Warnings: Non-con, Dark, Death, Violence, Obsession, OOC-ness, AU, Suspense, Bad language, abuse, cameos, and many graphical scenes.

Stage I


It was small, peculiar things Jellal Fernandes remembered whenever he was asleep. Little unrecognizable thoughts he can never figure out how he dreamt of them, or how he brought them up or why they kept on repeating themselves like some broken record. Sometimes in life, he wanted to know some of these things, was it a demonic sign from the devil—Zeref? Or a reverend from the heavens gifted by Mavis? He didn't know. But then again, he didn't really care for a certain amount of reasons. Although most of the time he couldn't help but ponder these thoughts, for which these weren't really 'typical' dreams to begin with.

Most delusion fantasies involved himself doing inane things that could make him ponder if he was really doing it. A few dreams that involved blood-curling screams; anger, violence, and the sweet satisfaction of a sea-salt scent would pour into his body, like an accomplished task for a price that was worth it—a bath filled with mirth, at least that's what he assumed. Many of these dreams would have him wake up drenched with sweat; invading his nose, forehead, neck, and the rest of his body practically sobbing of their own crystal-like tears. These distant illusions were slowly killing him inside; making him wake-up for the rest of the night and pour himself a warm cup of coffee every day before doing the impossible. It became aggravating, confusing, and sleep-depriving as well.

That's when Jellal knew he was beginning to smell the aroma of not only the strong heavy caffeine, but the horrid essence of insomnia kicking into his body with every chance it got.

Sleeping and sleeping, oh how he craved of sleeping. Even sometimes staying late watching television in order to let at least something kick in that dull mind of his, but to no prevail, nothing worked. In many ways, Jellal was continuously struggling to stay asleep. Personally, it was amazing how on the most depressing days he sometimes saw himself sleeping—or possibly slept with his eyes open sometimes, or...just wasn't sleeping at all, but pretended to. It seems that it was his mind playing games and insulting him—letting him have daily questions about himself on just what was going on, or why this was beginning to become an unfamiliar habit out of the blue. However, he found himself thinking some seriously fucked up things that he can never see himself doing. It was pretty weird—fascinating, and indescribable. But then again, anyone can dream…right?

Jellal can never really dream. That was what he knew. He never held the power to control or amazingly wish up things nor gain it. He realized this at the age of fourteen. "Those who dream were thinking of thoughts they wished could happen," one of his teachers explained to him at one point in his lifetime.

It bothered him that he could not even constantly wish and crave the many things he wanted in his life. Albeit, even if he tried forcing or changing the ways his thoughts and the reality of life molding together like churned butter, it was simply impossible because it gave him a blunt trauma of a dangerous migraine. Most of the time, he would write his nightly lessons in a small notepad, wanting to know exactly why these small, fifteen minutes—or less, dreams were pretty disturbing in the eyes of cutesy animals and little innocent virgins.

Jellal wanted to know, exactly…why was he going through them? And why they woke him up whenever blood was involved, screaming, and his child-hood friends.

These thoughts...at first, Jellal were convinced it had something to do with his apartment. That maybe, just maybe… it was lingering with deadly spirits, or his highly squeaking mattress was possessed with bed bugs. He wouldn't even mind if the cause were uncomfortable metallic springs sticking out in his old bed and stabbing him in the back and sides. But…no, that wasn't the case at all.

There was something else bothering him deep down that he could barely pronounce it on the tip of his long muscle of a tongue. In all honesty, he didn't know at all. But now that he thought about it; his insomnia began not too long ago, possibly about a month now. Jellal assumed maybe he just wasn't used to his new apartment, though he highly doubts it because the place he lived in now was a small, cozy apartment in the busy streets of Magnolia Town. And in all honesty, he'd rather that than the large family estate of a mansion he used to reside in.

Though this didn't calm him down in the slightest. Jellal knew that wasn't really the problem since he was the type to be pretty much comfortable in any atmosphere despite how sketchy the area was. For the life of him he couldn't sleep, no matter how hard he tried. And it wasn't that old king-sized bed that sometimes felt like a prison bunk, it wasn't the small space of room he can only afford in the rundown house of his; but truthfully, he was convinced it was himself.

