Reviews for You Found Me
sawyerG chapter 3 . 4/26/2015
This is really good, You should consider turning this into a full story, You know like how she helps him cope and that or not you know, Its up to you, I just think more chapters in this arrow universe would be really good to read, I liked the play fight scene and the mention of her spending time with Thea, They never really had a lot of time to bond on screen which is depressing a little, Because they seem like they could be really good friends, But any way getting back to my main point for this whole comment was that it would be really cool if this story was carried on. (ooh that cupcake btw sounds really tasty) xx
CassieKnuckles56 chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
I would love to read more of this. It's great! But the suspense is killing me. And if possible can you make the next chapter Olicity romance after the conversation about who Cas is? I would really love that! Happy writing!
watlocked chapter 3 . 12/1/2013
I think it would be great if you continued this. The Point of Views were well done, and the story was well done also. I really liked it.
Summoning Secrets chapter 3 . 11/5/2013
I loved this story. It made me tear up a few times and I think you had just the right amount of fluff for this story. The story flowed really well, and I like reading from both POVs since it gave the story more depth and feelings. Great job! :)

In chapter 2, Thea leaves a note saying that Walter was going to meet Roy. Considering it seems like Thea doesn't think it will go smoothly, I'd love to read a story about it. (Bonus points if Roy gets to use his mad ninja-like skills)
SharkGurl chapter 3 . 7/14/2013
Awww, loved it.
The Watcher chapter 3 . 7/8/2013
One small correction.

If Cassidy was her mother's brother's daughter, she wouldn't have the same surname. Now if she was her father's brothers daughter...
LilBookworm89 chapter 3 . 7/10/2013
You have to continue this! I loved it!
Luv2Live chapter 3 . 7/8/2013
What a wonderful story. I wish it was longer. Please keeping writing Olicity.
annependragon chapter 3 . 7/8/2013
Very touching, pulls on heartstrings. Highly enlightening
bluebell-uk chapter 3 . 7/8/2013
Poor Cassidy :-(
but sweet olicity :-)

let those plot bunnies run free
Dianitachiva chapter 3 . 7/8/2013
I miss Tommy!
Amazing fic...
Gauri92 chapter 3 . 7/8/2013
yes...continuation is definitely needed!

and the story felicity had with her sister...very sweet...
The Dirty Martini chapter 3 . 7/8/2013
Okay, you seriously made me cry when I read this. There were honest to god tears in my eyes. It was so beautifully written and I enjoyed it so much! Great job! I can't wait to read whatever you write next. )
Guest chapter 2 . 6/24/2013
More Please.
bluebell-uk chapter 2 . 6/26/2013
I was a bit wary when I realised this was going to be the same chapter / period of time but from Oliver's view. I didn't need to be though, it was very interesting, is this something you are going to continue for the whole story or just as and when needed?
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