Reviews for Boredom Kills, So Send Us Stuff!
Purple Butterfly46 chapter 53 . 7/1/2015
Hey Skip!

I've already reviewed this awesome fanfic before, but for some odd reason I can't log into my account as Beautiful Butterfly46 so had to create this new account. Anyway I already gave writing ( a fanfic that has some of your lovely ideas ) a chance and I would really absolutely be thrilled if you took some of your precious time to just look at it ( you don't have to if you don't want to) its called Fate? and point me in the right direction because its like my first time trying out writing (if you exclude school essays of course) and I would very much like your opinion.

Anyway, back to the actual review I am completely in love with this fanfic and I've got some questions slash suggestions of my own ( I really hope they don't look as horrible as they sound in my head) :
1. Why don't you have a segment with Mrs Valdez and like a guest presenter
2. Could you have a segment at a zoo or aquarium, I'm very curious as to what their favorite and most hated animals are
3. Why do Gil and Roderich not like each other very much?

Looking forward to the next segment.

Your fan,
talented1 chapter 53 . 11/27/2014
I just found this and loved it. I hop you are doing great and I just want to ask what did you do for thanksgiving?
Beautiful Butterfly 46 chapter 53 . 11/19/2014
Hey, Skipper!
This is like the first time I've ever done a review before and I really don't know how this works, but I really, reallly really absolutely adore this fanfic and I had an idea of a fanfic of my own but with some of your ideas collaborated into it and I was wondering if its okay for me to use them? (pleas say yes..please say yes.. #fingers crossed)
Your biggest fan,
Bongi 35
ADdude chapter 53 . 6/21/2014
That was delightful. I loved seeing your answers. Just loved it
ADdude chapter 52 . 6/13/2014
It's good to see you update. Congrats on 50 segments I should have sent some who vain questions for the anniversary last year
AFWS chapter 51 . 1/26/2014
Hey there, I'm the Anti-Francis Weapon Supplier guy. I'm bored and got nothing to do. Do you like roller skating? Any advice on how I can get better at it? I went skating for the first time on the 24 of January this year and I really suck. Plus I fell and ended up doing a split (hurt like hell) and I sprainedmy hand for the first time in my life. (Suprisingly since I am 15 years old.) Also, I have had this crush on this one girl for a while but she already has a boyfriend, what should I do? Please don't tease me, my friend do that enough. This next question is for Lizzie, do you find it funny that Wang Yao's name sounds like Wang Yaoi? Next time I get interviewed can MeiMei be on the Show,Vlog, whatever it is. That is all. Peace, on the streets, SSSAAAAANNNN.
ADdude chapter 51 . 12/30/2013
Great to have you guys answer my questions. Have a happy new year
ADdude chapter 50 . 12/17/2013
Good to have family around the holidays. Glad to another update
ADdude chapter 49 . 11/27/2013
Always great to see another update
Electrotrash14 chapter 49 . 11/25/2013
Hello! Good work! I am not leaving any questions, since I am uncreative ., but you make me love, love, love Roderich and Elizabeta even more! Uh, yay!
ADdude chapter 48 . 11/9/2013
Great to see another update
ADdude chapter 47 . 10/8/2013
I'd loved seeing another chapter. Keep up the good work.
I'veMadeItMyOTP chapter 46 . 8/25/2013
ADdude chapter 46 . 8/25/2013
Your post always make me hungry but in a good way. I hope to see another post soon and hope school goes well for you.
PhantomGirl17 chapter 45 . 7/26/2013
Hello Roderich, Elizabeta! I finally have enough power on my iPhone to send you a question or two!
First please call me PG or PG17 whichever you prefer. Second, Elizabeta did you really hit Gilbert with a frying pan or is that just a rumor? Third, Roderich, besides chocolate cake what other type of cake do you like? Fourth there should be a box by the window that has black forest cake, yellow peeps (to intimidate Gilbert cause they look like his feathery friend) and other sweets for you two!
Fifth, sorry this is really long. I hope you both enjoy the cake!
Long life to you both!
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