All through the years since he lived in Magnolia Town, New York (which he dealt with painfully long months of traffic and traveling around because of his studies and achievements) Jellal had some thought on what was the problem, and who became involved with most of his current, small memories. Who he kept seeing and who was the secret being standing away in the distance like a spirit that had not yet traveled to the other side. The angel that always stood there, watching him deal with his drastic, screaming, figment of imagination every day for the past three weeks.

It was Erza.

Erza Scarlet.

An enchanting girl that was roving in his heart and soul for far too long, Jellal was mildly surprised he hadn't forgotten her at all throughout the years. But then again, he would be damned if he ever dared forgot her, only because he knew something tragic would be missing from his mind, his heart, and his soul.

Erza Scarlet was his first love. A small girl who brought tons of emotional urges out of him that he can never seem to say, no matter how perfect or apparent that little mind of his was. She was insanely attractive in his eyes and never had she wandered away from his sight back when they were kids.

Jellal met her when he was a child, no more than nine years old to be specific. He and the others were forced to live in an isolated island, suffering the horrid uses of child labor. Kids, possibly younger than him by two years or so were constantly covered in dirt, scabs and infected gashes, especially the horrid stench of hardworking bodies all day long. The island however was considered as The Tower of Heaven, which was a home where children was taken away from their loved ones and had to work under the pure, round beam of the sun for a long time until someone overexerts themselves—and those who did go over the limit with themselves was either beaten or taken by their master and to never come back. Most of the time, sitting down, letting your feet touch the cold, salty water, and sleeping underneath leafy shades for at least five minutes was considered a kiss of luck from the goddess Mavis herself.

It was a memory he wish he didn't remember, or he wished he and the others didn't have to go through because none of them—not anyone should have to go through those circumstances.

There were times where he saw himself with a group of kids; their names were none other than Milliana, Sho, Simon, Erza, Wally. And of course a few other kids he never really had the chance to know. Out of all of them, for reasons unknown, he paid attention to Erza the most.

He didn't know why, but she made everything interesting whenever her presence came into their cave or whenever she was there a few feet with them. Was it her innocence that made him a little infatuated with her? Or was it because she didn't like tension, thought others shouldn't separate because her parents did and it pretty much scarred her memories?

It was those small memories he remembered. Not entirely, because most of them were cloudy, bizarre, out of place and completely different with every small nap his body can consume. But no matter what, those dreams were infested with the small red-head.

Ah, sometimes in his life...he felt an ultimatum appear right in front of him.

The good thing was that…Jellal was always a man who quested for the forbidden—a challenge that made everything not so boring once in awhile. Intricate games were rare yet amusing, but he wasn't so sure he wanted to find out what disaster or surprises that would lead in the end. Curiosity was such a dangerous thing; and the story of Pandora's Box was reeling in his head for some odd reason. His brain warning him that it was too dangerous to find out, but he yearned to seek justice in his memories and dreams.

The twenty eight year old considered that he was an insomniac for quite a very long time, only because he never really could sleep and has forgotten how it felt to just sleep. Maybe a couple of hours, two hours the most, but he wasn't bothered by the fact that he couldn't sleep. Just the streaming thoughts that pranced in his head weren't really all that great to remember because it was his childhood thoughts that kept coming back. Hitting harder and harder into the walls of his skull every morning, evening, and night.

It wasn't like this before…so why was it affecting him now?

In that dreary world of his, he craved to change things up on his own— like losing purposely in a game of chess just to see the opponent's smug attitude and false hope. Jellal watched these small dreams for many weeks—and it scared him how repetitive they've been forming every month or so.

It took a mere few days afterwards to find out that they weren't leaving anytime soon. These illusions were here to stay, and because of this, it became a movie of his own amusement. A secret meaning that took moments for it to sink inside of him and tell him the dirty truth; something similar to a pregnant teenager confessing to her parents that she was no longer the innocent little maiden they once thought she was.

