Reviews for Visions of the Heart
TetraOfTheInternet chapter 2 . 5/6/2014
I agree. I HATE YAOI.

Half the stuff on my favorites are there cuz' they have good plots or i didn't have enough time to read them, and never looked at them again.
AleCat1230 chapter 15 . 11/29/2009
twenty? rex is fifteen yugioh./wiki/Rex_Raptor this is a good website that i like to use for character info and it is rex's page it even gives blood type ill give my normal love your story review in a few chaps :~)
astahfrith chapter 11 . 6/18/2009
Ek! It's Sakura! -glomp- Good idea putting Sakura as the reporter...
FreakNo94 chapter 17 . 5/11/2007
aw! so cute! but how could you have killed seto!

*picks up flamethrower and shoots at demon*

anyway, great story. here, have some goodies. *hands SJ a cookie*

is ry-chan's father really called shen? i was more aware that he was called james...
0inactive0 chapter 17 . 11/16/2006
Gah! Wonderful story! I look forward to reading the sequals!
Gnos fo Ytinrete chapter 17 . 10/23/2006
The end. I started reading the "Yamis of Tokyo U" before reading this. I got a few chapters into that story and decided I didn't like holes so I'm reading the prequels to fill 'em up.
Gnos fo Ytinrete chapter 15 . 10/23/2006
You don't know how pleased I am with the fact that this isn't yaoi. I mean it can be pretty good (in my new opinion) but nothing but seeing Ryou and Bakura in a lover's relationship all the time gets old. I prefer the Hikari/Ysmi people to have a brotherly relationship at best, but, meh. T'is good. I like this story. On with next chap.
Gnos fo Ytinrete chapter 1 . 10/22/2006
Poor Ryou!
Goldenstargirl chapter 1 . 10/21/2006
Aw poor Ryou! His Yami gave him quite a beating! Plus he left him blind? How sad...I hope the next chapter's better.
HinoteTwintailCat chapter 2 . 8/14/2006
*blinks* You hate Yaoi? Cool! FINALLY! I hate Yaoi too! If I ever get an account you'll probably be my first favorite author! Stories good too.
Crosslit.Heavens chapter 17 . 10/10/2005
wow ! sorry i didn't review on all the chapters . to say the least i loves this fic ! yes i did want to kill bakura in the first chapter , but things got better . im so glad i kept reading it cause i wasn't going to at first . im also eager to read the next one !
Michelle Sheffield chapter 17 . 8/31/2005
Hello WSJ!

My name is michelle and I was advsed by a very good friend of mine to read your fics. I will admitt it was a very touching story about the characters YGO. I hope the sequel is as good as the first and I look foreward to more of your stories.

P.S- My friend who recommended me to read your work told me to say her name is Ceileigh.
Shanako chapter 17 . 5/6/2005
This entire story really, really, really (times infinite) cool! The Mokuba/Kaiba deal is quite interesting, Pegasus is still alive (long live Pegasus!), and Bakura making up to his hikari is awesome! I'm reading the next one right away! Rock on WSJ!
ramen.scurge chapter 4 . 4/4/2005

My bad, i read ahead and reviewed the wrong such a dork. Ah well, i guess i cant say anything because i already did.

-_- I'm annoyed with my mistake. Oh well, DOOD i have to continue readingm its getting gooder!
ramen.scurge chapter 3 . 4/4/2005

Ha, i thought one bakura was overwhelming, but not a look alike *drools*

This is getting better and better each chapter. making bakura feel guilty about blinding ryou (im thinking about bieng blinded because he got flashed...strange), it shows character and that he has a heart buried deep under that blood thirsty murderer...which we all love *faoms at mouth*.

o Holy potatoes he stole his bodie! What chaos shall ensure?
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