Reviews for Savage Heart
Hippychiick chapter 53 . 9/9
He stayed away from Alexa but he first heard the confrontation story from Alexa. Hmm so much from staying away from her, eh? He pretty much admit that he’s still clearly communicating with her. Derek is untrustworthy as fuck. Actions speak louder than words, dude. If Derek really loves Chloe then he should at least respect her and completely cut off that Alexa bitch from his life. The fact that the bitch can call and text him every single day is disgusting enough. Don’t tell me Derek can’t even block her number? Why he’s having such a hard time cutting that bitch off his life? Does he want her pussy? Derek is not 5. He can’t act naive and say that he doesn’t know that that bitch has feelings for him. Everyone can see it. It’s pretty much obvious. Derek is acting as if he’s 5-year-old boy who doesn’t know about flirting or he just really want the bitch to chase after his dick that’s why he’s acting naive. If he cares that much about his ex then just divorce his unhappy wife, jeez. With what he’s doing, he’s just making his wife feel unhappy, unloved and insecure. It sucks to be Chloe. Derek is not a good husband. Your man’s number one responsibility is to make you feel secure. He’s insensitive when is comes to his own wife but he was sure sensitive when it comes to Alexa and wow he even told Tori to NEVER touch her. What a heavy threats! That is something that a man would do for the woman that he fancies. I bet that made Alexa’s pussy feel warm. Thanks to Derek. He warned Tori to not touch Alexa but he didn’t even warn Alexa to not bother his wife and to stop flirting with him? Is he kidding? He’s sure more overprotective of Alexa. I bet he wants to be present when Chloe confronts Alexa so that Chloe won’t be able to hurt Alexa again. Alexa won. Alexa bitch, you have a chance with this idiot married man. Derek is just “all talk” when it comes to his wife. Poor wife. Just get a new husband, girl. Know your worth. Don’t stay with that kind of asshole who wants so bad to make friends with some bitch who clearly fancies him. Who’s idiot boyfriend or husband would make friends with someone who has a thing for him? He’s obviously disrespecting Chloe. Even a 15-year-old boy knows that it’s going to be bad for his relationship if he makes friend with some bitch who has a thing for him. Even a young boy knows his girlfriend will get mad and feel insecure. But this grown-up Derek clearly doesn’t give two fucks about Chloe’s feelings. The title of this should be Savage Husband.
Guest chapter 53 . 3/28
I hope you are not leaving it like this! It feels like we are so close to the end! I needs to know!
Guest chapter 53 . 12/26/2019
Make it a New Years gift and update! I miss this story so much and I always have to read a few chapters before reading the new one.
Guest chapter 53 . 9/16/2019
I love this story! Please have Derek and Chloe eventually have a baby And don’t ever stop writing. This is my absolute favourite story to read on here.
candynewcomer23 chapter 53 . 9/16/2019
So happy for a new chapter! I feel bad for Chloe and hope in the end she can have kids. I enjoyed that moment of her with Alexa, it was nice seeing a different side of her. In regards to Kit saying taking them down with one hit I think he means Chloe dieing. To have her die would make them all suffer because they all love her especially Derek.
Guest chapter 53 . 9/12/2019
I love this story but I think it’s been too long. I was so lat at the end. I don’t understand why he wants to kill everybody in one hit because of Chloe’s mom? Did they accidentally kill her instead of the person they were suppose to kill? Is it Kit’s fault that she died? So many freaking questions! Thank you for the update tho! Can’t wait for the next one!
Vero Diaz chapter 53 . 9/11/2019
Sorry but Alexa does have something with Derek that Chloe will never have
kaitgirl chapter 53 . 9/11/2019
It always makes my day to see that this story has updated
bookwormmovielover chapter 53 . 9/10/2019
Oh man, I feel like the dragon head will either try to make Derek conceive a child with Alexa or will have hired her to kill them
Guest chapter 45 . 3/7/2019
that's some fifty shades of gray shit right there
that toast is so kinky
Pandalover chapter 13 . 1/18/2019
I looooooove this book sooooooooo much ️️️️️
avaeva chapter 52 . 1/14/2019
It was a filler but it was still amazing! Great chapter, can’t wait for the next!
Guest chapter 52 . 1/9/2019
I don’t want to guess the ending so I’m just going to be grateful that I got another chapter. Thank you!
Guest chapter 52 . 1/8/2019
This may have been a filler chapter but I still loved it! I'm curious to see if Tori tells anyone about what she found and how not being friends with Alexa is going to go.
HeyItsShaylakae chapter 52 . 1/8/2019
Does Davidoff know about Alexa? Are they going to find out Chloe can't have kids and they have Alexa step in?
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