His conscience wasn't making anything better. If anything, it made him have less control of his body and mind, giving him more and more ideas as if he was being controlled by something more powerful.

Jellal became sickly thinking about different thoughts of Erza and everything else in his life. It never bothered him because no matter what… she was there. With her puffed up cheeks, soft pink lips, her flowing red hair that resembled so much of the early morning sun, and that flowing torn dress dancing freely against her upper thighs and knees. However, those broken brown almonds would always stare at him in sorrow; his mind would continuously wander away to Erza, wanting to know what goes through her head whenever she sees him or whenever she was gazing distantly at the night sky.

He remembered those faint thoughts, because there would be times when her skin was wonderfully pristine, and then the next hazy thought would appear and Erza had her arms filled with small bruises resting on most of her limbs, neck, and chest. He considered it was their slave-master driving them to the brink of death, although it was pretty confusing how his dreams seem to have a mind of their own as most of the things he thought were disgustingly weird. And yes, he wished he can control them… but couldn't no matter how controllable they seemed.

And this…personally scared him out of his wits.

The reveries weren't real of course. They were memories…that were a mixed combination of reality and nightmares. He thought this constantly whenever he came face-to-face with the mirror. The dark, bruising tired circles peering around his eyes, and the dark, itchy sensation of five-a-clock shadow brimming around his jaw.

Jellal knew he shouldn't be reacting so…jumpy. They were just distant thoughts of his imagination going crazy, constantly showing him daily white lies that never happened. His friends changed throughout the years. Sho and Wally were his best friends from high school and separated into different towns of Fiore for college. Milliana became one of his colleagues and works in a Vet Shop invaded with cats and kittens, and Simon was his partner in kick-boxing and other marital fighting styles he's come to recognize.

And now that he thought about it, he really didn't have a great childhood nor school life because he was unbearably isolated. Though of course, the teachers would pretty much agree and say he was…different, but not that he cared. He was isolated for reasons unknown, and he never really cared why, nor bothered to be distracted by it. The less he knew the better. Besides, he has friends, he has a family, and he gained everything he wanted within a blink of an eye.

Only because he had the power to do that, but sleep.

He was filthy rich in some sort of sense. Nearly intimidating in the eyes of his superiors, and he held natural dark blue hair and a reddening tattoo taking over the right side of his face like a common plague. However, apparently the rumors spread every day about him. Weird, stupid ones that make him laugh to himself every time he made contact with the mirror. There would be times when others said he was a creep— a sentimental loner, or a man who hated everything in life.

Even his sweet little sister, Juvia, was aware of it. But she never agreed with the statement. She loved him and he felt the same way about her.

Family wise.

These were things he had familiarized in his high school days, and of course it was pretty much the same way in college.

And now, here he was. Living in a rundown apartment that was pricy on rent, a few blocks downtown—near the infamous lights of Time Square, Manhattan. He was a full-time Caterer and owned a business named Crime Sorcière; was an important member to the Council of Fiore thanks to his late father. Jellal gained a few friends throughout the years, but not many since life itself had people come and go faster than he experienced. His hobbies were taking pictures of beautiful things, drawing and sketching things that intrigued him, and he had a creative side of writing poetry about many inspirational thoughts that attacked his mind. Jellal also liked to work out until he couldn't feel his body anymore; fighting was a great exercise, and even Wally gave him the best advice to dodge and to throw more powerful kicks and learn to identify his opponents weaknesses.

Personally, if others were in his shoes, or if they had a word to speak in his funeral, they would truly say he lived a boring life; that he was distant, complicated, and possibly the most eccentric man known on Earth.

But then again… they didn't know his real-life. His inspirations, his lifestyle, his interests and his favorite color.

That's when his mind began to slowly put new…interesting puzzle pieces into his small dreams, and it made everything different because…it wasn't a dream anymore. The more he wrote, drew, and took pictures; it slowly became the key of stopping his insomnia and he soon got a good hold of sleep no matter how disgusting his new hobby was, no matter how truly livid he felt. It felt so…so right, and he couldn't stop even if he tried. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, Jellal felt so incredibly high at the feeling, and he craved for more and more with every second of the day.

