The Fate of a Padawan

Chapter One: A Journey Assigned

Corusant 21BBY

"This is a big move, Snips." Anakin expressed as much compassion as possible that a master could to a padawan. "The Jedi Counsel needs a strong leader to go back to Onderon, and they've chosen you to see this mission through to the end."

"They chose me because they either didn't have a choice, or you persuaded them to, Master." The words came out as Ahsoka turned her head to look out the window of the Jedi Temple. From here she could see the hustle of Corusant. If she had the time to count the speeders alone as they flew by in a standard day, they'd probably number in the thousands. The city that housed not only the Jedi Temple, but the Senate as well, covered the entire planet. It was a win-lose situation for Ahsoka Tano, who had taken after her master more and more as time went on. Jedi were infinitely good, the Senate was a necessary evil, and rules were beginning to look like suggestions. "I know with the amount of unrest in the galaxy right now that Jedi are stretched a little thin, but this is a big mission, a long mission." Her voice again trailed off in a manner that threw Anakin a bit off canter and at a loss for words, which was a monumental feat for anyone to accomplish.

Obi-wan Kenobi's voice was calm and soothing, as it usually was out of battle situations, as he approached the pair. "It didn't take much convincing on Anakin's part. The Counsel has been watching you for a while, Ahsoka. You've come a long way and they are pleased with what they see. We have faith in you to accomplish the mission and return safely."

Did he do it because I know about Padme? Surely he knows I know. I've heard the rumors of his power being a possible rival to Yoda. There's no way he couldn't have known. "Master Obi-wan, something just doesn't feel right." Ahsoka wasn't sure if she really felt that out of the Force, or if she felt she was being betrayed by being split up again and not able to continue her training.

Anakin said nothing as Obi-wan took the lead in the conversation. "Ahsoka, I don't feel anything and neither does the Counsel. We've talked about this. If you feel that strongly about it, maybe you shouldn't go. Clouded judgment will not lead to any good."

"No, Master Obi-wan. I can see clearly," Ahsoka lied as she gazed into the disquieted eyes of Anakin. He can't even tell I just lied. Something's really going on. I've got to clear my head and think this all through. "Master Obi-wan, Anakin, I think I'll head back to my loft for the night."

"Sounds like a good way to clear your head." Obi-wan had a way of stating the obvious in a gentle, nurturing way, much like Plo Koon had always spoken with her.

Passing through the streets of Corusant was always a new experience. Although she had been there since the age of three, younglings weren't allowed to leave the Temple and be in public. Before she was of standard age, Yoda had the foresight to put her in the service of her Master Anakin. In just a few short years, she'd seen more than a Corellian smuggler would in his entire lifetime, at least most Corellian smugglers. But the streets of Corusant were constantly changing to meet the demands of new cultures moving in. At any given time, you could spot no fewer than twenty different systems represented. Even more if you counted the humans transplanted from systems throughout the galaxy. She walked the streets back to her loft cautiously, maybe too cautiously. With so much on her mind, it was hard to focus. If I can't focus, who knows what will happen? She almost wanted to be followed just to be able to turn her attention to a single enemy, but had no such luck today. The trip home wasn't long enough, and although she was surrounded by the population the entire way, she felt alone.

"She is strong in the Force. You did right to call me." The vision of Plo Koon taking a young Ahsoka into his arms on Shili so many years ago was blurry at best. "She will be trained in the ways of the Jedi."

Ahsoka opened her eyes to see darkness. I must have dozed off. The day had taken its toll and left her drained. So much so, the only thing she did upon arriving home was fall on the couch. She arose and turned on the lights to see a very plain loft. Decorations were at a bare minimum, and even the furniture was as basic as it comes. But this was not uncommon for most Jedi. "Deny yourself and concentrate on the Force" was so ingrained into her mind, that fancy and frills had no place in her life or in her home - if you could call it a home. Dream or vision, I can take a hint. I'm calling Plo Koon.

She had known no one longer than Plo Koon. He was the one who identified her as Force sensitive and brought her at the young age of three to the Jedi Temple to be trained. He was at times tough on her training, but always a welcome sight when he visited. It wasn't too often the younglings had visitors, and even less often that they came as friendly companions.

