Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or HetaOni.

Hello and welcome to my first serious piece of fanfiction for Hetalia. Unlike my other writings, this ISN'T a songfic and it ISN'T a one-shot. I've recently been playing the HetaOni English Project (by Pianodream and Neo-Kyno) and I've always been interested in what happened OUTSIDE of the mansion. It's mentioned a little in the game and in the extra video (which I haven't seen in forever). Then the gears in my head began to turn and... this story happened.

Please note, I will be trying NOT to make long authors notes (if you've read any of my previous stories, you know I am prone to long ANs). For the most part, you will get the disclaimer and maybe a little side note. That's it. So, if you see a long authors note here or at the bottom, it would probably be something important. This, for example, is an important AN to read, because I will not repeat myself after this.

Before the question arises, I have my own ending for the fic that DOESN'T have to do with the actual ending to HetaOni. I also made up a different plot once I finish following the 17 chapters that already exist. I don't plan on following whatever there is in the Extras videos I've seen a long time ago because there is too little to make a plot that isn't scattered all over the place. I'm worried I might ruin it. But that might just be me. If that kind of thing isn't your cup of tea, write your own or look for some other writer.

Last thing, this is purely Spamano. It will follow the two and will be written in their point of view (mostly Romano, sometimes Spain). Everyone else is, for the most part, a minor character in comparison. So you won't be seeing every single character in HetaOni speak as much as you would like. I apologize.

Please enjoy and leave some feedback. I enjoy reading what you think and I pay attention to any flaws you may point out.

"Come on, faster! Run faster!"

"I'm running as fast as I can!"

"We have to make it this time, dammit!"

"I know, but Roma, there is a limit!"


There was a small skidding sound as two men ran like the wind down the hall of the World Summit building. They rounded the corner and one of them nearly fell over. They were visibly exhausted, but their feet seemed to work on their own.

"I think I hear them! Oh fuck, we're so close! Finally!" One of them, the shorter male with messy dark brown hair, huffed out in relief. "Which door is it, again?"

"Second on the left!" The taller male with curly brown locks answered, following at the shorter male's heels. He nodded and they rounded another corner to find a corridor of doors. They skidded to a stop at the second to their left. There were some faint sounds and voices coming from behind.

"Key, key, key!" The taller male dug in his pockets and pulled out a key. The other man yanked it from his hand and shoved it into the lock, fumbling with it before finally twisting and yanking the door open. "Venez-!" He began, but the door across the room, leading directly out to the gate, slammed shut. The two men stood there, stunned and exhausted. The only sound in the deserted meeting room was their panting as they tried to catch their breaths. The shorter male still held the doorknob. As his grip tightened, the doorknob made creaking sounds of protest.

"R-Roma…" The taller male murmured, his expression softening to sympathetic.

"Sh-sh-SHIIT!" 'Roma' snapped the doorknob off in a fit of rage and threw it down onto the floor. The other man quickly reacted and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, pinning his arms to his sides.

"Romano! Shhh, it's ok, it'll be ok." The man attempted to soothe Romano, who was shaking his head hysterically.

"N-no, it's not ok! They're gone now! There's nothing we could do!" Romano choked out.

"W-well, maybe we can go catch the-."

"NOTHING, Spain." Roma barked out. "There is NOTHING we can do. Once they leave this room, time makes them unreachable. Besides, there's still the matter of the people who left before them. I can't make sure of the groups they left in now!" He looked at Spain in despair. Spain frowned and nodded slowly.

"Okay, Roma. Okay. Just try to calm down and we'll figure something out." He murmured, looking down at the broken doorknob. "Freaking out like this won't solve anything. It'll just give us more headaches." Romano took deep breaths and gently shrugged off Spain's arms, looking like he wanted to yell at him but just decided to keep calm and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Bastardo, why do you always have to be right?" He grumbled. Spain just chuckled in response.

"I'll go get us some water, si?"

"…sure, but be back soon." Romano shot Spain a look. Spain nodded and left. Romano sighed and held his head in his hands.


I still remembered the first time I received a memory, a horrible memory that came straight out of a nightmare. I thought it was a dream at first. There was no way that it could really happen. I refused to believe it, yet it looked so fucking real. It was an image forever burned into my head; my little brother's friends, fellow nations, dying. Even during a war, their bodies were never this mangled. There was so. much. blood…

It was after a world meeting at the Summit. My stupid brother needed me to pay some actual attention, even though nothing got done (as usual). That hamburger bastard, America, started talking about some house east of the building. He claimed it was haunted. I left with Spain and Austria and the others, none of us interested in joining America's antics.

