Summary: Alfred F. Jones has just moved to a remote town, where the woods surround the town itself. One night, while holding a sleepover, Alfred and his new friends decide to explore the woods, where they find an abandoned park. Standing right in the middle is a carousel worn down by time and nature, the abandoned carousel has creatures and beasts of all types. There are gryphons, harpies and sirens, sea dwelling species and aerial beings of all sizes and detail. The most chilling and fascinating though are the centaurs that decorate the carousel like horses would on a normal carousel. It's unlike anything that they have ever seen, and they take it upon themselves to restore the once magnificent carousel. What they don't know though, is exactly what will happen when they finally restore the carousel.

Pairings: USUK, PruCan, Spamano, Giripan, RoChu, GerIta.

This is based on some wonderful images that I found on tumblr done by shieunni. You can find them here at: shieunni . tumblr/tagged/centaur%21verse

Alfred F. Jones walked through the living room of his brand new home, his small body weighed down with the simple weight of just one box. He was only ten, having hit the big one-zero just under two weeks ago. Now though, he and his mom were moving to a new remote town and new place where they could start over. Alfred hadn't wanted to move away from all his friends, but he couldn't really fight against his mom, so here he was in the new house at the edge of town.

"Alfred F. Jones! If you don't hurry up and get these boxes, I'm throwing them in the trash!" his mom yelled from the front yard where all their boxes had been left by the movers. All the big furniture was inside, so now it was just up to them to get the rest inside.

"Coming mom!" Alfred called back, leaving the box there. Since they were so far away, they could yell as loudly as they wanted and no one would be able to hear them. Alfred's mother complained about it but at the same time she liked the peace.

Alfred stepped outside, staring at the woods that surrounded their house. He shook his shoulders, already feeling antsy to go and explore them. His mom wouldn't want him going out there too much, but maybe he could sneak away. Alfred grabbed another box with his small hands and brought them inside, making sure that he picked up his own so that his mom wouldn't throw them away without his consent.

By the time the sun was set all the boxes had moved from the front yard to inside the house. Alfred and his mother panted together, exhausted, collapsing on the couch and thinking about how it was going to be even more exhausting tomorrow when they would have to unpack all the things in the boxes.

"My back aches so much Alfie, do we have anything to eat?" his mom said, rubbing her back and moving into the kitchen. Alfred just laid down on their couch, for once in his life not that hungry.

"Um, there's some crackers?" his mom made it out like a question. Alfred didn't respond though, his brain too tired already. He just wanted to sleep.

Ms. Jones returned to the living room with a box of crackers under her arm. She paused in her efforts to maneuver past the boxes also making sure that she didn't overturn anything that would take hours to clean up. On the couch, and taking up most of the space, her only son was passed out. She gave him a small smile, not like he was awake to see it anyways, and picked him up as if he was a baby. He stirred, but Alfred had always been a heavy sleeper.

"I know we had such a busy day. Don't you worry though hun, tomorrow we'll go into town and you'll make some friends. Who knows you might end up being the hero just like in your books. I know moving is hard, but everything always turns out better than we think it's going to be right?" Ms. Jones said as she placed Alfred in his bed. She tucked him in the same way that she had been tucked in as a girl, placing a kiss on his forehead and his favorite stuffed Eagle, Liberty, under his arm. With a final glance, Ms. Jones flicked off the light and left her son alone to his dreams.

It was noon when the new single mother and her son made their way into town. Together they had spent their whole morning unpacking boxes and deciding where things would go. They had two extra rooms where they placed the empty boxes when they were done with them, but they had managed to get only a few unpacked, so their house still looked like a cluttered mess.

Alfred still held his mother's hand as he crossed the street with her, not because he was scared! The heroes are never scared. It was so that his mom was safe! Who knows what could happen while crossing that dangerous street? They traveled down the towns one main street, sometimes window shopping and sometimes actually going inside and buying something that either he or his mother wanted. They stopped at a small café for lunch where Alfred got the biggest burger that they had, chomping into it as soon as it arrived.

When that was done they traveled down to the small park where they had a small swing set and a lone slide that looked as if it was going to collapse any second. It looked abandoned, but getting closer and closer, there were more people there than Alfred had seen at a distance. They weren't going playing on the slide, or even on the swings, but running around while their parents watched from a distance to make sure that no one harmed themselves.

"Can I go play?" Alfred asked his mom pleadingly, putting out the biggest puppy dog that he could muster. His mom chuckled at the effort.

"Sure hun, just make sure that you stay where I see you." Alfred didn't need to be told twice, and with a joy filled shout Alfred ran right up to the kids whose attention was caught by the loud shout.

"Hi! I just moved here yesterday, my name's Alfred!" Alfred was hopping from foot to foot, eagerly awaiting their replies. For a moment none of the other kids moved, and Alfred began to panic internally that maybe he had made a mistake running up like that. Yet before he could say anything else one of the boys stood up.

"I-I'm Matthew," he shyly said, holding out his hand like he was afraid Alfred would bite it. Matthew had a bright red sweater on, and he carried around a small polar bear. In a way it reminded Alfred of his own stuffed Eagle that he had at home.

"It's nice to meet you Matthew," Alfred beamed, his bright attitude returning full force despite the sad thoughts that he had been thinking just moments before. Someone else stood up and captured Alfred's attention.

"Ve~ I'm Feliciano, and this is my fratello Lovino." A boy said with brown hair and a curl in the side of his head. Another male sat next to him with a scowl on his face, and Alfred could see how similar that they looked. He realized that 'fratello' probably meant 'brother'.

"Konnichiwa, I am Kiku." Another boy said with a bow, not meeting Alfred's eyes. Alfred tried to bow back, but he felt awkward doing so. Finally, a large boy who looked older than the rest stood up.

"Privet, I'm Ivan," he said with a creepy smile. Then he sat back down as if he had never got up in the first place. Alfred just stared back, not moving from his spot either.

"Um… can I play with you guys?" Alfred finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure, but you're it!" Feliciano excitedly said, before taking off in a random direction. Everyone scattered, except for Ivan who walked off leisurely. Alfred hesitated for a second before he took off running after them, laughing as he did.

Ms. Jones watched from the sidelines, happy that her son had found friends so fast. She didn't voice it, but she had been worried that he wouldn't be able to find friends in a town this small. Everyone seemed to be so close knit here, and she had found herself worrying that they wouldn't be welcomed. Yet the other parents talked with her easily and soon enough she had their names and numbers. She hoped to set up play dates for Alfred, maybe even a sleepover when their boxes finally get unpacked.

Ms. Jones held onto the hope that she and Alfred would be happy here. They liked their homes and really, they couldn't afford to move if things got bad. Whether Alfred or she liked it, this was their new home.

For all she knew though, Alfred could go on an adventure, and beyond all hope, she hoped that he would find an adventure.

Let me know what you think and if I should continue.