It was after two more weeks in his apartment, he comprehended something sweetly addicting. The thousands of pictures that were stapled onto his wall; the hundreds of different body poses that were glued onto his sketchbook and of course, in his mind. Even the many thought out poetries overflowing his desk, printer, and memory on his laptop…

They had one thing in common.

They were literally filled with Erza.

From the tips of her baby hair on that little head of hers, to her small nimble toes that looked so delicious to taste; everything about her was just absolutely relinquishing in his eyes. The pictures… throughout the years they've changed. The scratchy drawings of women—the anatomy of large bountiful breasts, small waist, and longs legs that can go on for miles. Each and every one of them became tainted with red hair and brown, edible eyes.

After many months of escalating his new hobbies, that's when Jellal found out he had a darker, malicious side to himself, and he soon found out he wasn't doing so well controlling it. He couldn't stop thinking about Erza and sometimes he kept on seeing the island…The Tower of Heaven.

And now that he's seen her again—once—he became quickly addicted to her. He's taken pictures of her from a distance, he took tabloids that involved her from the daily wizard newspapers, the inspiration of poetry that became a work of beauty was her truly doing these things to him.

She was quickly taking over him. Mind, body, heart and soul.

Jellal was truly interested with his Erza. His…Scarlet.

He was always infatuated with her beauty, his love for her, and how he dreamt of making her realize that there was no one in the world more in love with her than him. He began to realize that he was losing his trail of his purpose in life, for which all he thought about was how he would be able to catch her attention, how to swoon and seduce her, and how to taste those lush lips and savor her with every inch of frustration he experienced. Instead of living his life, everything turned into a plan—a…a dream. He craved to find out more things about her—to see how much the woman he's known for so long grown accustomed to being…strong, dedicated, and even smile at her constantly at her new 'Fairy Tail' friends when she rarely smiled at him back then.

Jellal delved inside his personal book. A small red leather journal that he titled 'Red Velvet'. He decided to name it after the first poetry he's written about her. A lyrical poem that took most of his time, and although he couldn't help expressing his feelings for her out loud, he's been writing about her since the day his little illusions started happening. Each sentence and every paragraph spent day in and day out was all about her. From countless of pictures, sketches, and words, everything he did was to go along with his small short stories. He sketched out a small Erza sitting by the ocean, another drawing of her on the grass with a ladybug occupying her fingertip, and also an older Erza, lying down on a private beach along with her 'Fairy Tail' members.

Jellal kept count on how many friends she knew, exactly how many members were there, and who associated with the red-head the most. The trio, he's found out the most was Lucy Heartphilia, a fairly new and popular writer. Natsu Dragneel, Lucy's boyfriend and one of the elites of Fairy Tail, and last but not least, Gray Fullbuster, Natsu's best friend and part time model, not to mention his little sister's current lover.

Jellal had to keep these three in mind, for which they were Erza's closest friends overall. He needed to know their relationship towards her, to see how close they are, how they react together and how Erza changed within these years because of them. Somehow, these pictures became memories as if he was there with her—seeing her tranquil face so calm and so perfect…the sight itself remained inside of his soul and screamed out to her with everything in his being.

He pursed his lips before placing more black and white print-outs of Natsu and Gray into his personal 'Relationship Tree' with his beloved Erza framed above all the people she knew, including her friends in Fairy Tail and her relationship with the other guilds around the world. The maroon shaded wall was quickly filled with people Erza constantly spoke to, and those she considered her close friends and enemies. The hundreds of Polaroid photos were plastered around others on who were related and how they knew Erza during her time in Magnolia.

Stapling Natsu's face a couple of times onto the wooden board, he frowned at the scenery, especially at the pink-headed lad he'd come to despise so much. The green-eyed monster was lingering and treading deeply into his veins and it didn't feel right at all because he wasn't fond of jealousy. There were times when he constantly held back the nerves to strike at least one of her dear friends, something to fray his nerves instead of continuously wanting to stab or break the nearest inanimate object in his house, possibly causing a stir for the nosy neighbors around this area.

