Reviews for The Mask
BellaZelda8 chapter 3 . 9/27/2013
I really liked this story, really well done. Thank you for sharing!
JoFu chapter 3 . 1/31/2013
the "old friend" link is looking for is navi because after it says "link is looking for an old friend" in the intro, it makes a fairy sound. NAVI the FAIRY.
DragonEye0905 chapter 2 . 1/8/2013
I gotta say, I do like this story! Even if it is short! :)

Though, the Happy Mask Salesman knew what he possesed int he game, so I don't think he would try to sell it. Ever. Anywhere. I think he was just a collecter himself, amd a mask of such power was worth keeping.

Anyway, great job!
Ailavyn Siniyash chapter 3 . 1/6/2013
Oo, nice! So Link knows about the Twilight... Interesting. Oh, poor Skull Kid! I like how you made it that he recognized Link. I can't wait for Tatl!

Ailavyn Siniyash
Dantalion chapter 3 . 1/6/2013
Hrrm, I too have an unplayable Majora's Mask cartridge, dumb expansion packs. :

This was good, wasn't a fan of the part where Skull Kid recognized Link like that, that was a pretty big part in the ending of the game.

Other than that, good job! :D Can't wait for more of this.
Dantalion chapter 2 . 12/24/2012
Oh wow, this chapter was amazing. :3 I really liked how had the Happy Maskman deal with the situation, very much like him to blow a fuse like that. I REALLY liked the description for the mask as well, not too much but just enough for the reader to know what it looks like.

As for the mask, I imagine most of them, a good 90 percent, to be made out of wood, seeing how it's pretty lightweight and most of the masks were made out of wood save some like the stone mask. Also I did not feel like it was rushed, it stopped at a good part, nicely done.

Great job, can't wait for the other chapters.
Ailavyn Siniyash chapter 2 . 12/24/2012
Ah, the Happy Mask Salesman acting like a petulant child. Wonderful. That is so like I imagine him acting, what with his mood swings and all. And nice touch with the royal purple, I wouldn't have thought of that myself.

No, it did not feel rushed in the least, but I know what it's like to be self-critical of my writing. Who was the old woman?

Sorry I didn't review last time, I usually do.

Ailavyn Siniyash
Dantalion chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
Kehehe, interesting so far! A bit fast paced with his personality, I would really like to see more of this!

Good job on the first chapter. :)