Reviews for His Voice
Guest chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
I really like this. Can you do something like this for the episode mutiny.
obsessivefanno.4 chapter 7 . 5/10/2013
Aww such a good ending, I'm glad yumi saps sorry to William and they had a talk about everything - u did an amazing job on this story well done! :)
Yuoaj009 chapter 7 . 5/10/2013
Yay! I loved what you did after the episode's actual ending:)! The way Yumi and William talked about it. Really good story! - Yuoaj009
Muffinmilk317 chapter 7 . 5/9/2013
Awesome ending! You did an awesome job with this story! I hope you write another one!
Yuoaj009 chapter 6 . 5/5/2013
Yay! Everything is alright:D! I liked the chapter;). - Yuoaj009
Muffinmilk317 chapter 5 . 4/23/2013
Oh really? It's not ending?! That's awesome! I can't wait!
obsessivefanno.4 chapter 4 . 4/18/2013
I think this is my favourite chapter yet- it's so good I love it well done
Muffinmilk317 chapter 4 . 4/17/2013
Awesome! My favorite part of this episode is when Jeremy calls William his friend. I liked it because I knew it was the breaking point. Please write more!
Yuoaj009 chapter 4 . 4/17/2013
It's not a cliffhanger anymore:). But you go William! Haha. Great chapter. Realization. Well described. I've to admit that you did so well on William's thoughts:). - Yuoaj009
Muffinmilk317 chapter 3 . 4/13/2013
Once again a magnificent chapter! William is slowly starting to listen to the voice! Uh oh. I can't wait to see what happens next. (Even though I've seen this episode. You get the picture?)
Yuoaj009 chapter 3 . 4/13/2013
Great once again:)! I haven't got many other words. Yay, original..Anyway, it seems the end is near, if you're planning on only writing about William's thoughts in episode 15. -Yuoaj009
Yuoaj009 chapter 2 . 4/11/2013
It gets better:). I'm glad that it doesn't lack the ability to hold on to one's attention. I mean it's so detailed and yet captivating. Good job once again! Luckily, I had seen the episode, otherwise it'd be different. Good luck on finishing the rest!
Muffinmilk317 chapter 2 . 4/11/2013
This story pulls the reader in. It's so interesting. I don't ever want to stop reading it. Great chapter.
Yuoaj009 chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
Usually, I'm not a big fan of William. But this story is different. It's described so well. Good job! I hope he'll figure everything out soon:).
Muffinmilk317 chapter 1 . 4/9/2013
Awesome chapter or is it not a chapter? But I loved it! It was so powerful and passionate! It was basically what the episode was suppose to be about. Just awesome! Please write more!