Reviews for A Long Way to Go
Kya chapter 84 . 4/3/2019
Btw, slash goes before the
Sakuragane San chapter 51 . 11/27/2018
Vancouver is rainy, super rainy. That’s about it. I don’t really know much about others but it’s definitely more colder.
Sakuragane San chapter 21 . 11/27/2018
The first one was 5 000 pieces, now it’s 10 000, how will Matthew survive?
Sakuragane San chapter 17 . 11/27/2018
Awww, so sweet.
Sakuragane San chapter 16 . 11/27/2018
Ahahaha, Al, don’t do that. Mattie’s gonna find a way to kill you.
Sakuragane San chapter 9 . 11/27/2018
Yeah I cried. But I didn’t break down, or my classmates and teachers would probably look at me funny.
Guest chapter 24 . 12/21/2016
Hello new Prussia Ontario canada
Story Critic Kat chapter 14 . 2/13/2015
This one shot sounds like Xion and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts. They both want to be themselves. Xion is a puppet that was made as a back up for Sora's nobody, Roxas.
GalaxyGirl181 chapter 12 . 1/19/2015
I love this fic!
twix655 chapter 21 . 12/26/2014
I love how it seems like they're talking about sex until you mention the puzzle. XD
Bionic Egypt chapter 69 . 5/14/2014
Ohmigosh, this was so funny! I love ROTG to death, so for someone to include that with my Hetalia OTP is amazing! Loved this chapter, and this whole story!
Silversoul-of-hope chapter 69 . 8/5/2013
this awkward moment when you want to become friend's with a writer you never talked to before and start stalking her stories (I started reading your stories today by the way)
Krystal chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
Three words : I. Loved. It. -
BlackTudorRose chapter 100 . 5/12/2013
... I just died a little. So, happy because I got to read this, and yet so sad that
it 's over. I'll keep watching you for more, that's for sure.
DM-sama chapter 6 . 5/12/2013
Natalia, have you been corrupting our dearest Mattie as of late? Crazy bitch. XD
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