This is my first foray into this canon, so please be gentle with me while I get down the voices.

That being said I own nothing, have no legal right to anything and am simply playing with the plot bunnies in my head. This is all unbetaed so all mistakes are my own. I am a HUGE Olicity this may take a romantic turn. Don't know how far this will get-but any feedback would be appreciated!

B = emphasis/text message

I = emphasis/flashback

Hope you like!

Felicity: Digg, got some things to take care of today. Programs running but I'll be out for the evening. You okay to cover?

Diggle: Of course, got it covered...

Diggle: Hot date?

Felicity: How'd you know that this is how Felicity got her groove back?

Felicity: Forget I said that. I have a life, I swear.

Diggle: Fully noted and forgotten.

Felicity looked down at her phone and breathed out a sigh of relief as grabbed her purse, the flowers and the little bag next to it on the passenger seat of her car and set off. She could practically hear Diggle's chuckle in her mind. It had been nearly two months since the Undertaking. The Glades had been in need of help long before but now-it was a very different sort of hell. With the ongoing investigation at Queen Consolidation, Felicity found most of her time at work going into the database and fetching files as requested per some lawyer or the SCPD. Nights at the Foundry consisted of keeping tabs on what the SCPD knew, not to mention the List and her on-going projects of tracking Deadshot and Helena Bertinelli. Not to mention the role she found herself in-playing a sort of secretary to one Oliver Queen.

Winding her way down well worn pathway towards her destination. She was one turn away before she realized how close she was to someone else. Looking around to check that she was alone she took the left turn right before her normal right.

The grass was still short, greener stubs than what surrounding it. Felicity looked at the stone set firmly in the ground before her.

Tommy Merlyn

February 9th 1985 - May 15 2013

Beloved son and friend

"Hi," Felicity kept her eyes locked onto the stone, she felt anchored and a little less silly.

"I know we didn't really know each other well, but I-I couldn't go past and not stop. Those closest to you, well they're all in a rough place right now and coming here is a reminder for them. I know I don't know all of them well. Nor would I presume to but, I've been there. They are thinking of you and love you. I'm...I'm sorry about your Father," Felicity closed her eyes, shaking her head slightly. She was giving her sympathies to a headstone.

'Well done, Smoak.'

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that no one has forgotten you. Far from it, actually. I'd stay longer, and draw out this already supremely awkward conversation but I promised someone I'd meet with them; and I'm late. Really late," she explained putting her bag down before taking out the flowers she brought with her and taking out three daisies.

"I think though, she'll understand that you need these more right now," she said softly, walking up to the headstone she bent down and laid them out right in front, the three stems meeting in the middle.

"I'm so very, very sorry, Tommy. I'll keep an eye out for them, well mostly Oliver because I don't know how to really approach Laurel and think by being there for Oliver, he can be there for Thea. And Thea knows who I am now, which is good. She's a great kid, loves you fiercely. Anyway, the bottom line is I don't know how to put a sock in it, but I'll try to stop by on my visits. I'll even try to get Oliver to visit. But you know how stubborn the man is," sighing to herself she stood and gathered her things.

"Look, one last thing, this isn't my place but I just...I'm-I'm sorry they weren't able to give more to you. One look at Oliver and Laurel and you can see the guilt they feel. Laurel has people around her she can lean on-not that Oliver doesn't but there is so much he can't tell them and he refuses to talk about it with Diggle or I. But I'll work on it. I'll get him here, I promise...I'll annoy him into submission if need be."

Going back the way she came, Felicity wandered another row down before turning right, making her way down the row before she stopped before a somewhat more worn headstone.

"I know, I know, I'm late..."she sighed, sitting down on the ground, her skirt falling haphazardly around her legs.

"It's been crazy and not in the way you would have liked either. I know I promised to step out of my comfort zone more...and I have," she clarified her voice taking a slightly defensive tone.

"... I just don't think it's quite what you had in mind. Not that you'd ever thought there'd be a masked man going about the city like some sort of bad take of Robin Hood or anything-I mean, in all honesty saying it out loud, it sounds crazy even me," Felicity spoke rapidly but evenly, as if there was someone there, because she needed to believe there was.

"But I was apologizing, so yeah. Anyway, you know Tommy Meryln? Of course you do, you pushed me into dancing with him that night. You know, the one where your friend vomited on my shoes? Yeah, well he-" Felicity felt her throat tighten, momentarily disabling her words.

"He died," she finally managed, her voice quieter than before. He had been kind to her, even with his disagreement about what Oliver did. The few times she got caught (she really needed to work on her stealth) coming in and out of the lair he was always nice, if not a bit distant. But who wouldn't be in that situation-admittedly she wasn't, but she had figured out a while ago she was the exception to many rules.

