Reviews for Noblesse Joint projects
kohhannah01 chapter 14 . 11/16/2017
Are you going to continue the 'Worlds Greatest Dad' stories?
O.O chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
Its so amusing and possible. I've read these before and forgot to comment but I think they are all great. Do you plan to add more?
O.O chapter 5 . 1/23/2017
So true! Great concept.
anne chapter 14 . 6/1/2016
so cool daddy frankenstain i love him
TazzieLuv13 chapter 14 . 4/23/2016
Sachiel Angelo chapter 14 . 9/18/2015
I can just see Frankenstein becoming very devoted to Rai, maybe not in the same sense as it was in the canon.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/12/2015
This is so cute! I can't wait for Takeo, Tao, Regis, and Seira!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/11/2015
I feel their pain... I can't skate either... Well in my defense I only skate once every other year or so because its too expensive to go to the only ice rink on the island...
SparklingSnowfall chapter 14 . 2/24/2015
I didn't know this had updated. Love these last two chapters! Thank you. :)
1fairytaillover chapter 14 . 2/19/2015
cant wait for tao and takeo
1fairytaillover chapter 10 . 2/19/2015
you know you like this frankenstein
1fairytaillover chapter 9 . 2/19/2015
Awwwwww but im pretty sure Frankenstein would be a great dad. Whoever is the mother sure is one lucky woman.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/17/2015
Adorable! I love this!
Morose chapter 14 . 2/15/2015
just cos' I forgot that you and the author fleeting vapor are working on this together... I'd like to edit my review saying that u both are awesome writers... I've read vapor's works too and they were stunning and ur work together is purely amazing!
Morose chapter 14 . 2/15/2015
that was most absolutely adorable... both rai's & m'21's... u are a very very very talented person... pls, u have to to make the backstories of the rest of them... pls pls pls update soon
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