Reviews for Tsundere Asuka?
k1225216 chapter 1 . 4/1
Ah, yes never play god you too
Shinzochi chapter 19 . 9/13/2012
i feel sorry for both Asuka and Winry cause they both are in love with Ed, though i am looking forward to the next chapter
tuatara chapter 19 . 9/9/2012
Hey there. Glad to see more of this…

You might want to split up those really long paragraphs into a couple of smaller ones to make them easier to read.

And now things become even more complicated! I think I would feel more strongly about Ed and Asuka's relationship if they'd had a few more scenes of them interacting on a close level. But it's fine. However, will this mean Asuka won't want to go back anymore? I suppose we'll find out, yeah? Thanks for posting!
tuatara chapter 18 . 8/26/2012
That last scene was nicely done.

Shouldn't Asuka have encountered Hohenheim when she met up with Alphonse and Winry? That could have been a great scene (and actually given Asuka a bit more to do). Perhaps later?

I'm glad you've been sticking with this story. I look forward to more!
Shinzochi chapter 17 . 8/19/2012
hope you get to feeling back to 100% (_), looking forward to the next chapter (_)
Shinzochi chapter 16 . 8/18/2012
i am loving your story and am looking forward to the next chapter
Shinzochi chapter 13 . 8/13/2012
Great chapter, though Asuka could have done her vibra-weapon cause she could have just uses the iron particles in the blood like Ed did to make that sword, i am looking forward to the next chapter
Shinzochi chapter 11 . 7/28/2012
i look forward to this great story, that was a very sad chapter, i really feel sorry for them both cause of what they had to go through
tuatara chapter 4 . 7/26/2012
As Asuka, the college graduate from a hundred years later would know, magnetic fields aren't just involved with electricity "to a certain extent." Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental forces in the universe (though I suppose both the FMA and NGE worlds must have at least one more fundamental force that governs how souls can interact with matter). It doesn't really matter at all…I'm just pointing it out because I'm a nerd.

Asuka's third ability is definitely her best one yet. I'm glad it was included. But I just knew she was going to be the one to get the surprise slash this time! Ick. Though I'm kind of surprised Lust and Envy let her live, since she's not an essential sacrifice and all. Maybe they didn't want to act yet since they didn't know who she was. Yeah, I'll go with that.

Well, Asuka still didn't change much, other than taking a hit originally meant for Ed…but she kicked a lot of butt in this chapter, so I'm quite pleased all the same. This was easily my favorite chapter so far. Now I have to read some more!
tuatara chapter 2 . 7/25/2012
Okay, that chapter was more successful in terms of giving Asuka something to do. So that's good. Still not sure about giving her the exact same ability as someone from another series, though. And I'm not really sure how much good a railgun will do against homunculi, though straight-up bursts of electricity might be more helpful. But maybe she can eventually learn to do something else with her alchemy too? Just a thought.

However, I'm feeling more optimistic about the story, so I'll read some more now!
tuatara chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
Well, I'm really intrigued by the premise, and I love the idea of Asuka doing alchemy. (Though I'm less sure what I think about the type of alchemy you've given her. I'll have to see how she uses it.)

But this jumps around a lot, and it threw us right into the middle of things without much explanation. However, that'll be fine if we maybe get some flashbacks later.

The bigger problem in the first chapter is that most of it is just following the script of the series…pretty much word for word. That will need to change for the story to stay interesting. More to the point, it needs to show that Asuka's presence actually makes some actual, meaningful difference in the story. Otherwise, she's really just part of the scenery, you know?

But it's just the first chapter, so I have hope it'll come together better later on. Now I'll read more!

(Oh, and do you mean "Tsundere" rather than "Tsudrene"?)
Shinzochi chapter 10 . 7/21/2012
WOW Asuka was incredibly lucky for Scar and Mai saved and healed her, i am looking forward to the next chapters
Shinzochi chapter 5 . 7/18/2012
i am loving this story and i think it is brilliant how you have Asuka doing alchemy even more so what you are having her do with it, so i am looking forward to the next chapter