Reviews for Carousel
KiaraWangWilliams chapter 27 . 8/19/2017
What a fantastic story, you did a awesome job on it! :)
rooibos-red chapter 27 . 7/28/2015
Such a beautiful work of art! The imagery in this fic made me feel as if I were actually there in the abandoned park. And thanks for making it not so relationship-centered. Don't get me wrong, I love gay fluff, but it's very refreshing to read something with only subtle hints like this.

Keep up the good work!
FireFox Vixen chapter 27 . 3/29/2015
Berry Doyle chapter 27 . 2/9/2015
I think I would enjoy a sequel. I really enjoyed this fic (even if it was kind of sad) and I would like to see more. You're a good author.
Scribe of Nyx chapter 27 . 2/4/2015
That's an awesome ending, if it actually is one. I would like to read more.
LoveXOXOLuna chapter 27 . 2/3/2015
So cute. Poor Bethany died. Will we get to see her ghost if you write a sequel? I would love to read the sequel. After all who doesn't like a good sequel? so please write it that way I can have another story to enjoy. I want to see how their lives turn out. loved how the story went. Have fun writing.
Zoney568 chapter 27 . 2/3/2015
Wow! You almost gave me something. I really thought that this story was over, and then I saw the update and stare in shock before going ti read it. I almost cried of happinnes, really. This was my first Hetalia fanfiction and I really love the story. Thanks a lot for completing it, you really made my day. 3
I also want to say that I would LOVE a sequel to this awesome and cute story.
Thanks a lot and I hope you continue with your fantastic writting! :D
MiyukoLove chapter 26 . 7/21/2014
But, but, but! Bethany! She isn't gone is she? Is she?... T.T No, not cool. Guah!
skylaeatpie chapter 26 . 7/12/2014
Oh my poptart. Now I know why you cried. Dude! I love this! Please finish it! I can't stand if this goes unfinished!
Wannabefangirl chapter 26 . 7/10/2014
HOLY SHIT! THE FEELS! Hahaha... sorry, I got a bit carried away their for the ending for chapter 26..."
I was going to recommend this story a song called "Jack's Lament" from the movie "The Night Before Christmas" (you have heard this song no?) Or the Multilanguage of it (Because their from different countries and stuff) until chapters 25 and 26...

I really like this story and I finish reading this by one day... (Holy!_ it takes me about 2 days to read 1 through 26 chapters)

I was surprise that Bethany died in the end... What are they going to do? Are they going to hide the body Or come clean about how she died to people who knows her Or bury her (and have her funeral) and never ever tell anyone what happen and never bring up of it again?
(I made my comment spacey so it's easier to read)

Well then, can't wait for the next chapter of your story! Bye! " ( talked a lot didn't I?)
Jay Rowan chapter 26 . 7/10/2014
Oh my, so things are calming down now. But I do wonder, what will they do when they take the curse away? What will happen to the centaurs and the boys? Will the centaurs stay centaurs or could they turn human? ...well I'll have to read on to find out. So yeah, thank you for this awesome new chapter :D
Cheary chapter 25 . 7/3/2014
Wow, this is actually getting pretty intense. I have a feeling that there'll be some kind of epic battle scene next chapter.
Jay Rowan chapter 25 . 7/1/2014
I'm so glad that you haven't given up on this! Thank you so so SO much for the update and I'm glad that you're mostly back on track. I hope that you are able to finish the story soon :)
SaySaeri chapter 25 . 7/1/2014
Oh my she has gone loco with them speaking through her. How will this end, I wonder?
Berry Doyle chapter 25 . 7/1/2014
Things are heating up, it seems. Gilbert got to be awesome, too. Glad to see that.
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