"I mean, a lot of people did, less than it could have been, I know...still... Anyway, Oliver couldn't handle it-nor could Laurel really, so I stepped in. I'm under the impression that things went south between Oliver and Laurel after Tommy died and neither really came to terms with it-or each other. So, I took care of it," she explained, picking up a piece of grass and twisting it about absentmindedly.

"Don't get me wrong, it was awkward-I mean, who the hell am I to her? To Tommy? But someone had to, you know-anyway, oh Cas, it was horrible..."

There had been a fallout between him and Laurel after Tommy's death. Well, she assumed there was, and Diggle's cryptic looks and Oliver's gruffness (well, excessive gruffness. He had a natural gruffness about him she supposed but that's neither here nor there) confirmed it. Oh, and how she somehow took over the funeral plans. That hadn't been awkward in the least, seeking out Laurel's opinion on a few things.

Oliver had closed himself off. The mentioning of Tommy had him tensing and constantly on edge so he did what his Oliver Queen persona did best-left it to others. Not that she didn't understand, she did, better than most but it's not like she was close to the man. The one time she tried to ask Oliver something he stabbed one of the dummies with a bamboo stick.

"Oliver? Um, just a quick question for you-is there anything you'd like in the program? A poem, or lyrics or something? I doubted Tommy had any personal favorite poets-or poems, but I didn't want to assume. Not that, you know he didn't like poetry. Or the written word, or music...I just didn't know if...well, it's not like people generally have this conversation you know, about what they want at their funeral, unless it's something like crazy, like a hot air balloon scattering ashes over the city. Not that that's crazy, if he wanted that...but perhaps I'll cram it and let you answer, alright. So...anything? You can think on it for a bit...but not too long need to get this to the printers and all..."

There was a heavy silence as Felicity stood, swaying back and forth from the heel to the balls of her feet. She watched Oliver's back, looking for any sign of acknowledgement, biting her lip to keep the word vomit from continuing.





Felicity winced, one eye shut in response to the sound of the dummy falling to the ground, splintered wood stick protruding from it's chest. Oliver was walking away before Felicity registered anything. "No."

She raised one hand to protest but quickly thought better of it as he stalked towards the bathroom, passing Diggle on his way in.

Taking a deep breath she went over to her desk, and went to Google.

"More research?" Diggle asked.

"Not quite," Felicity muttered looking up Laurel Lance's number. Diggle took one look at the piles of paperwork on her desk, a casket catalogue on the top.

"I don't envy you right now," he said, leaning to the left of her station. She responded with a grumble about someone having to be an adult before jotting down the number and swiveling her chair to face Diggle.

"I'm going home, there's wine and TV and likely a cat who won't remember what I look like to help me," she explained gathering what she needed before grabbing her coat and heading to the stairs.

"Good luck," she said to him. Diggle looked at her curiously.

"I was going to say that to you,"

"Yes, well, while I'm dealing with the 'it's complicated maybe ex' of the Hood, you are going to on one with the Hood. Perhaps, we both need it?" Felicity smiled brighter than she felt at Diggle who seemed to be absorbing the information.


After arriving home Felicity changed into her pyjamas and refilled the cat bowl she took out the leftovers she had stashed from two nights ago. Finding the bottle of wine she stashed "in case of emergencies" she opened it and poured herself a liberal nd sitting on the couch to stare at the post it with Laurel's number.

Taking a long drink, she stretched out post it stuck on the top of her knee as she pondered all the ways to approach this. It was at this point her cat joined her, sitting at the top of the couch and stared down at her.

"What? You have any better ideas Musket?"

In response he saddled up next to her and tried to play with the post it.

"Yes, thank you I know. Here goes nothing..."

Taking one last long drink she put down the wine and picked up the phone to dial. It rang three times, each one somehow seemed longer than the last, although Felicity knew that wans't possible.

Her other hand busy lavishing her seemingly unloved cat with attention she waited. "Hello?"

"Oh, hi. Um, Laurel? This is Felicity Smoak. We met briefly, I helped Oliver with the internet..."

There was silence for a moment and Felicity was about to fill it (with what she didn't know) when Laurel spoke.

"At Verdant, yes I remember. Is there a reason you're calling? I've got some-"

"Yes, well the thing is," Felicity felt her mouth go dry. 'How to say this? "Somehow although I've only met him twice for about 5 minutes and danced with him some 7 years ago, not that he remembered this which is for the best- and have somehow become in charge of his funeral. I was wondering if you'd like to way in?'"

No. No no no.

"I am helping Oliver out with the details of Tommy's funeral," Felicity finally said. She heard Laurel's voice catch. She mentally patted herself on the back for not going with option A.

"Oliver doesn't seem to have much preference on a few things that are sort of import, so I thought I'd ask you?"

She was met with an initial silence, for a moment Felicity thought the line went dead but a glance at her phone told her otherwise.

"I, give me a second," she heard movement and a muffled conversation.

"No, it's fine. I can do this, Dad," then the sound of a door closing.