I don't even remember the damn order in which I saw them. I just remember seeing powerful nations like America and cold and ruthless fighting nations like Russia covered in blood and not moving in a place I have never seen before. At one point, I saw a grey claw and felt cold fear run through my whole body. I kept telling myself, 'it's my own messed up imagination, dammit!' If that was true, why did that claw alone make me feel so scared?

These thoughts persisted, even when I didn't want them to. They became frantic and urgent, filling my head and making me want to pull my damn hair out. I tried calling my brother for help, but his phone went straight to voicemail. I talked to Spain after not having a choice anymore, but he just told me I needed rest. Fat lot of help that does me, you idiot. It seemed, whenever I closed my eyes, a new image came to my mind. It was bloodier and more heart wrenching than the last. When I told him for the first time what I have been seeing, he just looked at me like I was crazy.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something is off. Nothing made sense to me. The dying nations, the claw, all of that blood. With all of these memories, it felt like days have passed. That was impossible, though. Only a day has passed. I felt like I was going fucking crazy.

However, the worse of it is was when I finally felt the death of my brother. It was a shock going all through my body. I felt as if someone sawed me in half, a part of me wasn't there anymore. Then I felt my whole body erupt in pain. I felt my people panic in the worse ways as half of their beloved country suddenly ceased to exist. Families suddenly died or separated, innocent lives lost. I have never experienced this before.

There was no imagining this. It was all real. There is something out there that can kill nations, probably in that mansion America told us about. My fucking god, what did they get themselves into? What did Veneziano get himself into? There is no denying that they're all in danger.

I remember closing my eyes and seeing the same place where they were all getting killed. I saw my blood- no, my brother's blood- pooling under him. For the first time since I left the meeting, I heard his voice. It was as if he was right next to me. Somehow I know, though, that this had already happened earlier. He was long dead now.

Y-you know, we a-actually have been… coming here s-several times. I-I have been… turning back t-time… so I could save everyone. A-and I did. I …s-s-saved …e-everyone…

Suddenly, I opened my eyes and saw that I was back at the world summit. Even Spain, Austria, Belgium, and everyone except the G8 were leaving as if for the first time. I asked Spain what time it was and he said it was around 3pm, the time when the meeting ended.

I didn't need any more convincing. My brother is in danger. He has been turning back time and going to that hellhole haunted mansion over and over whenever they died. Who knows how many times he has done so? Judging by the wounds, whatever has killed them was pretty damn strong. Of all times to turn noble, my stupid little brother chose a mansion filled with evil that can kill a NATION to vow to save everyone there. Well, now it's my turn to save you, Veneziano.


"Hey, Roma." I felt a poke at my arm. I opened my eyes, my head resting in my arms on the table, and glared at the source of the voice. Spain was standing there with two cups of water on the table beside him, smiling sadly at me. I lifted my head and eyed him. He didn't say anything. He just sat down in the chair next to me and handed me a cup. I took it and took a sip. "So, anything new?" He asked before taking a drink himself.

"…No, I'm not getting anything anymore." I answered. Spain nodded slowly. I couldn't help but sigh internally. I went through hell and back to get him to believe me about the situation with the other nations. For some reason, I kept the majority of my memories whenever my brother turned back time. However, Spain didn't remember anything. He was as oblivious as anyone. A few memories from my brother told me that this was the case with everyone except him as well. Maybe being related had perks after all.

Eventually, Spain began to believe me, even if I had to tell him over and over about the situation every time my brother went back. We tried almost everything to stop them, but we were always too late. This just felt like the last straw. I felt like giving up, but then who would save my brother? The nations there are helpless and my brother was never good with taking care of himself, even if he is holding his own in that cursed house.

"I still find it hard to understand, Roma. Why can you see everything that Ita sees?" Spain frowned at me curiously. I made a face. He really had tomatoes for brains. He asked me this dozens of times, and time hasn't even been reversed yet.

"Like I told you before, since we're two halves of one nation, we're… connected, for the most part. Because he turned back time so many times, the amount of memories from those different times became too much for him and they were passed onto me." I recited, finishing my water.

"Ah, si, and he doesn't know you're doing it?"

"I don't think so."

"And you can't see what he is doing now?"