The hologram of Plo Kloon stood before Ahsoka. Its blue light danced about the room as he gave full attention to Ahsoka, despite the preparations for battle on Cato Neimoidia behind him. "Master Koon, I don't feel right. I've been on missions before and never felt this way. It's like I'm not supposed to go, but at the same time I need to go. And there's more. When I was on Mortis, I had a vision of the future, sort of. I'm sorry I never told you this before. But… the vision… it was real. It was me, only older… telling myself if I stayed with Anakin, well… it wouldn't end well." The words strained to leave Ahsoka's lips, for in believing them, she would have to think the worst of her Master. "What does it mean, Master?"

"There is much mystery in the Force that even the most powerful Jedi doesn't understand." The voice, deep and almost mechanical sounding due to an antiox breath mask, tried to reassure her. "Perhaps you mistranslated, or assume the worst." An expert swordsman, Plo Koon was equally the diplomat.

"Master, I said that seeds of the dark side had been planted in Anakin and in me. Can it get any worse than …?" Her voice froze as she caught the expression on Koon's face. A Kel Dor was not one whose facial expressions were easy to read, but she read it. She read it clearly. Perhaps Ahsoka had known him for so long she grew accustomed to it, or maybe the realization of something to him was so overwhelming it was obvious.

"Do not worry, padawan. I will speak to the Counsel when I return."

Padawan? How often did he use that word with her? The formal ending of the conversation had the opposite effect she had hoped it would have. Maybe I'm just hungry. In just a few short steps to the kitchen, her head filled with ideas she knew she should have chased out. Why did Plo Koon cut the conversation short? Does he know something about Anakin? Why do I feel like a kid that's being lied to? What would Master Yoda say? The realization of the last thought was clearer than anything she'd dealt with all day. Meditate. The food will wait.

"Obi-Wan, I have my own, uh… reservations about the trip." Anakin had finally spoken his mind after Ahsoka left. Seeing the look on Obi-Wan's face, he raised a hand to hold back the rebuttal. "It's Onderon. If it were anyplace else, I wouldn't think much about it." The words flowed quickly as Anakin stated his case. "There is a human there …"

"Lux Bonteri." Obi-Wan stopped Anakin short. "I'm fully aware that Lux will be there, and I too saw the exchanges between the two. I was there, remember? I also have faith in Ahsoka; she's not the same youngling that was dropped into our laps on Christophsis a short time ago. Master Yoda has watched her from the beginning. He has enough faith in her and you should too."

As the exchange between the two continued, Master Yoda approached. "Interrupt this, let me not." If ever there was a being whose stature and appearance left the mind to underestimate it, this would be it. Yoda, standing just over half a meter, walked with a cane. But he was a force to be reckoned with, if one was foolish enough to confront him. "Clouded, I see minds are."

Obi-wan was the first to speak. "Master Yoda, it seems as if there is not a clear picture for the mission at hand."

"There is much about the Force that understand we do not. See each mission to the end we cannot."

"But shouldn't we have a better feeling about this?" Anakin replied as he took his turn on the subject.

The response caught Obi-Wan off guard and stopped Yoda in his tracks. Feelings were intertwined with the Force. The Jedi used their feelings to feel the Force, but Anakin's reply stopped short of using the Force to see the mission, and seemed to rely on the tactical side.

"Feelings? Feelings you say? When assumed the padawan you did on Christophsis, feelings you used to lead her? On Geonosis, feelings did you use there? Outnumbered you were, and yet you completed the charge."

The second example struck a chord in Obi-Wan as he thought back to the Battle of Geonosis. The things Anakin had said. The things he did. He'd always been rash, a bit too hasty at times, the way he acted towards Padme. And now, Anakin is rationalizing things? Perhaps I should follow Ahsoka's lead and find a place to meditate.

The corner of her apartment was dimly lit. The walls were bare and the floor contained nothing but a mat to sit upon. It was apparent to most what the area was used for, whether they were a Jedi or not. Meditation was a staple of the Jedi training. So many times Ahsoka used it to clear her mind, gain direction, and sometimes just get away. This time, however, she wasn't getting the results she desired. Maybe I should call Plo Koon and tell him everything. It's not like I held anything back. He cut me off rather quickly though. Of course there was a war going on around him. Maybe some sleep will do the trick and come morning time, it will be time to leave.