This just popped in my head when I was searching for a LinkxMidna fanfic (weird, right?), so I decided to type it up and see how I liked it. As you probably deduced by simple reasoning, I decided I liked it and posted it :)

I plan to cover at least four different perspectives; Skull Kid, Tatl, Tael, and the Happy Mask Salesman (probably not in that order) when they interact with Majora's mask. I'm going to post each perspective as a different chapter, and if my internet doesn't cop out (it's been known to do so quite often), it'll be complete just a little while after I post the first chapter. I already typed up everything, so I just need to post the individual chapters :)

So cease the ramblings, Stori! Here's the story, my dear, patient readers! I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer; I do not own The Legend of Zelda in any way, shape, or form, nor do I receive any money for publishing this work of fanfiction. The Legend of Zelda and all its characters are copyrighted by Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo.


I was all alone, shivering in the rain. There was nothing but the cold and the rain. The sky cried with me that day; the day I ran away. The other Skull Children were so cruel. The taunted me, teased me, all for being smaller then the others and without any talent for music.

I thought I would be alone forever, and I hoped I would die, alone in the cold, left to the freezing sheets of rain that pounded the log that sheltered me. But then, two little tufts of glittering light flew into my log, seeking shelter from the sorrowful sky just as I had. We stared at each other for a few moments, trying to predict the others' moves. Just as I was about to speak, a bolt of lightning seared through the clouds, tracing a white path of light across the heavens and lighting the entire sky with blinding iridescence, followed by a loud roar of thunder. The tufts flew towards me in fright, and we spent the remainder of the night huddled together for warmth, waiting for the storm to end.

When we finally awoke, we introduced ourselves. My two new friends were Tatl and Tael, two very outspoken little fairies from beyond Termina, a place named Hyrule or something. They lived in the woods there, in a village called Kokiri, but the storm chased them out. We talked for awhile, content to simply get to know each other. When our thirst for background was quenched, we started to play.

We dashed and ran and flew across the soggy fields, laughing as we played tag. I tried to teach Tael to do a cartwheel, but Tatl said it was impossible, which set off a heated argument between the two fairies. Sighing, I looked to the woods to find something to distract the squabbling brothers with. I saw what looked like a man lying on the forest floor, surrounded by damp, mildewing leaves. He looked like he had been crushed by a giant pack atop his fallen form.

I tore across the field and to the edge of the forest where he laid, still unmoving. As I studied him, I realized he was wearing the pack, and just collapsed from the fatigue of carrying such a heavy burden. I bent over to help him, and that's when I saw it.

It sat among other fallen masks, one of a fox, another of a rock person, but I was drawn to this one like I was to nothing else. It was in the shape of a heart with sharp yellow spikes protruding from the top and each side. It's intricate eye designs looked alluring, almost hypnotic. I picked it up, and, hands shaking, I pressed it to my face. It felt as if it was meant to be worn, as if it was meant to be worn by me.

It made me feel powerful. That beautiful, glorious mask. At first, I only meant to put it on, to feel what it was like to be strong. But when I put it on and covered up my true identity, I felt nothing but power surge through my veins.

Tatl and Tael thought I was wrong in taking the mask from the old man, they thought I should take it back. I showed them my newfound power and told them that we could do anything now that I had the mask. They listened to me because they feared me, but that was alright. At least it was better than back in the forest where no one even cared about me; where I was nothing. With the mask of Majora, I was something. I was power incarnate.

Those bumbling fools would never understand, especially that idiot, Tatl. She always goes about flapping that stupid fairy mouth of hers. Tael was on my side from the start, but that's only because he likes to contradict his sister.

I only wish that I could be respected without this mask. I can't help but feel that every time I put it on, I lose a little bit of myself. Bah, what does it matter? As long as I have this mask, I'll be shown the respect I deserve.


Yes, yes, I know it's not 'rock person,' it's 'Goron,' but how would a Skull Child from the forest know anything about the rock-eating people from the mountains?

I hope I conveyed the changing of his personality correctly ^w^ if it was unclear (it was a very subtle transition), I humbly apologize, and am deeply sorry for confusing you with this section of AN :)

I hope to see you all again in the following chapters! Love ya ;)

~Daughter of Hat-n-Cloggs