There was an old rumor that made his mood go down completely. According to the grapevine, Natsu and Erza had dated a long time ago. Though it didn't work out very well since they were the best of friends and wanted it to remain that way. However, although it was old, fake and forgettable news, it still bothered him to the point of no return because he abhorred false answers and questions stringing along his head. Happy that it became false news, Jellal relaxed immediately with another hot cup of coffee, a daily magazine, and a new food course to test out before working on it. Besides, rumors are rumors, and they were just a form of drama spreading into old High school hallways just to bring some type of entertainment for everyone.

The last thing he wanted was to be anyone's form of enjoyment.

Wincing a bit, thanks to the stapler that made a small wound on his finger. "Rumors…I despise rumors." Jellal mumbled tiredly as he licked his fingertip since it trailed a line of blood. As soon as it was removed with his tongue, he instantly traced the large portrait of Erza's lips. The man smiled brightly as he looked at Erza's beaming face gazing upon her friends; the sun almost blinding the camera, her friends sitting on the sand while her hair remained wet from the ocean. The picture was no more than three months ago when summer came to make a visit in Fiore. He took the picture during his long week vacation from his business and made copies as soon as he took dozens of her little trip that day. If anything were to happen to these photos, (Only because he tends to lose things although he wasn't clumsy or anything) He decided to make many copies just in case.

He felt like a thief in the night that just successfully gotten away with many treasures that was worth millions. The delicious thrill running up and down his veins as he stared at the ethereal beauty, the red-headed woman will always continue to entrance him over and over again, and he was never going to get tired of it. Erza Scarlet should be cherished by the entire nation of the United States…no, the whole world. She was a gorgeous woman who was a complete femme fatale in his heart; she was more mysterious and valuable than Mona Lisa herself. His angel had a serene—yet stern voice that just lured others into her trap, the majestic Titania catching her prey. She was just too precious and worthy for him to just be right there with her. To stand beside her and be her complete equal–Jellal yearned for that day to come.

"No one likes rumors…" He said softly, putting new film inside his old-fashioned Nikon camera. "Do you like rumors Erza…? Do you?" He questioned with a dreamy expression while looking at another photo, his mind dead set on the woman who looked back at him with a wonderful imprinted smile. With a coherent huff, the corner of his lips turned into a frown almost immediately. Backing away from the wall, he smoothly began removing his black tight shirt and exposing the rest of his tanned, scarred build to the numerous brown eyes of Erza's in his room.

Sure, he'd gotten overenthusiastic with her pictures, but Jellal couldn't help capturing the enigmatic succubus on camera. Apparently, he loved the idea of having Erza watch and peep at his every move since she pretty much did that in his short naps. The wonderful Titania, watching…lingering, following him with a hint of curiosity that she was always too afraid to confess about—the daily nightmares that she soothingly removed with the small palm of her hand. Erza usually was the type to beat around the bush before asking something, but after the years and months of hearing and watching this older, sophisticated Erza. She became blunt, kind in her own way, and very strict when it came to her work and friends. Possibly a mother figure to her friendly trio, and he was glad that at least that very part of her personality didn't change.

"We're finally free."


The soft quiet voice whispered softly, Jellal's eyes widened at the sudden voice in his head. The small, grotesque illusions blinking into different ones in the phase of his mind, and this made him feel a migraine treading in. Badly. His knees buckled instantly and he had practically fallen on the floor. His temples throbbed and his fingers were tingling with faint electricity—the numbness suddenly swelling into his hands; and before Jellal even knew it, the waterfall of sweat was reeling down his body, profusely. Jellal nearly cursed out loud, he was getting another panic attack. The beat and pain in chest was feeling hollow and the organ of his heart and lungs were making it hard to breathe.


The quick image of a large body floating away in the ocean. The pool of crimson… the moonlight witnessing the horrible events of that night.


A little girl with red short hair running towards him…

"Jellal…Jellal, where are you?"


"Tch…!" Jellal's body made contact with the floor completely. He was writhing painfully as if someone twice his weight was lying on top of him. His eyes were going blurry with tears and the cursed tattoo felt as if it were being lit on fire; and the quick vision of death impair the right side of his face.


