Fullmetal Alchemist Evangelion crossover?

Chapter one
"It's so hot... why do we have to cross the desert? Can't we just take a boat or plane back from Liore instead of walking?" Asuka complained loudly, extremely irritated at the sand in her boots.
"Well, what am I supposed to do about it? And this is the twentieth century, for your information, we don't have these 'plain' things yet," Ed replied equally loudly, equally irritated, but at how Asuka can't go a minute without complaining about something.
"Well, I live, or used to, in the twenty first century, and I was taking a synchro test. Misato wanted to find out why EVA doesn't work as well without the plug suit, so they had me enter the plug with my normal clothes. But something went wrong and I got teleported into Central somehow. And then, I just happen to be unfortunate enough to meet you!"

"Speaking of which, you still haven't thanked me for all those clothes i bought you!"

"But the clothes you transmuted for me were ugly" asuka complained again.

"What's wrong with my sense of style? Are you saying i have no taste?"

"Damn right, I am!" Al sighed as the two continued to bicker all the way into their destination: Central. That was where they met her. With her fiery red hair, she was easy to spot among the crowds of people at the train station. Ed had insisted that she looked lost and that they should go help her.

"That Liore case was handled, thanks to you, but the philosopher's stone was fake too?" Colonel Roy Mustang questioned the trio.
"The stone was fake" Ed confirmed after a pause. "But it's power was amazing. It even transformed this huge chimera thing. I wonder how he made it... If we look more into it, it might help us get out bodies back"
"Well, in that case, why don't I introduce you to Shou Tucker. He's a researcher, dealing with chimera transmutation"

"Ah, sorry about this. Ever since my wife ran out on me, the house has been like this." Tucker apologized.
"Hey, big sis, you're so pretty! I've never seen anyone as pretty as you before! I wish I looked like you!" Nina commented. Ed looked over to see Asuka looking down at Nina looking up at her, staring at Asuka with puppy dog eyes. Nina wasn't just flattering Asuka. Asuka was truly beautiful. Her hair was a perfect golden-red, but she was more of a redhead than a strawberry blond. She had a pretty heart shaped face that would attract second glances from both genders, and deep, sapphire blue eyes that you can get lost in. Puberty has been kind to her, giving her curves and long legs, even though she is only five feet tall. Yes, Ed admits, compared to his four feet eleven, she is taller than him, but only by one inch! When Ed first saw Asuka, he thought that she was a child actress from another city. He went to help her when he saw that she was lost. He immediatly regretted it, when he found out about her personality. But Ed had to agree with Nina... Asuka is the best looking female he has ever seen.
"Thank you," The redhead answered Nina.
"Why don't you play with Nina, since this field of alchemy doesn't interest you," Ed asked.
"Nah, I wanna go with you" Asuka whined as Tucker led them to his library.
"Feel free to look around"
"Wow! Awesome! I'll start with this one" Ed grabbed a book "and since you're here, why don't you start with this one" he thrust a book into Asuka's arms. Asuka sighed as she walked to a table, pulled out a chair and began reading, but she didn't recognize any of the words except the 'thes', 'withs' and 'ands'. Her field of alchemy was not associated with this crap! Instead, she used electricity. Her synchro clips somehow acted like transmutation circles. Of course, the designs on the clips were more square than circle, that was just the way it was. They allowed her the ability of Misaka Mikoto, one of her favourite anime characters from her childhood, when her mother had still been alive... Just by willing it, she can produce electric currents. Of course, the EVA training had not intentually helped her prepare for this but Asuka can go a long period of time of continually using her electric alchemy, but her stamina isn't infinite and it gets mentally exhausting for Asuka.
After every page flip, Asuka found it more and more difficult to open her eyes after blinking, as her eyelids had become extremely heavy. She constantly found herself reading the same line over and over again. Oh, how she wished to go back to Tokyo 3, where she could torment stupid Shinji and battle the angels. Who knows might have happened after she had gone! Wondergirl might be stealing her spotlight. What if Wondergirl replaced her? That would be horrible! Asuka misses Japan. That's why she's travelling with the Elric brothers. If they found the philosopher's stone, they might be able to get her back to her world.

Asuka woke up to the sound of laughing. She got up from her seat, and followed the sound of laughter to see Nina sitting on Al's shoulders and the great dog sitting on Ed.
"Alexander says he wants to play too" Nina translated
"You've got some nerve... They say a lion uses all of his strength to even hunt a rabbit" Ed slowly got up "So I, Edward Elric, will use my whole body and soul to take you on, you beast of a dog!"

"Hello Mr Tucker! Thanks for having us again today!" Al was greeted with silence. "Mr Tucker?" The whole house seemed empty, but the trio eventually found him, in his laboratory.
"I did it! I finally transmuted a chimera capable of human speech!" Tucker referred to the creature beside him, "look here, this person is Edward."
"Very good!"
"Amazing, it really does talk," Ed commented as he and Asuka bent down to take a closer look.
"Ed...ward... Ed...ward... Ed...ward... Big...bro...ther"
Ed and Asuka's eyes widened in realization
"Mr Tucker, where are..." Ed began
"...Nina and Alexander?" Asuka finished

"I really hate kids like you, who are quick to catch on"

It was not Ed who hit him first. It was asuka who landed the first punch on Tucker's nose. There was an almighty crack and blood ran down his nose. Ed quickly took the opportunity to slam tucker into the nearest wall.

"Yeah, that's right, you went and did it! Two years ago, it was your wife! This time, you used your own daughter and a dog to transmute a chimera!" tucker struggled against Ed's grip on his throat. "There are limits to what you can do with animal experimentation after all!" Ed's words were coated with rage and menace. "It's much easier to just use real humans instead, huh?"

"Wh-what are you getting so upset over? Mankind's progress has been the result of countless human experiments, right? If you're a scientist, then..."

"Screw you! Do you think you can get away with this? Toying around with a person's life like this?" Ed spat

"A person's life? Yes, a person's life indeed! Fullmetal alchemist, your arm and leg, your brother, that was also the result of toying with a person's life, as you say, right?"

"No!" Ed buried his automail fist into Tucker's already broken nose and knocked his glasses to the floor.

"Haha! We are the same! You and me! Yes we are! The possibility was right in front of us, so we tried it! Even though we knew it was taboo!

"No! I don't... Alchemists don't... Do this sort of... I'm not... I'm not..." every couple of words, Ed buried his fist into Tucker's face, again and again.

"Brother!" Al grabbed Ed's wrist as he recoiled it, preparing to strike again. "any more and he's gonna die"

Asuka already knew that Al was the only decent one of the trio. She had wanted tucker to die. Though she would never admit it, she had grown quite attached to Nina and Alexander. She had deemed them worthy of her presence and trusted them to not leave her like her mother did... Asuka had wanted to watch tucker die a painful and gruesome death, and if Ed wasn't man enough to do it, Asuka herself was prepared to take over. She could see that Ed was also trembling with rage, just like her, but both of them froze as the chimera appeared beside him.

"Dad...do you hurt...dad...do you hurt...?"

"If there was ever an act of the devil in this world, this case would definitely be it" Riza Hawkeye stated as she made her way down the rain covered stairs with her trusted colonel.

"The devil huh? Then again state alchemists must be willing to act and not refuse when ordered to take another's life. As far as dealing with others' lives, Mr Tucker's actions and our own situations are not all that different. And we chose that path, knowing that fact full well. Isn't that right, Fullmetal?"

"Whether we get called dogs of the military, or cursed as devils, Al and I are going to get our bodies back. But even so, we're not devils, let alone god... We are humans.

"We're humans! We were not able to save one little girl... We're just insignificant humans."