"Fucking idiot, I told you I can't! Time over there is too screwed up! There is no such thing as 'then' and 'now' over there! That's why we can't go there, either! We'd get lost! We'd get killed!"

"Roma, calm down!" Spain put his hands on my arms to ease me back into my seat. I grumbled and shoved his arms off. Just because we're in the middle of a crisis doesn't mean I'll allow any stupid mushiness from him, the bastard. "I'm sorry for upsetting you, this is just… hard to wrap my head around, yah know? Ahaha, I never thought of any of my friends… to be less than invincible as nations…" He trailed off. I softened a little. It's easy to forget that his friends are in that mansion too. I sighed.

"Look… I get it. It took me a while to understand, too, and even longer to convince myself I wasn't batshit crazy. I… shouldn't have yelled. S-mph." I grumbled, reluctant to say the word. I didn't like to apologize, but Spain looked like he needed a kind word or some shit like that. I took a deep breath. "…Sorry." I rushed out the word, feeling my face burn. It seemed to work, though. Spain lit up like a Christmas day and practically assaulted me with a hug.

"Aww, Roma, you look so cuuuuute~! I forgive you, my little henchman." He cooed. My face almost set on fire as I shoved him back into his seat.

"Sh-shut up, damn you! I'm not cute and I don't want to be hugged! Just… sit there, capito?" I got up from my chair and frantically paced the room, looking anywhere but at him. I saw him shrug from the corner of my eye.

"Whatever you say, Roma. So, if we can't go over there, what CAN we do to help them?" He wondered. I paused in my pacing and scowled at the ground.

"As much as I hate to say it, we have no choice but to wait. Unless they somehow miraculously fix time, we can't do anything but wait for my brother to reverse time and do this all over again. Hopefully, we'll get here in time." I ran a hand through my hair.

"But then you'd have to waste time telling me once again what is going on again." He said. I looked up to scowl at him.

"Don't you think I know that? Damn it, I don't have a choice, Spain! I can't go over there and I can't handle this alone again." My voice hitched a little and I had to turn away. The pain of my brother's death was still fresh on my mind. The thing that bugged me the most was that there was no one there to help me. I was alone at home, waiting for Veneziano to return, even though I suspected that he won't. I felt better when I thought it was just because of the potato bastard or the Japanese nerd. I heard the chair scrape faintly and I felt Spain hug me again. It was softer this time. It reminded me of the old days, when all that scared me were childhood nightmares.

"Don't get upset again, Roma. We'll figure out a way to save them, I promise." He told me. I tried to pry his arms away. Hnn, I forgot how strong he could be. Damn him. I gave up and snorted.

"Don't make promises you won't remember, bastard." He froze and I frowned, feeling I should apologize again. To my surprise, he chuckled and just squeezed me tighter. I huffed and squirmed, unable to breath in his death grip. My face was probably tomato red by now. I squeezed my eyes closed from sheer embarrassment.

-so if we break the clocks, we should be able to restore the time in the house.

I froze. That sounded like Japan, but his voice sounded close, like he was a few feet away. I looked around, but the place was empty. Spain noticed and gave me a small shake.

"Hey, Roma? You ok?"

"Shhh!" I shushed him, closing my eyes again.

-… We've already broken the clocks on the first and second floor. All that is left is the 3rd and 4th floor.

My eyes snapped open. That was Japan, all right, but this has never happened before. If I heard a voice, it was always my brother's and it was when someone had died or when he was dying or during any type of specific memory. Does that mean…

"Let go of me, bastard, and go get your phone!" I wiggled in Spain's arms until he complied. He stared at me in confusion.

"I thought you couldn't reach Ita or anyone else on your phone." He wondered. I dug around my pockets until I got my phone.

"We can't. We're calling the other nations. Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Russia's creepy sisters, Switzerland, anyone else we can reach." I said, finding Belgium on my contact list and pressing the call button. "We're going to the mansion, and we're not going alone."

Just so there isn't any confusion, the first part was in 3rd person. I'll warn you if I write like that again. Also, Romano's summery of the events isn't what happened in the first few times Italy went back in time. I like to believe that Italy held onto all of the memories he has, but after they were all jam-packed into his head the first dozens of times, Romano started getting a few. Before he did, I don't think he noticed that time was being reversed. He probably had strange deja vu moments but shrugged them off.

Next chapter will be coming up in a few days. Rate and Review~