Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
It can be argued that you're simply a Bleach "fanboy" severely lacking in DMC knowledge. From reading your comment you're going purely off game play mechanics which are INSANELY limited to what Dante is ACTUALLY capable of because they're mash em up games and it would be boring as shit if we always had full access to Dante's full power. The little taste of it we get is in DMC2 where Dante is literally 100% immune to any and all damage and can one shot beings that are classified as superior to even gods. While not as powerful as he is in 2 (since 4 is before it in the timeline) DMC 4 Dante still by far out powers even Aizen in his later "God like" state in the manga. In fact based on Dantes own power, I'd place Ichigo as being even with Dante ONLY with Dante from DMC 3, prior to when his power started to rapidly grow. Then place Aizen above him from DMC 1 Dante where he was still Farley young, and I wouldn't place Aizen that much higher than him because by the end of 1 Dante was able to take on Mundus (albeit barely) a dimension twisting, space warping God that was thought to be totally undefeatable by He'll itself.
Dante gets vastly underestimated because well, for one he wants us to, it's been written in cannon as well as implied in game that Dante loves toying with his opponents or "prey" as it's listed in the cannon, before finishing them off, after all Dante is still a demon, a predetor, to the end. Just like a cat that could have easily killed it's quarry in one swipe, it instead bats it around and purposefully lets it go and run several times until it finally dies. And people who don't know much about the game and even other players underestimate him because for whatever reason they think our insane limitations for game play to prevent boredom is actually the cap of Dantes abilities. And that his "devil trigger" is truly limited, which it's not. If he wanted to Dante could take demon form all the time. Fact of the matter is he ends up growing so fucking powerful down the road that he can take on past god teir demons even in human form, his weak form. Which is also in cannon, later on Dante faces a more powerful version of Mundus in another dimension who was able to swat away Sparda, Vergil, and Dante. Our Dante ends up in this alternate dimension and kills this even stronger Mundus while in human form giving us the rare treat of under monologue from Dante which was simply "have I really grown this much stronger?" Because Dante has always been powerful and nothing short of Mundus was ever able to challenge him, he has no reference point for his own power. So facing the one enemy after he started to unlock his power that was able to come close to killing him and actually tired him out a second time and a more powerful version of that enemy is a eye opener for everyone.
If that's still not enough evidence let's look at the Dante and Vergil fights.
Vergil worshiped his demon heritage and spent his life training his power and gathering more power, while Dante shunned it and refused to learn more about his power, keeping it asleep. He was incredibly strong, fast, and durable still so he was able to take on anything that came after him, but he had no desire to learn about his demonic powers and hated his father.
Naturally because of the advantage of YEARS of having his demon power unlocked and learning to use it, Vergil was able to stomp Dante.
Then Dante unconsciously starts to unlock his demon power, which we witness gives him an incredible burst of power and energy. When he faces Vergil later that same day with having barely unlocked that power slightly, he ends with their match at a draw, if you don't realize how significant that is, setting apart a person with years of experience and training and power under their belt, against a literal rookie? That's huge. Then later we see Dante's power is continuing to grow because even though he fought Arkham who transformed into a twisted Sparda for far longer than Vergil did. He still wasn't worn out and stomped Vergil in the end. This is all over the course of a SINGLE DAY. Dante's growth in power was simply that insane that in a single day he went from getting trounced by someone with more experience (as would make sense) to trouncing that same person even though he himself was still a rookie.
And this is coming from someone who actually likes both Bleach and DMC close to the same the only gap between them for me is Bleach had some pretty unlikeable characters and their main character, Ichigo, from the beginning could have a ton of undeserved arrogance which really annoyed me for a while until he matured a bit. While Dante is more goofy and lovable, but still completely serious when it's called for. Really the only thing hat sets them apart for me.
Just annoys me how many people go off Dantes game play limitations as all he's capable of -.-
Dantes creators made him with the intention of him being the most OP character in the video game universe, and that's exactly what they did. I didn't even get into how Dante is actually capable of moving at or faster than the speed of light, or how he can make time come to a complete stop, because we could be here for weeks trying to name everything Dante is capable of.
So sorry but your knowledge of DMC is clearly lacking. Dante could crush the Bleach universe
Thought this I don't exactly disagree that the story was a bit messy, but he author cleared the air on that so, all is forgiven in my book.
kh axle roxas chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
hey guys bet u weren't expecting to hear from me again were u. well I'm back and I have to agree with everyone including guest that this story than sucked and I literally laughed at the haphazardly way of my writing then.I was what about 15 or 16 in my sophomore year and was getting into bleach I only watched 4 episodes and did some research cause I was lazy.

for that I am truly sry and I think u should know that after this troll story btw I was not intending to troll I just had no idea what I was writing about hek I just beat dmc 3 and 4 at that time too. Anyway, u should all know that I have been on a different account writing and I have to say the fan fiction s are 1. not appropriate for young viewers 2. some what crapy at the beginning of my first few but time went on and worked on my writing .

