Reviews for More Than a Girl, Less Than a Man
Ruby of Raven chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Ha! XD That's so sweet. He realizes he likes her better this way. XD
DrYuriMom chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
I'm thoroughly enjoying reading your Yui stories. You are a gifted writer and I hope to see more Yui from you. :-)
theneutralite chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
SAmaster01 chapter 1 . 1/25/2013
Well, I really enjoyed your story, and thought your characterization of Yui was really well done.

I also enjoy Yui as a character in the Manga, as she has the largest amount of character growth the the series due to her drastic transformation. The large boost of confidence she earns is worth it in my opinion, and her straight faced reactions to the goddess situation where rather humorous, especially the fact that she doesn't mind sharing Keima.
Wrathie Winsre chapter 1 . 12/2/2012
Good! I approve, this is one of my favorite fics about TWOGK in this community.
I especially have to give you props for the NPC idea, I might borrow it but I might not, but I would like to ask permission nonetheless.
It's a very good fic, it might be a clique situation, just a little but it was delivered well enough with good narration throughout that is very similar to how Canon would make Keima and Yui behave.
It's a fanfic but it has the canon stamp stamped all over it.

I approve very much!
AKAAkira chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
Yeah, it was even more choppy than the last fic. (There were lots of places where I think a comma should've been placed, and I think a few horizontal rulers are missing.) And I do wish the plot was a bit more straightened out, for that one instance Keima stretched his characterization and pursued fem!Yui when he didn't yet have a reason to.

But the premise was interesting, and you really nailed down Keima's conquering process in place. Actually, I think you're the best author in this fandom in terms of preserving the Capturing God's tactics and thoughts. With a dash of humour, no less. Yui was written equally well, on both her personas. Fem!Yui was just as demure and ladylike as I would expect her be, while male!Yui was as assertive and disarming as Keima can get on his conquests. Great job on the characters.
Alewar Warinot chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
I actually like the present Yui where she becomes aggressive to the God of Conquest. It's actually funny and sweat at the same time and I have a thing for tomboys but I don't have a thing for reverse traps(or maybe I do?) but your story is quite entertaining and appreciative for my taste. Brings out a what if scenario and it makes perfect sense. Sad to see you didn't let in the extravagant Yui in the Prince in a cart with a jumbo sized bento like the manga though. Anyways, I am hoping that you will make more fanworks about Yui's manliness.
I am have experience in the forbidden genres and I find Yui the submissive to be quite sexy
Takagi Akito chapter 1 . 10/9/2012
this is not that bad you know. in fact it's really good and i like it
i think it will be very great if next time you will make a serialized YuixKeima fic, since you really fancy her. I believe that a great decent pairing fanfiction usually comes from someone who really fond them.

i like Yui too, so i'll be looking forward to your multi-chapter YuixKeima fic!
Vinley chapter 1 . 10/9/2012
Yay , First review! This would be good as a first chapter to a whole complete chapterific story with Yui and Keima but I'm sad to see it as three separate mini's. I personally like new Yui better because she is 1. More fun 2. Considerate and devoted/loyal 3. Plays drums like a god(probably could've when she was Girly but now looks more happy, beside who would play drums in a dress anyway?). Could you make one for Yui that's chaptery but put some of the others in there to be all dramatic.

P.S. I'm not telling you haw to write a story but please make it a happy ending(or better yet give him the harem ending, please,please,please give him it.)