Reviews for The Diplomatic Outing
novelteas74 chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
Oh my goodness, that was such a great twist. Brilliantly done! I rather like Molly and Greg as a couple.
mamika chapter 1 . 8/26/2015
I knew something was up when he said he coulnd't simultaneously pay attention to molly, the other quests and surroudnings. I mean, of course Sherlock could do that! and he wouldn't have grunted at noticing she didn't have knickers on.
but I was surprised still that it was lestrade, although on hindsigh it is pretty obvious.
I'm so glad Sherlock and john went to the party together, and that gred found someone too.
and that limousine drives went so well for all of them.
the scarf thing was great and it was so funny that Sherlock was blushing.
and kind that alice was so happy for the boys. thank goodness there was no Donovan.
again, wonderful twist in the end. I liked that a lot
librarywitch chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
What a delightful tale! I love the twist. Well done.
Kathmak chapter 1 . 4/12/2013
Thank you for telling me straight up that it is not Sherlolly. I appreciate your being up front about it. Now I can be sure to avoid it.
She-Has-Holmes-Eyes chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
I nearly passed this by when I thought that it was Sherlock/Molly, and I'm so grateful you mentioned that it wasn't! I do not ship those two...
I was chanting a little mantra for the entire story- Mole Trading Mole Trading Mole Trading- but with the same inflection I use when I chant Johnlock Johnlock Johnlock during the series. Just not going to happen. But, um, then it did. You gave me hope.
As a weirdo, it's so sweetly satisfying to read about the shy girl dress up like a knockout and get with a smoking hot guy ;) It even had my OTP sprinkled on top! Why can't you write the plot of my life?!
Icebabe59 chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
Oh my goodness! Despite the fact that you said it wasn't a Sherlock and Molly story I spent the entire time sure that it was. . . I kinda love you right now. I'm just saying, this was amazing.
miamam chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
oh, this story was so cute! 3 Molly was truly adorable, indeed. And how you turned the story upside down, as she said "Detective inspector" - I read this sentence for four times, thinking that I had misunderstood :-D brilliant :-)
Rairakku1234 chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
"I need a distraction," Sherlock announced as he came charging into the lab and fixed Molly with his most intense stare.'

What a great opening line. I love how you droped us in the middle of the scene like that.

"I don't have any cadavers for you …" she began nervously but he held up an imperious hand to stop her.
"That's not the distraction I'm talking about," he told her impatiently. "I have to go to an ambassadorial reception tomorrow night and I need to take a partner with me."
"Why?" Molly enquired, then quailed as he turned an irritated look towards her. "I mean, why are you going to a reception?"
Sherlock let out an exasperated sigh. "It wasn't my idea," he grumbled, "but I still owe my brother some favours from when he helped me to 'disappear'."

This section is fantastic. Your voice's for Sherlock and Molly are so spot on.

"Your next question had better not be, 'Do you know anyone like that?'" she told him fiercely.'

Hahahahaha. I love that you give Molly some backbone and growth here. :)

"Take John," she told him.
Sherlock stared at her as if she had gone mad.'

I love it when writers have people other than John suprise Sherlock. It is so good for his learning curve. hehehe.

'Standing in Sherlock's bedroom the following evening, Molly wondered how on earth she had allowed him to talk her into this.'

Oh Molly you really didn't think that Sherlock wasw going to let it go and you were going to get away now did you. hahahahahaha

"Um … I'll get a camera," he said. "That's … um, if you'd … Would you like me to take some pictures of you?"
"Oh, yes please!" she said excitedly. She hadn't even thought about the possibility but she was sure she would never look this good again and it would be lovely to have photographic evidence.
John nodded vaguely and turned and left the room, bumping into the door jamb and grunting in pain as he went. Again, Molly struggled not to giggle as she picked up her clutch bag. She turned back to face Greg who was still staring at her blankly.'

Hahahahaha this is great. And such a perfect reaction to all three of them. :)

'Sherlock looked at her for a long moment, then stalked slowly towards her. Greg slipped his arm free of hers and stepped aside as Sherlock paced around her a couple of times, looking her up and down before eventually stopping behind her. Molly held her breath as he leaned in and put his head close to hers.
"Oh, you'll do, Molly Hooper," he purred in her ear.
Molly concentrated on not fainting.'

Hahahahahaha. Go Molly go. Althought I think I would faint if he purred in my ear. hehehehehe

'She stared nervously out of the window, bracing herself as she prepared to get out. 'I wonder if he'll even realise that this skirt is so sheer and clingy that I've had no choice but to go commando,' she thought to herself as she rose from her seat and bent forward to step out of the car.
A startled grunt came from behind her. 'Yep, he's noticed,' she thought with an internal giggle, then straightened up and looked towards the front entrance of the house. A smile began to form on her face. She was ready.'

Hahahahahahaha. Ouch my sides hurt. This is so great.

And the twist. I can't quote any of the end because the hidden twist was so fabulous and you did such a great Job of hiding it. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderfully funn, romantic, and sweet one-shot with all of us.

toeki chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
i like how you describe molly, and that she has the chance to be beautiful and amazing instead of being shown as a mousy lab nerd. i hadnt expected the direction this was going, especially who ended up with whom. you always accomplish to make your readers reread some parts of the story. the way you play with expectations, only to go into a completely different direction is amazing.
im glad to have you on my watchlist.
MegFallow chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
HAHAHA! I LOVE IT! I can only imagine where you got the idea for the ending with Lestrade asking Molly out. (it was the Christmas party scene wasn't it?) Nice work.
SWBloodwolf chapter 1 . 10/3/2012
brilliant! I was like, wait...what? Then had to go back and realise she got with Lestrade and Sherlock got with John and I was all like...OH YEAH! Thats better then where I thought it was going to go. Totally well done! )
Pilikia18 chapter 1 . 10/3/2012
How sweet you are- and your story. As always: full of surprises! And the reference to Mirith's story blended in so seamlessly. Awesome!
Mirith Griffin chapter 1 . 10/3/2012
I like your women better than I like the show's women! Not that Molly isn't badass in TRF, but when you write the women from BBC Sherlock, they're consistently strong, fleshed out, vital, and versatile. I'd watch a show called "Molly" any day if you wrote it. Hell, I'd watch a show called "Anderson" if you wrote it.

Love the plot twists. Never saw 'em coming. Saw, but did not observe.

Also: blushing Sherlock. Good God. Can you slap a warning up top for that? I'm pretty sure it's a hyperventilation risk. I'm a fool for a blushing man.

Thanks millions for the shout-out, sweetie. I was so touched and pleased by it. You're a true friend. I think of you every time I see the MJN luggage tag, which is often, because it's on the nightstand in the guest room for all to enjoy.
Doni chapter 1 . 10/3/2012
"It's much nicer being outed by someone who's about as spiteful as a panda." hehe, love it. This story was pretty much full of adorable awesomeness.
Ozcinefile chapter 1 . 10/3/2012
Very nice twist ending, even though I don't ship Johnlock.
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