Granted I don't have lots of reviews but some are good and I had a few of em favoured by people.

So I ask u when u get the chance check out my newer fics again I was young and cried at how rude people reviewed my writing then. but I'm older now I learned to take criticism well I learn from it and bring better writing.

I appreciate all the negativity from u all because of u I pushed myself to become some what presentable with writing.

Now if u are familiar with code lyoko and inuyasha that's what my fics are on.

Also there are some true stories based on my experiences with things and I asked what should be done differently.
Lately I haven't been writing much I have no inspiration or time but I do have ideas . Scratch that I write in my note books and I type it when I can I have a few in the making.

anyway thanks guys and be sure to check out my new stuff .
Guest chapter 2 . 5/24/2015
When switching to a different speaker, it is recommended that you start a new paragraph. Having a giant wall of text with multiple speakers is proven to be confusing to the reader.
Somebody chapter 2 . 2/18/2015
Crap story from a DMC fan boy that knows crap worth about Bleach. Obvious Bleach trolling and bashing is all that i see here, nothing more than that. Oh yea...and crappy writing. And you are not even naming the abilities of Bleach characters properly. Banki? Zam pakuto? Really?! Can you be more than an obvious troll?

First...Ichigo's with his Zangetsu was strong enough to block Sokyoku, and Sokyoku was said to have a power of a million ordinary zampakto. And not only did Ichigo did that while in Shikai state, meaning much less power than what Bankai gives, but he did it without even flinching his arm. Dante also has some awesome durability and strength features, so here they are about equal. Albeit in the end, Dante wins in this department, because he can get stabbed multiple times and not feel it.
You portrayed Ichigo like he is some wimp who can't even hold a sword up and goes Bankai right of the bat without thinking. The only time we saw him go bankai right of the bat is when he was in Hueco Mundo, and when he was facing multiple strong hollows. He even fought Kempachi while in Shikai, and only constantly spammed Bankai against the Espada. This was Ichigo trolling part number 1.

Next, Shumpo or flash step...Ichigo's speed with Shumpo was so great that while in Bankai, even Byakuya had trouble keeping up with him, and Byakuya's own Shumpo was considered one of the fastest in Soul society, even by Captain standards.
Dante does not even compare to the speed of Shumpo. Sure, Dante can dodge bullets, but even a slower grade Shumpo is many dozen times faster than even the fastest bullet. And Ichigo has really fast grade Shumpo, meaning Ichigo is many times faster than something that is already many dozen times faster than a bullet.
If I am to place a bet here, at least speed wise, it would be Dante who would not get to blink an eye leash before Ichigo plants Zangetsu trough his gut.
The speed of Bleach characters is greatly underestimated, in many fanfics, and I don't know why. Their speed might not be at Dragon Ball Z standards, but most of Bleach mid-high and higher tier characters are casual hypersonic in range of mach 30 and above.
You, on the other hand, portrayed Ichigo to be a little faster than a snail. This was Ichigo trolling part number 2. severely underestimated the power of Ichigo's Getsuga tenshou. Sure, Dante has tanked some decent shit during his life time, but has he ever tanked to the face something that can rip apart a city block in an instant? No, I don't think so, not in the face at least. He would survive Getsuga tensho that I agree, but not without injury and certainly not without injury if a Bankai version of the attack hit him, which is,in terms of concentration is much more powerful than Shikai version. You portrayed Getsuga tensho like it is some, in your words, fireworks gone wrong. Obvious hate and spite towards Bleach. This was Ichigo trolling part number 3.

And yeah. The point is that, no I am not saying that Dante is a wimp, but I am saying that you portrayed Ichigo as a wimp, where in reality Ichigo would give Dante a run for his money, especially in Bankai. And if Ichigo uses Hollow mask on top of his Bankai, it is game over for Dante, even if Dante uses devil trigger.
My poor eyes chapter 4 . 6/6/2013
Your font need editing. It's really hard to read..
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Uh, How is in a school? He is a grown man.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/3/2012
wait, how can Nero hide his Devil Bringer? and how can grown people like Dante and Lady just sign up for class like that?
privatesasuke1886 chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
Awsome story dude when are you going to make the next chapter?
XxCondorxX chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
Listen man, I think that you need reconsidare this histori

1: Vergil will never work for Arkham

2: Trish will never betray Dante

3: Nero lose for 1 hit? that is crazy

4: Dante beats Virgil that easly? No way

and finally put pharafrases parrafos o como se diga XD