"We're finally free..Jellal."

Jellal felt the whites of his eyes enclose into pitch black, everything sweetly visible was quickly fading into the darkness the more he kept on blinking. His body was beginning to ache all over, and the swelled tears that stung horrendously fell into the valley of temples; his throat hoarsely shouting out for help to every little Erza in his room.

It took awhile before Jellal even noticed that his cell-phone kept on ringing to a familiar, kiddy tune and he cursed his luck when he was uncomfortably placed on the floor, permanent fetal position and his body felt strained while he rolled his shoulders, making him realize that he was in the slouched position for quite awhile. Jellal slowly stood up, the tune loudly ringing throughout the room and his head was still throbbing due to the aching memory of his childhood forcing his way onto his head again.

"Fuck…" He muttered, his hand slowly making its way to the right side of his eye. Rough fingertips slowly tracing the unique design that's been haunting his life since he was a little boy.

"Fuck…fuck, fuck!" Jellal banged the floor in anger, his lips pursed. This had to be about the third panic attack he had within these past few weeks, and he was slowly getting worried on what was going on with his body. If the familiar voice had easily set off his panic attack, he could just imagine the damage a full memory could do to him.

To quickly get rid of the annoying bubbly tune echoing in the air, he reached for the damn thing. Looking at the large amount of missed calls, and the late timing, Jellal realized he had passed out for almost two hours. Wait, is that even healthy? He thought again before hearing the ugly ringtone echo once more. Exactly what had he told his employees about messing with his phone? Flipping it open, he realized who the caller was and prepared himself a good scolding from his young co-worker who was no doubt pissed from whatever she was dealing with.

"…Ha?" He hissed painfully before rubbing the back of his skull, the anger quickly subsiding.

He nearly winced at the loud tone attacking the left side of his ear. "It's Meredy, Jellal! I've been calling you all day and not once have you called me back!" Jellal rolled his dark eyes and sighed mentally before propping himself onto his bed. I wonder why, He folded an arm behind his head and watched the painted ceiling crack on its own, peeling itself from the earlier paint. Instantly, he began to dig into his pockets for a loose cigarette. He lit the small thing with his Zippo and took a deep breath of the cancer-stick; watching the polluted haze dance into the air.

Jellal then realized for a moment that he zoned out, "Hello? HELLO? Damn it Jellal! If you don't answer me I will vandalize the store and make Gajeel deform it into a piercing, tattoo shop. Don't test me Boss, I have connections with Levy!"

Jellal practically snorted. "Meredy, you don't have the heart to do it, cooking is your specialty and I know you love your job...besides," His eyes went lidded with a small smirk. "What pink-haired beauty will be there for me whenever I want to hear that wonderful voice every morning, evening, and night? Personally, it keeps me going." He winced slightly in despair. Ultear was going to kill him sometime this week. It was a disgusting habit of his that he usually had to go to the limit of lying to his co-worker that she had a great voice. Of course, it was the total opposite since she pretty much sang like a man sobbing from castration.

He heard her scoff loudly, and in a way Jellal can already tell she was pouting and denying that heavy blush in her face. "Hey! I love my job very much. But if a certain blue-haired boss of mine doesn't pay me by the end of this month, I suggest he sleeps with one eye open before this pink-haired beauty scoops your eyeballs out with a spoon. Understand!?" An awkward, small pause. "Wait! Uh...um...so you... you like my voice? Like, really, like my voice?"

"Ah…your voice brings my mood right up, Meredy. I'm surprised you're not in a choir course of some sort, the church of Magnolia will be glad to have you." Pure sarcasm lacing within his voice. "Besides," He inhaled again as he moaned in pain due to his lower back ache. "Why do you need a raise anyway? I've not gotten much money left since the health inspectors came and bombarded me with questions and criticism. Meredy, you of all people should know that. I'm surprised my store is still standing after Ultear hasn't cleaned up the kitchen that one time. I got blown away by Evergreen's yelling, not the best of times to deal with an angry critic who takes sanitation and food to the heart…not to mention, pregnant too."

