Reviews for The Roads Not Taken
Miko Eiko chapter 5 . 3/25/2019
Dios gracias por hacer que John no se mate
LordHelixSupreme chapter 1 . 10/1/2018
That was... wow
Yukiko78 chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
Well I think this is great. Better than great actually. Grandiose.
Even with the happy end I've got a lump in the of my throat 'cause there is just one universe where there're truly happy and they deserve so much more.
I'm glad fics exist, they can have more happiness with.
Thank you, I passed a good time reading your story. Also I'm err sorry for the mistakes, I speak English like a French cow...'
DianaThen chapter 5 . 1/14/2014
Ahh! Why are you so brilliant? It's even a concept to which I've given a fair amount of thought before, and yet this surprised me with its uniqueness.
animefreak2015 chapter 5 . 10/27/2013
Big grin. Thanks for the read
animefreak2015 chapter 3 . 10/27/2013
Ow ... wow, that is a dark universe. (fighting off plot bunnies) ... I like the New Zealand universe, except for the dead Sherlock part, of course.
iamthedaisyqueen chapter 5 . 8/7/2013
THIS IS THE BEST FANFIC EVER. You are utterly brilliant. A this stage I'm lost for words to describe how amazing this is - so you'll just have to imagine it ;P Just wow. WOW!.xxx
madinalakesavedmylife chapter 5 . 6/10/2013
"Apparently, the universes had not been prepared for John Watson." - best line in the history of best lines. This was just...

Hold on. Hold on just a cotton-pickin''s over. This amazing, fantastic little microcosm is OVER.

Ugh-dgh-you-I...*whimper* It can't be over, it just can't - this's too darn GOOD! DX *cries*

Man, I'm depressed now. But this was seriously brilliant, pitch-perfect on ever level, and the ending was just brilliant. Also, I loved the way you personified the universes at the end. Keep up the awesomesauce work, have a super evening and DFTBA! XD
gemstone1234 chapter 5 . 6/7/2013
I don't know if I'm sad that you've finished because this fic is fantastic or if I'm pleased because at least it means you'll stop shredding my heart to pieces... at least in this fic.
Book girl fan chapter 5 . 6/6/2013
That was a close one. I'd kind of cool to think that the one who changes the fate of multiple universes, who creates new possibilities with the tiniest of actions, isn't Mycroft, isn't even Sherlock, but John!
downdeepinside chapter 5 . 6/6/2013
I've just had a horrible day and was excited to see the last part of this was up - I knew it was bound to be The Universe and assumed it would be fluffy and happy and yay. Then my heart dangled precariously off a cliff for what seemed just shy of an eternity as I was convinced John was going to... well, you know. Sheeeeeesh. That was wonderful and, happily, an interesting surprise.
vashtra chapter 5 . 6/6/2013
That was mind blowing. So perfect. Thank you.
SJO chapter 5 . 6/6/2013
I did like it, seeing all the possibilities, but I really, really wish there was more action. Maybe show a day in the life in each universe instead of telling us what it's like. I think I got too over-eager when I saw you make "Fringe" parallels. I mean, I knew this wasn't a crossover, but I was still hoping for more.
Rose O' Sharon chapter 4 . 6/3/2013

This chapter is deep and thoughtful and thought-provoking. the images that you have created with your words fit who they are about, no matter what the scenario, and that last paragraph is nothing short of brilliant.

Yet another Great Writing Job!
Book girl fan chapter 4 . 6/2/2013
Sherlock as a father? That's hard to imagine.
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