Reviews for Quietly and Softly
musicalgirl4474 chapter 2 . 7/14/2014
The betting pool was great, and I'm glad you have Loki in there.
Resident Evil Lionhart chapter 2 . 11/27/2013
I always love the fics with the Arc Reactor being a mood/stress detector. It's always cute. XD
sami1010220 chapter 2 . 10/10/2012
Such a cute fic. And yay for good guy loki!
Crystal M. Key chapter 2 . 9/24/2012
Super cute. Thanks! Favorite quotes:

Tony Stark rarely found a moment to relax, because his brain would not let him have one. He couldn't stop, sometimes; sometimes he didn't finish one project before he started on the next. He was a whirlwind of activity and thought. Occasionally he paused long enough to pass out for a few hours, and sometimes his dreams were blissfully free of new ideas. On an increasing number of occasions his dreams centered on a certain Super Soldier and he didn't have the good conscience to feel guilty about the things that he did in his subconscious. Even though it was starting to mess with his normal method of thought, distracting him with thoughts that he shouldn't have at moments when he shouldn't have them; he didn't do anything to change it.

"Tony, hey Tony!" Steve was running into the lab like and excited kid, the shield that Tony had just finished constructing was strapped to his arm. Tony sat up from the bike that he had been working on and wiped grease stained hands on a white towel before running his fingers through his hair. He turned dark coffee colored eyes on the energetic blonde and smiled a bit, not thinking about concealing his feelings.

"Can I help you Steve? Shield isn't off balance is it?" Tony asked, one knee drawn up, arm draped over it as Steve stood above him. There was a smile on Steve's face that did awful things to Tony's heart and the Arc Reactor brightened in response. It was a good thing that Steve hadn't quite worked out how the chest piece worked in relation to Tony's pulse rate or they would be in trouble already.

Tony Stark rarely found a moment to relax, because his brain would not let him have one. He couldn't stop, sometimes; sometimes he didn't finish one project before he started on the next. He was a whirlwind of activity and thought. Occasionally he paused long enough to pass out for a few hours, and sometimes his dreams were blissfully free of new ideas. On an increasing number of occasions his dreams centered on a certain Super Soldier and he didn't have the good conscience to feel guilty about the things that he did in his subconscious. Even though it was starting to mess with his normal method of thought, distracting him with thoughts that he shouldn't have at moments when he shouldn't have them; he didn't do anything to change it.

"Tony, hey Tony!" Steve was running into the lab like and excited kid, the shield that Tony had just finished constructing was strapped to his arm. Tony sat up from the bike that he had been working on and wiped grease stained hands on a white towel before running his fingers through his hair. He turned dark coffee colored eyes on the energetic blonde and smiled a bit, not thinking about concealing his feelings.

"Can I help you Steve? Shield isn't off balance is it?" Tony asked, one knee drawn up, arm draped over it as Steve stood above him. There was a smile on Steve's face that did awful things to Tony's heart and the Arc Reactor brightened in response. It was a good thing that Steve hadn't quite worked out how the chest piece worked in relation to Tony's pulse rate or they would be in trouble already.

The rest of the team had already dug into the food, but it was obvious that Loki and Bruce had defended a decent portion for the two latecomers. It wasn't a courtesy normally given in their household, Thor could eat as much as Tony did in a week for a single meal and Hawkeye had a hollow leg. Natasha was gone on some messed up mission and Steve missed her dearly, she was much better at keeping everyone in line than he was.

"Thanks guys," Tony said happily accepting the plate that Loki pressed into his hands and the can of Dr. Pepper that was shoved his way. Loki just smiled at Tony briefly before turning and jabbing at Thor's wandering hand with his fork. Perfectly normal dinnertime behavior in the Avengers household.

Bruce assured, finally wrestling the ketchup away from Clint. The archer had a well-known addiction to the tomato based condiment and an even greater aversion to mustard. Had Natasha been home, half of Clint's fries would have been coated in the yellow stuff and he would have given them up with a grumble.

Eventually they all settled into a conversation about some of the new recruits that Natasha was apparently out scouting for. Everyone participated except Thor, who had learned not to speak with his mouth full and as such rarely spoke at meal times. The team was infinitely grateful to Loki for his little shock therapy sessions because they could now confidently take Thor out to eat in public places.

"You ready to get some sleep Tony?" Steve asked after Tony's third plate of fries, which had been doused in ketchup and seasoning salt. He was going to have to pour a gallon of water into the other man to deal with potential dehydration if that was how he was going to eat after 4 days of sleeplessness.

"Yes mother hen," Tony said with a little grin, allowing Steve to pull him away from the table. It was Clint's night to do dishes and Tony had been trying to hang around long enough to watch the spectacle. But Steve was right, Tony had almost fallen asleep in his food and it didn't seem wise to keep himself awake any longer.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/2/2012
S. Chensu and Luff chapter 2 . 6/13/2012
Haha I love the thought of Loki using his fork as a training tool for Thor! Awesome fic, very well written.
toomuchinfo chapter 2 . 6/12/2012

It was cute, but you have Tony WAY out of character. He doesn't like being handed things, you know. He was just... not Tony. Not Tony at all. This was Steve/OMC claiming to be Tony. And Steve and Tony kind of dislike each other, too, so that made the beginning a bit, uh, off. I doubt Steve would have asked Tony to hang with him, or admit that he was lonely. he takes his title as Captain American pretty seriously, you know. Steve doesn't like admitting he can't do something, or that something's wrong.

So, it was really OMC/OMC claiming to be Steve/Tony. Maybe you should do character studies before you write a story? or you could put 'OCC Steve and Tony' in the summary, seeing as they are out of character.

Just an honest opinion!

angelxofxmine chapter 2 . 6/11/2012
aw so cute pure wonderfullness again! You are amazing!
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 2 . 6/10/2012
hahah go Loki keepign peopel in line away from food hahah great i just loved it
SugarQuillz chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
Absolutely ADORABLE!

The thing about Tony's arc reactor glowing brighter in accordance with his pulse was pretty interesting though. Maybe you could make another story centering around that and how Steve eventually figures it out?

Keep up the good work! :)
NinjaInAnImaginaryLondon chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
I think I just died... Of a cuteness overload... LOVED IT! Write more like this! It was amazing!
kadabrafreak890 chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
This is so adorable. :3
intensewhatever chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
Awww! So cute! I wish there was more... :)
Ayajima chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
Cute fluffy-fluff and Avengers Family feeling With Loki 8DDD

I LIKE it! *_*
sregnevA chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
Wonderful definitely. Now if you just switch the pairing around...jk, I love the reverse pairing more I admit, but it doesn't keep me from loving them, in love, content, happy, together any less. Now if you just try the other pairing...;)

Well, Loki and Thor, you guys would have won the pool if you guys didn't went out sightseeing, leading everyone else out of the house. Tony's made longer records, you guys could have won.
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