Reviews for Dreamland
GrossGirl18 chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
I enjoyed this.
Rosetta Agreste chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
omg that was amazingly adorable
Guest chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
Can I leave you a review? I'm going to leave you a review.
I'm going to leave you a review here, because on MSN it just takes too long and there's a word limit and whathaveyou.

First of all, I really like the concept you've used here for the story!
The idea that Jamie and Sophie could still remember, despite growing up and facing the typical problems of being older, seems like a really fitting one given the whole message of the film. It's also interesting to read because it's mostly from Sophie's point of view, or at least it follows her character, which means we get to see more into her personality; the film didn't really get the chance to do that.
I also think you've captured the brother-sister relationship well, even though they've both matured. Sophie still relies on her brother despite being older, and in turn he's protective of her, and I like that. You've also maintained the same kind of child-like optimism in Jamie as seen in the films, which is true to his character and just a nice thing to read.

For a oneshot it's quite short and fast paced, but it doesn't feel rushed at all. I think that's because you've included just the right amount of descriptive language so it captures your interest and holds it without weighing the story itself down and making it tedious.

My only constructive criticism is a techincal one; something to do with the punctuation in dialogue, but I'll talk to you about that on MSN. It's not really a big thing, and not particularly noticeable, so don't worry about it!

Overall, I think you've captured the character of Sophie really well and provided a believable and realistic insight to what her life would be like once growing up a bit, and the end of the chapter ties up nicely with the beginning. Nicely done!
Leelee909 chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Very cute, and yet very realistic as well. Wonderful idea, and I really enjoyed it. But, I must warn you... if you choose to continue this story... there must be adorabley sweet mushy gushy Bunny and Sophie moments. Its just a must, and unfortunately for you is completely unavoidable. Seriously, if you don't,you will be hunted down and ... umm... I'm not entirely sure what the punishment will be yet, but rest assured it will be awful.
SilverTwilight19 chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Too Cute, good job! I love the BunnyxSophie relationship as well :)
SkyHighFan chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
How could you NOT like Jamie? Good story though.
Alana-kittychan chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Aw so cute