Chapter 1

"Get back here you bastard!" Dante was chasing after Arkham over roof tops along with Nero and Lady behind him. "Dam it, were never going to catch him." Complained Nero. "Never say never you never know some people might have a few tricks in store." Said Lady pointing to her rocket launcher strapped to her back. "Oh yeah I totally forgot about that." "I'm not going to let you go alnog with that plan Arkham!" Cried Dante increasing his speed. "Hah ha ha ha, you are such fools,You think you can stop me from unleashing hell on Earth? "Once I free the great demon Argosax the Chaos a new era will rise." "Dude, as if this planets not hell enough" quipped Nero. Arkham stopped above a sky scrapper eying a ware house; he nodded to a couple of people on the ground. They jumped up the building as Arkham leaped off the building. "I don't think s…." "Going somewhere little brother?" Dante froze and turned around slowly then crossed his arms and gave a humorous smirk. "It's been a while since we last met, where does the time go?" "Foolish brother, I can't allow you to go any further." Dante scratched his head and sighed. "I was hoping you'd say that, it's been how long since our last fight Vergil?"Asked Dante unsheathing his sword Rebellion. "So you choose death, very well." Vergil unsheathed his sword Yamato. Lady and Nero were watching from the side lines. "Come on he needs our help, let's go after Arkham." Announced Lady. "Right." Said Nero running with her, but then he is knocked off the building and lady stops to see a blond girl in a black corset blocking her path. "Girrr Trish, I should have known you would be with this scum." "Who said I'm working with him, I'm just tagging along for the ride." The two brothers crossed swords with brute force. CLANG…CLANGCLANG….CLANG. Dante leaped into the air and dove down aiming his sword at Vergil but he jumped backwards. "Hmph, honestly little brother you could at least put up a bit more of a fight." "Abit more, ooooh I'm just GETTING STARTED, HYAAAAA GAH!" Dante rushed towards vergil and before they knew it they were dealing heavy blows. "It's a pity, still wielding that old sword." "It may be old, but I have a few surprises to go along with it." Dante leaped once more into the air took out his two hand guns Evony and ivory and shot at Vergil. The bullets took no effect; instead Vergil kept deflecting them with his sword. "It's useless brother, a mere bullet can't harm a heir of Sparda; even you should know that." Dante double jumped and ended up behind Vergil. (IT'S NOW OR NEVER!) "HAAAAAAA..YA!" Dante struck Vergil in the back which caused him to be knocked down. Dante walked casually to Vergil aiming his gun. "Heh, looks like I win." Dante froze holding the gun with his finger on the trigger debating whether he should kill him. Finally after a few seconds of silence, he holstered his gun and walked away. "You're not going to kill me?" Vergil asked trying to get up. Dante stopped and spoke. "I'm not like that; you're not even worth killing." "And that is why your weak, you call yourself a heir of Sparda; you're a joke what makes you worthy of being blood if you can't even strike down your family?" Dante looked up and turned around. "It's not that I can't…It's I choose not to." "Heh heh heh he, why?" "Because…you're my brother…and the only family I got left. "Let's face it Vergil, were stuck with each other whether you like it or not." Dante walked off into the sun set.

Meanwhile, Lady was locked in mortal combat with Trish. Her fierce lightning fast, deadly attacks were too much for Lady; but she managed by jumping around. "Ha ha ha ha, is that the best you got just running your pathetic." Trish leaped into the air and emitted a wave of electricity through her hand and shot numerous bursts at Lady. Each burst that came at her, she rolled in different directions and jumped side to side. "You can't keep this up for long, eventually you'll grow tired." (She's right, I'm already at my limit and I don't know if I can out run her for long.) She looked at Nero, unconscious and useless. (Please Nero wake up.) "GAAAAAAAAAH!" Lady was hit in the stomach and she fell to the ground on her knees. "Gasp huf... Gasp... huf GYAAAH Dam you, dam you." "Aw, did I hurt you Ha ha ha ha ha. "Serves you right for letting your guard down." Trish walked up to Lady who was struggling to get to her weapon but Trish stomped on her hand with her high heels and kicked the weapon away from her. "Drop dead, huf…huf…huf…" "I have a better idea." She kicked Lady's side. "I'll put you out of YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!" Trish leaped into the air and charged up her electricity, everything went bright blue as currents of lightning emitted from her hands. Lady had a horror stuck face as she saw Trish looming over her. She closed her eyes tight awaiting the painful strike that was sure to finish her off. "SAY GOOD BYE TO YOUR L…" "Haven't your parents ever taught you not to play with electricity?" Trish looked up and saw Dante sitting on a flag pole on the side of a building eating a slice of pizza. "Man Lady, I leave you two alone to get a quick slice and I find you trying to get yourself killed. "Ha ha ha ha, you really need help don't you?' "JUST STOP YAPPING AND HELP ME!" Lady yelled. "Oh all right, sheesh why do I always get stuck with the noisy ones?" Dante took out his gun and shot her but missed when Arkham appeared in front of Trish along with Vergil. "…" "It is time." Dante leaped from the pole and chased after them fallowed by Lady. They ended up in the ware house Arkham was looking at when Vergil knocked them both off the roof. "Couldn't afford a throw pillow for this joint?" "Dante, the portal." Dante turned around and saw two giant statues of… "Dad?" Dante gaped at the stones as the portal erupted between the hands of Sparda. Dante walked to the statue but Lady grabbed hold of his coat and pulled him back. He was resisting. "That bastard,THAT DAM BASTARD USING DAD AS A MEANS OF DESTRUCTION!" "DANTE MOVE ITS GOING TO OPEN!" "ILL KILL HIM!" Lady tried pulling him back but it was no use Dante still headed forth. "Isn't it marvelous, the future of a brand new era in the palm of my hands." Arkham was standing behind them. Dante and Lady turned around. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW VERGIL?" Dante yelled as Vergil emerged from behind Arkham. "TURNING OUR FATHER INTO THE VERY THING HE FOUGHT AGAINST?" Lady grabbed the rocket launcher that was pushed off the edge and happened to land in the ware house. "DANTE GET DOWN!" Dante looked behind him and ducked as a rocket flew past him and hit the portal, big mistake. The portal opened and erupted and sucked in every one. "NOW YOU ALL WILL WITNES THE DAWNING OF A NEW ERA, COME TO ME ARGOSAX!" Arkham yelled as everyone was sucked into the vortex.