The woman on the other line laughed, obviously not catching the mocking tone like the ditzy little teenager she was. "I'm surprised you didn't fire Ultear for that, you looked so exhausted that day too. Well, besides talking about my beautiful voice, I would most likely sing every morning to awake your slumber, my dear, dear boss." His face scrunched up for a few seconds. "I guess I should get straight to the point right? The reason why I think I deserve a raise is because I work hard and I'm a little late with my Rent and bills. I'm honestly thinking about bunking in with Ultear since the superintendent cut off the heat and water…"

The cigarette bopped up and down as he continued speaking. "So you're finally facing reality, miss, I-think-I'm-an-adult-because-I-got-accepted-to-coo king-school-at-the age of seventeen. Don't blame me for your tardiness in paying rent and bills. Face it like a man."

Meredy gasped harshly and Jellal held the urge to laugh. "But I'm not a man! It's your fault and you know it Jellal!" The blue haired man sighed with little appreciation before rubbing the ash onto a crystal tray. Instantly, he skimmed a hand through his hair as he placed the phone on the nightstand, instantly pressing the speaker button.

"Exactly how much of a raise are we speaking?"

"Forty-five hundred jewels for this upcoming week."

This upcoming week? Jellal raised a blue brow before letting his eyes slowly glide onto the isolated calendar occupying the wall. "The fifteenth of November? We have a job that day, an important one that we can't miss."

He felt a deadly silence in the conversation. "We do? But I need to pay before I get back from work and find an eviction notice. I've been struggling with money these past few days…Ugh, I need to take a shower, I smell like mildew…" Jellal hummed in agreement, easily understanding her situation. Living in Magnolia was beginning to get quite tough since everything was beginning to get expensive nowadays. The economy was turning horrible these past few months and never had he had to pay so much for gas in return.

"Juvia spoke to me and told me she needs help in the Fairy Tail Manor, apparently Mirajane has gotten married and is out in her honeymoon. I'm guessing you know Mirajane, since she is the hostess of Fairy Tail, but now Juvia's decided to burden herself with the task of hosting a charity event and every elite guild and club is going to the Manor. This is a big deal for us, Meredy."

A curious tone went through his ear, "Oh, Mirajane Strauss? Yeah, I heard about it through the news! That's wonderful for her. Oh, so your little sister's never hosted before? Knowing her… she must be a wreck right now..no offense."

"None taken. She's never planned anything extravagant before and that's what scares me." He breathed another powder of smoke. "I just came back a few hours ago from soothing her little meltdown, she's been going a little crazy these past few days preparing and screaming at the others." He winced at the poor memory of the woman running to him with tears, not to mention strained eyes and a staff slowly backing away from her as if she'd gone insane.

Jellal heaved a breath, "Point is, our job is to make the food, cater, and serve the guests. If possible, Ultear might have to bartend again since Fairy Tail's been running short on cash as well. The council is being cruel to them as always and won't support them much due to Fairy Tail's rioting behavior."

"Ah...I've seen the tabloids. But shouldn't you at least persuade them? I mean, you are…famous, Jellal. The council loves you and all." The teenage girl spoke quietly.

Jellal didn't miss the disappointment in her voice and smiled a little. The council always followed his every order, but this wasn't something he wanted to talk about. "I have." He said, in all honesty. "Too many times… they believe I'm siding with Fairy Tail and won't listen to me anymore." He scratched his head. "By the time our shift ends, your money will be given, but that's all I can say for now."

The hopeful tone of the teenager getting excited made him smile. "…Really? Are you honestly not being cruel to me, Jellal? I'm in no mood to get teased…"

"No, I'm not. I'll give you your check in due time. I promise. In return, you prove me a hardworking caterer in this nightly event. No mistakes and no arguing with Ultear."

A high-pitched squeal. "You won't be disappointed Jellal! I promise! Thank you so much!"

Jellal inhaled deeply as he watched the butt of the cigar shred into ashes. "You're welcome, and goodnight Meredy." His thumb getting ready to press the button.