"How can I help?"

"I was hoping you could tell me his favorite color? I know, it sounds weird but-"

"He loved blue. It never occurred to me to ask his favorite, but he," there was a pause and it almost sounded like a smile-not that it made sense who could hear a smile? But Laurel sounded lighter when she spoke. "He always knew he looked good in blue, blue and gray."

Felicity jotted it down quickly and went on.

"I don't expect an answer to this one now, but would you like to speak? At, at the funeral, not now obviously, we are talking now so that would be weird..."

"Well, the way we left things..." Felicity recognized the hesitation in her voice. "That's fine. Sleep on it, but do you think there's someone else who would? I mean, I know his father..."

"To be honest, besides Oliver and I, there isn't anyone he was particularly close to-well, Thea. Thea might want to say something, I know she thought of Tommy as another brother."

"Thea, of course," Felicity said before finishing off her glass of wine. There seemed to be an unspoken sentiment of 'Why didn't Oliver mention it?' but Felicity chalked it up to an over active brain and the fact that she started her wine and had yet to dig into the left overs.

"I'll get in contact with her then-if you think of anything, or want to talk let me know. Oh! Also, any photos you have, I was thinking about putting something together. I could pick them up, or if you could email them to me? I'll take good care of them and return them of course..."

"Uh, sure. I'll see what I have. To be honest Thea may have access to more, I know Moira had a lot-from before Oliver..."

Felicity nodded, then realized Laurel couldn't see that response. "I'll ask her about them then, yeah. Thanks, Laurel."

" that all?"

"Yeah, again, if you change your mind or want to read something-"

"I'll let you know."

"Yeah..." How to end this conversation?

"G'night then!"


A click on her phone later Felicity let out a deep breath. One awkward conversation down-another arises. Thea Queen, yeah she could do this. It's not weird. She just worked with-or for her brother but she didn't know that, and used to work for her step father. They met at the hospital. They're all friends. That's...explainable...


"So there you have that. Considering how it could have gone-I consider it a personal triumph, and you should too. I mean, I still cringe a little when I think about it, but still. Could have been much worse. That's all I'm saying," Felicity's dropped the strand of grass as she put her hands in defense on the matter.

"Well, I may or may not have promised things to Tommy that are very much out of my control. It just pains me to think that no one has come to see him," she paused for a moment. One of her hands running over the grass in absent minded thought, the other gently rubbing the bridge on her nose where her glasses fell.

"I mean, his father's dead, his mother died a long time ago and the people who loved him most are too broken to come. And once again, I let my thoughts hijack my mouth before I could think it through. But I'll try, I'll even try to recruit Diggle too. Maybe I'll just withhold Big Belly Burgers from him..." Felicity's thoughts wandered for a moment before she shook her head in effort to clear them away.

'I will not cry. I've cried enough. Pull it together Smoak!'

Taking a deep breath stared down at her hands and closed her eyes trying to focus on the beating of her heart to calm her.

"But-that's not really the point. Where was I? Oh yeah, thankfully, Thea was great about it. I mean, I had to lie a bit, no way around that one these days. But she had everything I needed and it was fun. Well, sort of. Some of the photos, you know how it is, remembering is great," she smiled, at the grave stone before her.

"Until you remember they're not there anymore," she said softly allowing the meloncholy one moment of reprieve before pushing it back.

"-it was cute though, how her boyfriend wouldn't leave her side, sweet really. He's protective of her, whenever she got sad, before I could even say anything he was there, making her smile again." she had found new pieces of grass and was knotting them together as she continued.

"It's stupid really, I barely have time to pee yet I find myself wanting that. And Cas, honestly Mom doesn't shut up about finding a nice guy! I've got enough on my plate as it is, between work and the incompetent idiots that think just because something is new it's better. I mean come on, Vista? Really," she rolled her eyes and puff out a breath, leaning back on one arm.

"Then there's the time at the bat cave, and with the Undertaking, the amount of paperwork I've been doing. You'd think I was in accounting! Then I've got those two-erm, systems," she used air quotes for emphasis.

"I'm tracking. And I'm trying to volunteer once or twice a week-oh!," she sat up straight and leaned forward her eyes taking on her a more serious stare.

"Diggle is helping me train so I can defend myself. I hope wherever you are you're getting a laugh out of me falling on my ass. That way someone's getting something out of it," she grumbled.

"I don't know, you've improved some," a voice from behind her said with some amusement.

Panicking, Felicity grabbed the closest thing and threw it. Oliver caught the plastic bag with little difficulty but a small tupperware box fell out in the process. Bending to pick it up he lifted one defined eyebrow in question.

"I take it back, you do need some more work," Oliver smiled as he approached his now bewildered and more than mortified IT girl, his hand holding out the box.

Grabbing the it out of his hand, Felicity turned back to the head stone, refusing to meet his eyes.

"How much did you hear?"
