A/N You take Austria, you take Hungary, you've got AusHun. You take me, you take AusHun, you've got my OTP. You take my OTP, and my boredom, along with my experimental ways, you've got this story:) Intersting huh? I've searched all aronud and couldn't find a single 'questions' fic about these too, so I have been forced to do it myself^_^ So enjoy~

Disclaimer: I don't own nothing, except America and Japan keychains ^_^

"Hello everyone!"A girl with long,curly, brown hair, and green eyes said waving to the camera. "I'm Elizabeta, but please, just call me Lizzie. The only one that actually calls me Elizabeta is my amazing boyfriend over here sitting next to me, Roderich." She said pointing to the boy next to her with dark brown hair, glasses, and violet eyes giving a polite wave to the camera.

"Hi everyone." He said less as excited as Elizabeta.

"So you're probably wondering why we're making this video. Well I'll tell see, it's the summer, and we just got out of school, and when it let's back in, we'll be sophomores."

"Second years over here." Roderich said pointing at himself and Elizabeta.

"Whoop, whoop!" Elizabeta said slightly raising her hands up to the celing.

"Anyways, until that time comes, we were left in the summer, having absolutely noting to do." Roderich started.

"Well that's gonna change today. So we want you." Elizabeta said pointing at the camera, "yes, you. To send us stuff!" She said trumpahintly.

Roderich frowned. "Could you be any more specific?" He said sarcasticlly.

Elizabeta sighed. "Well sorry for not knowing that we were going to be specific." She mumbled. "Send us thing such as: all types of questions, things you want to see us to do...umm, we give pretty good advise too. Anything really. Oh! And send us food, through the internet."

"If it's one thing we love it's internet food." Roderich spoke after.

"Exactly. Listen you guys, boredom kills, so just send us stuff."

"That's a pretty good name for the title of all of this."

"You think so? Then it settled! Well I suppose this concludes the first segment of, 'Boredom Kills, So Send Us Stuff!' Don't be shy, we would love to hear from you guys."

"We are very nice people."

"So stop being lazy bums like us, and send us ALL the stuff!" She said pumping her fist in the air.

Roderich sighed. "Until next episode everyone." He said with a small smile.

A/N I can't believe i'm doing this, but i'm sooo excited to hear from you guys:D IF YOU WANT TO SEND SOMETHING IN, SEND IT THROUGH PM ONLY! Sorry for the all caps, but that is very important. It's a violation to send things in through review, and I don't wanna get int trouble. Just review if you like it or not, okay?:) If you don't have an account, then I suppose it's okay to send things through review._.

Love you all,

Skipperr ^_^