Reviews for Red Velvet
Tempest111 chapter 7 . 2/9
Please update this amazing story!
Crimson rose chapter 1 . 10/25/2015
Okay I totally don't agree with Jellal behind a creepy stalker. Not the same people he's become an insane person . Not normal.
Kazuekazu chapter 7 . 1/9/2015
Woah... What a cool story! Yes it is dark, but still cool! Well, i actually hoped that the relationship between those two would finally clear, although who knows the ending will goes. I reread this chapter so actually i already read it from the latest updated. Are you still countinue it? Oh i really hope so!

Im not forget to tell you that im a hard Jerza shipper so... You know what i mean :)
Guest chapter 7 . 8/13/2014
Wow, this was really intense. What an argument and fight! I loved every bit of it. I feel sorry for Jellal (as always), but I think Erza did the right thing back there. . .Is there even a good-for-everyone decision in that situation? Great work.
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 7 . 8/13/2014
Wow, this was pretty intense. What an argument and fight! I loved all of it. Great work and chapter. I feel sorry about Jellal (as always), but I think Erza did the right thing back there. . .Is there even a right decision in this kind of situation?
xxxMissAlicexxx chapter 7 . 8/10/2014
Well...That actually explains a lot with their past and Jellal, but it's still a little confusing on certain matters. Like how did Jellal get that split personality to begin with among other things. But it is strange that everyone except Erza somehow reappeared into his life later and what it sounds like from the first chapter, they don't have the same kind of fear as Erza.

I can't wait to find out what happens next. No matter what I can never get tired of your writing, your grammar and formatting are wonderful, the plot is so intriguing, you have an amazing way with words, I can't wait until you update next.

Hopefully, you can adjust well when you move. Good luck!
amnaK96 chapter 7 . 7/7/2014
aww man, and i was looking forward to it soo much! but not to worry it'll just multiply my curiosity and excitement for the next chapter! _ while you're in Florida you should try and get inspired and start thinking and maybe writing down points and ideas for the chapters after the ones you've currently written?! i'm still hooked to the story and i CANNOT wait to see what other dark, euphoric and enticing story you have in store for us (like always hehe) and it's good to know that you've only moved places for now and have not abandoned the story so thats a relief and as always good luck to you, and i shall be rooting and supporting you all the way from Qatar! _ 3
Sugercanecandy chapter 3 . 7/7/2014
Gahhh, I was gonna review in batches but I just loved this chapter, Jellal and Erza's interaction was perfect. I just love your version of Jellal.

I wish I could review in more detail, I'm just a simplistic girl. love this story
Sugercanecandy chapter 2 . 7/7/2014
This kind of fanfic is so unusual for Jerza, I do like dark themed fanfics. It works quite well :)
onward to the next chapter!

I'll read in batch and review at the end now XD
Sugercanecandy chapter 1 . 7/7/2014
Whooaa, crazy stalker Jellal D This seems really interesting *clicks onto next chapter*
amnaK96 chapter 4 . 6/29/2014
heey just spreading some more support and love, i'm absolutely in love with this dark yet sensual fiction, the feels i get everytime i read it; gloom, eeriness yet love and hopelessness, it's already such a master piece and i ABSOLUTELY CANNOT wait for another chapter! please do write one and post real soon, your writing is soo admirable and i'm totally deeply indulged into this story to get over it any time soon, and it would be so heart breaking if we were to not get any more chapters as it really does deserve to be written to the very finish! you really do have an amazing talent to write so fluently and vibrantly, it needs to go noticed everytime and just know that i'll be here supporting and rooting for you all the way, same as others who are bound to be hooked from the very first chapter, if not even more! good luck and i'm praying and craving for another LONG and very Jerza filled chapter! 3 3 _ good luck!
amnaK96 chapter 6 . 6/9/2014
FAVHYAVHYCAGA and you continue to amaze me with your magical writing! _ this was an amazing chapter, so dark, yet so full of light, it was very interesting and just very unique, each chapter just gets better and better and now my curiosity has risen- if it were even possible; now i'm wondering! i'm soo totally hooked once again and thank you for posting a longer chapter ) can't wait for the next chapter, i hope we have some present Jerza moments but either way i'm highly looking forward to it! as always i'll be rooting for you, patiently waiting (trying to anyway!) good luck _
heart sunken chapter 6 . 6/9/2014
I've missed these amazing fanfictions of yours :D the way you write gets me so hooked into the story. This fanfic gives me the feeeeels! It makes my kokoro doki doki.
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 6 . 6/8/2014
This is so dark! 21 chapters? Great, the longer, the better. I am just too excited for the next chapter. Is this Harzor going to appear later on or was his name given just for the sake of Erza remembering at least one of her father's name?
It's obvious you put a part of you in every sentence you wrote. This is beautiful and wonderful. A show of great skill.
xxxMissAlicexxx chapter 6 . 6/8/2014
That's great that you feel better! :)

This chapter was great, I loved seeing Erza's perspective and more on her past with Jellal. I wonder when Juvia's finally going to say something about her brother. I love all the mysteries that surround the characters, which is perfect for the suspense of the story. I can't wait to see how you'll continue with this story.

Thank you very much for this chapter, I hope you have a lovely day.
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