Reviews for a mad and faceless god
TheGoldenScribe chapter 1 . 10/23/2017
Cool pairing. Great story.
GuesssWho chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
And what didst thou call up, inhuman child, that you could Not Put Down?
GuesssWho chapter 1 . 5/16/2016
Wow, that was . . . kind of beautiful.
Krulla Chief chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
Which Old One or Other was involved? Also, the most pure thing in humanity is it's impurity.
parachutes in december chapter 1 . 11/19/2013
Brilliant and well-imagined. That last line struck a chord in me, though I wonder if you could have elaborated on this concept a bit? It has definite potential.
SAMarcus chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
Pretty damned disturbing. I like it.
mark3232 chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
But wizards aren't part of the human race. Bellatrix lived and died Voldemort's servant.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
This is really quite fantastic. You write beautifully.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
Since Harry Potter is already a fantasy about magic, it's silly to judge wizards like humans like you do here. Anyway, this crossover has happened outside of fanfiction. There's a Harry Potter/Lovecraft T-shirt at Teefury.
By the way, before you call me a coward for posting an anonymous review, the computer I'm using can only do those.
the tiniest pyre chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
Well, darling Avi, it's completely beautiful and confusing and kajsdflhbfKHBLDBHKFBDS and excuse me I have to go read it twenty sextillion more times so I can understand it and then I'll probably cry or something I dunno.
displayheartcode chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
/Confused as hell. Kinda.

/More like confused as purgatory.

Make that one HP Lovecraft to add to my reading list.

Can I just say that I live your narration. It's so very you, somewhat reminiscent of Death in the Book Thief, and highly entertaining. The Others sound like a positively happy bunch, should we send them flowers?

/Fate is certain, the future is malleable./ I like that line. And for some reason it reminds me of Yoda, because of the whole future is liquid or whatever I horribly paraphrased.

I think you highlighted Bellatrix pretty well. Eh, now I remember why she gave me nightmares when I was little. Only that witch could nail puppies to the wall with a smile. That idea in my heads correlates well with the line about nothing coming back quite human.

So, yeah. Awkward review. Man, I'm off my game lately.
sasukeXnarutoforever chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
This is pretty damn beautiful, and you highlight Bellatrix's character wonderfully. She's always been one of my favorites - her obsession with Voldemort, her power, and yes, her insanity. This gives her a backstory that makes sense with her canonical actions while simultaneously making her sympathetic.

... am I reading the idea of Bella/Sybill correctly? Interesting ... I'll put this on my "to write" list.

Your prose is exquisite, and your grammar is perfect.
i made my mistakes chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
For me, I understood the beginning bit, and as the story progressed I got more and more confused. That's what I like about this story, though. It's not the sharp, concise "Good-or-bad" situation-which is not necessarily bad, just... Without any mind-food, even with the most exciting of action, it may get a bit dull.

I love how you show a flip side of Bellatrix, and yet it's still the same person. And. The contradictions. I LOVE THEM.

All in all, great job on this.
(I'll be coming back as soon as I'm in college to see if I can understand it fully.
Which means several years. XD I'll keep re-reading it, though.)

Also, I love the 'ending'.

/bad review is bad review