one of them. She knew that if she stared into those piercing green eyes of his and he asked her to stay then she would, no question. She loved him so much, but too much had happened for them to ever go back to the way they were. Too many words had been said that couldn't be taken back. Too many lies had been told that couldn't be forgiven. Too many secrets existed for there to ever be trust again. Leaving was breaking her heart but staying wouldn't have broken her soul. He had taken too much from her already, he couldn't have that as well.

Once again Mercedes looked down at the white stick in her hand and somehow despite it all she felt a small smile start to form on her face. He may have taken so much from her, but he had given her one precious thing as well. She rubbed her belly softly and closed her eyes and said a quick prayer. She was not ready for this and it wasn't in her plans but she would make it work. She had to, her child was depending on her. Mercedes took a deep breath and tossed the pregnancy test in the trash. She debated keeping it for the baby book but she decided against it because she could always take another one, and travelling with a used pregnancy test didn't sound like the best idea. Walking back through her living room Mercedes took a quick survey of all the boxes scattered across her apartment. Almost her entire life was boxed up and ready to be shipped off midway across the country. She quickly made sure everything was labeled correctly so it would be easy for the movers to just grab things and put them in the back of the truck. All the rest of the stuff that wasn't boxed up was left out for her friends to pillage through and take or throw away when they came and supervised the movers for her. Mercedes wished she could be there to oversee the move herself but she had to get to her new place and get things settled…or at least that was the lie she kept telling herself. She knew she was running from him. She knew that the second he got that letter he probably went on a rampage looking for her, and the fact that the calls to her cell phone had stopped was a pretty good indication that he was on his way to her apartment. Mercedes hated running, she hated feeling like a fugitive but she couldn't risk the alternative. If he found her before she left then she would stay and she deserved better than that. Their child deserved better than that.

The house phone that Mercedes never used and didn't feel like packing started to ring but she didn't bother glancing at the caller ID because she knew it was him. The sharp sound of the incessant ringing snapped Mercedes out of her reverie and she hurriedly grabbed her suitcase, purse, and keys that were by the door. She knew she was panicking and acting irrational but the ringing was about to stop and the answering machine would pick up and he would leave a message. As stupid as it was Mercedes wasn't even sure she would be strong enough to walk away if she heard his voice through a piece of machinery. She quickly shuffled out the door without a backwards glance and slammed it shut just as the last ring ended sharply and the answering machine clicked on,

"Hi, you've reached Mercedes. Sorry I missed you but if you leave your name, number, and brief message I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"

"Mercedes…Mercedes? It's me, Sam. Baby, I know you're there….please be there. I got your letter and I don't accept your resignation. You can't leave, do you hear me! You can't leave! Please…please don't leave me. I love you and we can work this out, it's all a misunderstanding. The baby is not mine its Stevie's. Just let me explain. Please? I'm almost there, just let me explain. I promise it will be okay. Mercedes…are you there?"