Reviews for A Hue of Crimson
IcelandicLicorice chapter 3 . 3/22/2016
Oh, Espana
IcelandicLicorice chapter 2 . 3/22/2016
I love that chapter title so much, oh my lanta. Also...

IcelandicLicorice chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
I was hoping someone would do this!
Cat chapter 29 . 8/24/2015
Ohh this makes me so happy!
They deserved that end so much ;v;
This fanfic was so amazing... THAT I USED MY REAL NAME IN THE REVIEW *GASP*
But seriously
I never do
this fanfic
is worth everything
CinnamonRollLovi chapter 6 . 8/15/2015
AngelOfDeathOfWrestling chapter 30 . 4/29/2015
This was a great story! Ahhhh :3
Guest chapter 30 . 11/23/2014
Hellvainia chapter 30 . 5/23/2014
I am crying. I can't get over the ending. This is what I am going to think how it ending. Because it really never did, but this story and ending is perfect. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the real ending that's a secret, and your the creator of the game. Good job, keep up the awesome work! Your imagination and how you thought of the ideas to end it was wonderful. Your officially my new favorite author. I can't get over this story, and probably never will. Thank you! ;-;
Shadowless13 chapter 30 . 4/19/2014
I love this story so much that I cannot even explain! It has to be my favourite HetaOni story in a while and I love Spamano so much. Your writing skills are flawless and you write so perfectly and its brilliant. I'm surprised that this doesn't have lots of reviews, its perfect and I can't wait to see what else you come up with.
DoubleDexterity chapter 30 . 12/3/2013
I love you so much for writing this wonderful story. Words just can't describe how much I love it right now. And do you want to know why I loved it so much? Because it gave an ending to HetaOni, had a great plot, plot twists, emotions that you could always feel, GerIta and most importantly, Spamano. I can easily say that I cried a lot while reading this, for example when Roma got possessed and had to fight Spainsnd when they finally got out of that damned mansion. The ending was also great, I totally lost my shit when Japan started crying. I want to hug you so badly right now. Thank you, thank you for writing this wonderful story and sharing it with us.
Lots of hugs and kisses to you _
Takhrenixe chapter 30 . 5/7/2013
Well, I suppose that is the end of that. It was one heck of a bumpy ride. Here I sit, and it is 5 o'clock sharp in the morning; in the past six hours reading this story, I have laughed, cried, squealed, shrieked in terror and been struck dumb by speechless awe. I witnessed soaring highs and crushing lows. I grew more attached to the characters of a story than I ever have bothered to before. And I most definitely will not forget any of that. This was one of the most memorable fictions I've ever had the privelege to read, and I applaud you for creating such a masterpiece as this, and sharing it with we, the rest of the world unworthy of such a gift.

Never stop writing. I will be cheering you on from the sidelines, my fellow author.
Well done. Very, very well done.

Takhrenixe chapter 29 . 5/7/2013
How do I even describe this? So many feels. My mind is just so completely blown at how amazing this all was.
Definitely in my Top Three Best Stories Ever Read List. I almost find myself not wanting it to end...but I know it must.

One chapter left! Here's to the Epilogue!
Takhrenixe chapter 28 . 5/7/2013
I'm entertaining so many emotions right I can't even form a coherent thought. So many hairpin-turns in the plot, so much fluff, so much drama, so much 'da'wwwww', so much EVERYTHING. Good lord. XD
Takhrenixe chapter 26 . 5/7/2013
You're kidding me, right?
Antonio...has to fight LOVINO?
Steve, that bastard...
And, wait. Lovino, he knew this was going to happen! Didn't he? That's why he made Antonio promise to kill Steve no matter what!
...Gah, this just keeps getting worse for them. ;c
Takhrenixe chapter 25 . 5/7/2013
...Well, shit. I think Lovino is planning something. And I hope to every God in existence that it isn't what I think it is. ; ;
Next chapter, ahoy!

(Also, I just about woke up my entire house squeeing at Antonio's little song. x3 D'awww!)
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