Reviews for The Fate of a Padawan
TragicFiction chapter 37 . 5/20/2016
Please continue this story its great
amerdism chapter 36 . 6/12/2015
Awesome story, I hope to see more soon, when's the next chapter going up?
Lux's Sister chapter 37 . 5/24/2015
And thank you, for dedicating all your time to this story. It was awesome!
Booksnake3 chapter 33 . 11/11/2014
Cliffhanger! NOOO, Ahsoka! What is she doing? Please please please make the next update a quick one! :)
Booksnake3 chapter 32 . 9/7/2014
Well done Ahsoka, you've just shown yourself in the most obvious way possible... Can't wait for Anakin's reaction! I've wanted this to happen for so long and I'm so excited! Update soon :)
Booksnake3 chapter 30 . 1/29/2014
What's Chris doing there?! At least they've found him. Now they need to get out of there without getting caught, but if anyone finds the dead clones they'll know there was a Jedi there for sure. Let's hope they're well away by then :)
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 30 . 1/29/2014
well dam, chris is a dirty agent. and hell, use a jedi searching around to find other jedis and have people hunt them down and kill them? that's a mess. and then his distrust over the years...
crap. hpe hes nota ctually evil and something interesting is going on byt... still. considering how much Tatoine is a MESS of a place, especially with what city hes right next to you at ... yeah, this should be fun. hopefully Vader wont just bmb the planet because of whats going on... and memories... hmm.
should be interesting to see Ashokas response and ESPECIALLY considering the nature of everything... Kenobi CANT leave planet I think, especially with vader HERE hes either got to force this into a fight all acrss the planet and then RUN for it... hes got to sabotage Vaders nice big ship, which ISNT a one man job, assassinate him here... or hell, I wonder if Vader IS here or coming aferall, it really considers what exact nature chriss is.
Measuredless chapter 29 . 1/20/2014
Booksnake3 chapter 29 . 1/18/2014
Oh no! They're in trouble now! Great chapter, as always :)
Booksnake3 chapter 28 . 12/31/2013
It's been a while since you updated and I'd almost forgotten this fanfic exists! I think Tar could be an interesting character though, so I hope the next chapters come before I forget about him. But your writing is really nice to read so keep writing loads :)
Booksnake3 chapter 27 . 12/6/2013
This is an excellent fic! You're a great writer, and you've got some great ideas. I really want to know more about Chris, because I feel there should be something more to him that's... Spooky, maybe? Anyway, as Obi-wan pointed out, we don't know much about him so I hope we get to find out more in the future. And I also hope we see more of Lux, because it's sad that Ahsoka has been in contact with him for so long (how old would she be now... 28? If she was 17 at the end of the clone wars, since she was 14 at the beginning?) so yes I feel something more should happen between them. And I'm really looking forward to the confrontation, but should Obi-wan really be there? After the last time he saw Anakin? I have a feeling Vader wouldn't react positively to that. And I thought it was nice how you mentioned Han in passing in a previous chapter :) and just a little thing, but sometimes it's confusing when you've changed 'scenes' and there's no line break, or indication of the change, and I have to go back and re-read those bits. It's only a small thing, and I love your fanfiction so update soon :)
phhsdj chapter 27 . 11/25/2013
Keep it going
Texcatlipoka chapter 22 . 9/10/2013
I've been away for awhile but it's great to come home and find an update in my inbox. Whatever you do, don't give up on this! Nothing's so satisfying as finishing the tale!

I continue to like the chapters, but is it fair to say you're, in a sense, rushing? For example the whole first meeting of Ahsoka and Luke (and his family), and then her meeting with and revelation at Ben Kenobi's takes only half of a short chapter.

The only other thing I didn't like was Ben's casual use of a jedi mind trick on Chris, seemingly without provocation (also, maybe it's just the movies, but aren't main characters usually conspicuously immune to jedi mind tricks?)

These are details though; the meat of the story I still love, down to the natural and professional way in which almost every paragraph is phrased. Hoping to see another soon!
Skildpaden8D chapter 4 . 8/14/2013
I really like your writing style, and you seem to know a lot about the universe, I will read on and wait for updates :)
xDELTEDACCOUNTx chapter 21 . 8/14/2013
No don't leave me here! This story is so amazing! :D :D :D :D :D
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