Reviews for There For You
Musiciscomfort chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
aww, I like that. it's adorable!
Moonlesscat chapter 2 . 11/1/2017
This story is so cute that I cooed at how cute it was. ET'S SO CUTE!
lexieconextreme chapter 6 . 9/23/2016
Ed is Chief, and Roy is Boss. Literally.
lexieconextreme chapter 5 . 9/23/2016
I think you may actually be the only other person other than me who doesn't like Winry.
Well. I do like Winry, but I do NOT ship EdWin. And from the Winry bashing, and the general Al-and-Winry-getting-married-and-having-a-baby thing, I assume you don't either.
Angel Dimond chapter 6 . 10/28/2015
That is messed up! And dark and surprising sorry didn't mean to bash your story just wasn't expecting that!
Mysteryfan17 chapter 10 . 7/30/2015
You tempted with the Deep Blue Sea, I would looooove to see Ed near drown and Roy rescue him. Maybe they could be walking beside a river and get mugged/attacked/ambushed and Ed gets shoved into the water. Or they could be tracking a criminal and he turns the tables, either drowning or knocking him out and holding him hostage. A human shield against the Flame Alchemist... I love h/c so the more Ed is hurt, the more protective/parental Mustang can be. I want him going full Papa Bear 'DON'T MESS WITH HIM!' on the instigators. :) Please? 5/5
Mysteryfan17 chapter 6 . 7/30/2015
Ed is nicknamed Chief, just so you know.
Mysteryfan17 chapter 4 . 7/30/2015
Sorry to hear you had a loss, no matter how long, it never really goes away, just gers a little easier by sharing it. My grandma passed away last fall, suddenly, so I know the pain.
I love that slogan. I don't have any FMA fics but I have some ideas for ParentalRoy/Ed that I want to get to and, with your permission, will mention it and give you credit for it.
I loved all of them so far and had no 'gutter' moments, just laughed. I am full Mustard (Parental MUSTAng/ EdwARD) that name came from... aaah, I'm on my 3DS AND I'm blanking on the name. They have a couple stories, I've fav'd the first, completed one. Ask and I'll pass it on when I'm on my computer, Roy and Ed are undercover as father/son in the first and are resuming that status (minus the undercover part) in the second... I'm gonna stop before I spoil. 5/5 and when I finish these 10, if you do not have something close to any of the random plot bunnies I have, I'll pass a couple ideas to you.
MyLittleRobin chapter 2 . 5/2/2015
Eddie-bear has a potty mouth...
Knives or Pens chapter 10 . 2/20/2014
I definitely liked this fic. Although I do feel that Ed was WAY occ when he said "Oh gate, you poor man." Ed would not so clearly express pity for another. He would communicate his emotions suitably. And the use of "Oh gate" is rather confusing. Just thought I would mention that because throughout the story you capture Ed's personality very well, but that part is so occ. I really love your story though! good job!
Hanyoualchemist1 chapter 10 . 5/8/2013
Awesome, I know I'm sticking around for future drabbles! 3
jxnki chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
Fun... as in... the band...? Clever.
LeFay Strent chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
Guest chapter 9 . 8/23/2012
That is where I pick my fight with you! EdWin forevvvveeeer! I'm more for cannon parings, mainly cuz I find it hard to imagine anything else. So I'm all for EdWin, AlMei, and Royai.

I think you do a wonderful job with your drabbles. Sometimes I just need something short to read that makes me smile. XD
Guest chapter 8 . 8/23/2012

Well, there's six ways for you, and you can find girls with all of those names at my school... XP
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