"Wait, boss!"

A thin blue brow rose a bit. "Hmm?"

"…Have you been getting any sleep? You've been looking so tired these past few days."

Jellal paused his movements and almost choked thanks to the unexpected question. He then smirked a bit, if Meredy noticed his exhaustion then Ultear had as well. "Ahsomewhat. My age is probably getting to me."

"Believe it or not boss, you are a good-looking for a twenty-eight year old. I lost count on how many classmates of mine wanted to get your number when you picked me up from school once." He felt an awkward stillness overtake the phone. "Have you tried any remedies or sleeping pills? They might help."

The blue-haired man blinked slowly, feeling his eyesight go hazy due to the blurry edges. Jellal had started to throw a series of blinking to get the weariness off of him. "Sometimes I can but for a short limited amount of time. Two hours the most, and my body goes on autopilot sometimes."

"Wait, are you saying that you sleepwalk? That's not good!" Jellal yawned before rubbing his chin. He can feel a small blue stubble growing again, and he didn't like that. He'll have to shave it off the first thing in the morning. "I don't sleepwalk." Jellal was a little annoyed with the interrogations, but he knew this was Meredy's way of being worried about her loved ones.

"Well, I can always recommend you my aunt…her name is Porlyusica—remember her? She's one of the best doctors in Magnolia and I'll be glad to tell her about your situation. I can get you something if you want, boss. It really doesn't help your appearance and body if you're so worn out like that. Believe it or not, but me and Ultear are… worried about you. You practically had a panic attack last time, remember?"

Jellal grunted in response, debating if he wanted to tell Meredy that he just had another panic attack. Though the thought stopped as soon as it came, because knowing Meredy; she would blow a fuse no matter how bubbly and exaggerating she was sometimes.

"Thanks, Meredy. I appreciate it, but I should be fine with a little late night television and some coffee in the morning."

A sigh was heard. "If that's what you say…alright boss, night. And please, please, think about my proposal, my aunt is a miracle worker...just, don't piss her off."

Jellal smiled again. "So that's where you inherited your threatening abilities, huh? You have an interesting family, little Meredy."

"Oh stop it, she's good at what she does. Anyway, good night."

"Goodnight Meredy."

"You too, boss. And please…take care of yourself and try to sleep."

Jellal gave a small smile to himself as he murmured a promise that he will once again, try his best. After hanging up, Jellal steadily headed towards his desk—feeling that something was off, and he didn't realize what it was until Meredy spoke of sleep that he hadn't dared touch his journal at all today. Jamming open the old chestnut drawers, he spotted the small book and his brown eyes lit up in mesmerizing happiness. Fingers nearing into his pen, he grabbed the book and instantly sat onto his chair. He can already feel his body was beginning to scream of desire to sleep, but Jellal knew his mind was denying it for some reason.

After flipping a couple of pages, Jellal focused on nothing but the girl who enchanted his thoughts; his eyes closed and merely wanting to grasp that delusional hand of hers and letting her take him wherever she pleased. His insomnia almost forgettable until he opened his eyes.

Dear, Mavis. If only he can be with her right now.

(A/N): Yeah...Jellal's crazy. Anyway, I'm back! and this is pretty much my second story in the Gerza section, which I'm pretty excited about it since this plot has been stuck in my head for quite awhile (Probably about eight months now) and I'm finally posting it up because I for one, love this pairing, and two, they are perfect for dark, angsty stories. As you can probably see, this is the prologue and this story is actually deep. In order to not make anymore false promises, I can't say when's the next time I'm going to update. (Since I am juggling school and procrastination) But I will let you know I have every chapter planned out til' the very end. There will be approximately thirteen chapters including an epilogue. For now, enjoy the tip of the iceberg while I update on other things.

Also, thanks for reading. I would most likely want know what you think about it because it's been quite a long time since I last updated. Concrits are welcome since I don't really depend on Beta; so let me know of my spelling or grammar mistakes and such and I'll re-edit in a minute. Or an hour. Or a couple of days, since I am a lazy rat at times. Oh well, it happens. Take care everyone.