Reviews for You Can't Hypnotise A Hypnotist
Munkeyfump20 chapter 3 . 9/6/2017
Cliff hanger well thanks for the read
LouiseKurylo chapter 3 . 12/27/2016
Interesting, in-character, plus insights (Grace's conclusion about Jane from her O'Laughlin experience is original). Enjoyed it very much, though I wish you had completed the story. Thanks for the enjoyment.
Unknown Voices chapter 3 . 2/6/2013
Oh! Please continue im hoping to hear more!
Lauri3n chapter 3 . 12/23/2012
This is interesting!
ngocquevt chapter 3 . 12/11/2012
The voices of different characters in a story really interest me! And although Jane got in trouble, it still seems light and humour and with a fast pace - those're what I like in a Mentalist fan fiction.
Looking forward to your next chapter :)
britfanatic76 chapter 2 . 12/9/2012
Great cliffhanger. I like the way you twisted it to Van Pelt's POV to emphasize the severity of the situation. I hope to see more soon.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/30/2012
Intriguing. More please.
Water-please chapter 2 . 11/30/2012
Creepy! Frightening!
You see, I can't even get a straight sentence out. I'm glad that you decided to write a sequel (thank you!), otherwise we wouldn't have had the chance to gape at the newest developments in your story.
eblonde chapter 2 . 11/30/2012
Ohh! I'm so glad that you decided to continue this! I love it! please update soon. :)
et voila 1312 chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
ho, ho, I like this. Interesting idea. I don't think I'd ever thought of her pulling a 'Jane' on him! (although she has done it before, in TCH, with that sweet homeless lady). Also using 1st person here is good; 3rdperson would not have worked. I too applaud her trying it, even if her attempt was a tad clumsy (yelling at him?)

I hope you were planning to continue this.
MerriWyllow chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
Nice way for Lisbon to turn the tables on Jane.
Water-please chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
That was a close call - no pun intended.
Love your story!
eblonde chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
That was great! but I do wish you had made it into a multi-chapter. the idea of jisbon having to run around the Bush in search of reception to save Jane from bleeding to death is oddly intriguing.
anyway great job :)
666BloodyHell666 chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
that was good.
can't wait for more if there is more
Donnamour1969 chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
This was really good. I haven't read many Mentalist fics in first-person, but you seem to have Jane's voice down, and the banter was great. I hope you're planning to continue it, although it seems to be a one shot. I'll put this fic on alert because I'm an optimist.
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