Reviews for Left Behind
Greyswift45 chapter 7 . 2/19
I love this story. Is it finished or not?
ShadowCub chapter 7 . 1/22/2018
Dump his ass back on Galatica. This reminds me of another fic Going Native.
A SF officer who is stranded and turns against his old shipmates even after the colonials beat and torture him.

Just like Harry...I can see Harry doing this. After all for a alien female he told Janeway off and then had to come back.

This sounded interesting but Harry just sounds annoying and whiney.
Its hard to garner any sympathy or empathy with him.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/10/2017
This was a great story. I'm not a fan of the new Battlestar Galactica but I liked the story a lot anyway. I guess it's not going to be completed but it was still enjoyable to read.
Raydorforpresident chapter 7 . 6/29/2016
Very interesting story. My favourite part was when voyager appeared and Harry turned his ship around. Would love more interactions between the crews. I would especially like to see Adama and Roslin interacting with Janeway. Maybe they could discuss the Cylon dilemma or what Kim went through on board. Also I feel a confrontation about earth brewing. Love the idea and your story!
Dragon Cat chapter 7 . 5/7/2016
Nice story
tonygestaple chapter 7 . 3/5/2016
This story absolutely needs to be completed.
Tangerine-Alert chapter 7 . 1/6/2015
Excellent work, I really have enjoyed the decline of Kim, the reinvention and the rejection of Starfleet embodied on Voyager. Especially as Kim was always such a green character.
Tangerine-Alert chapter 6 . 1/6/2015
I thought that maybe Janeway would have a little more compassion for Kim than ordering him like that. Or maybe Tuvok would have argued in favour of allowing Kim to go untreated.

It's an interesting development for Kim, to have his "treatment" basically swept aside by Janeway.
killgore444 chapter 7 . 12/24/2014
Good story, hope you continue it.
Laverock chapter 2 . 7/6/2014
Weird to see Starbuck referred to as "her." And I thought BSG's technology (real or reboot) was more advanced than ours.
Trife chapter 7 . 6/4/2014
A lot of stuff is really glossed over honestly.

You COMPLETELY glossed over the meeting of the two factions. There was no conversations, reactions, information, story, or anything to it at all. They are barely even a footnote in the scheme of things. Specially with how you had Kim harping over how that meeting should not have been allowed and all that stuff. It's just completely glossed over.

You have a LOT of stuff about how his experiences have affected him and how he is having such a really hard time adjusting back to life on the Voyager and that's good. Anyone in the situation he has been stuck in would have that issue. He's suffering from PTSD, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, an such. The doctor should have recognized that along with the other officers. People are trained for that.

What happened to the Galactica? You've made no mention of it at all. What happened to the fleet of civilians? No mention there either. Why didn't Voyager help with food, medical supplies, an so on? That is something the Federation is very much known for and does quite often. What were the reactions to the Voyager crew? How did the colonials react to that level of technology that was displayed? In their situation why didn't they ask for help? How are we as the audience meant to relate to the people in your story or understand them if everything is only from Kim's perspective? There is nothing really going on beyond Kim's own angst. How is it affecting the others around him? His friends and for all intents and purposes his family? Everything is glossed over.

You don't have to give tons of information or anything but you do need to at least give something so that we as the readers and the audience can have a better understanding and see how things are going on around him and in the world. Nothing is being addressed so far.

utunnels chapter 7 . 6/3/2014
I suspect they will leave without doing anything? Because of the Prime Directive?
Perhaps Harry will make things different this time. We'll see.
highlander348 chapter 7 . 5/27/2014
Well I can already see where this is going. Janeway is probably not going to do a damn thing to help the Colonials. I swear she was the worst Starfleet captain in the tv series history. It's a wonder her crew didn't mutiny and abandon her on some planet. Chakotay would have made a better captain any day of the week over stick up her ass Janeway.
mvaneekhout1 chapter 7 . 5/27/2014
Chapters 6 & 7: I'm really liking where this story is going and the difficulties Harry is facing as he returns to Voyager. It's actually making me rethink some aspects of my terribly tardy BSG:2003/STNG effort.
Kansas Scout chapter 5 . 4/3/2014
Great story to this point. Sometime when you get your muse back for this one you should write more to it.
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