Disclaimer: I do not own any Darkest Power material. All I own are my original characters, and this plot.

A/N: Alright fanfictioneers. I'm here with another DP story for you. I'm reminding you now that no supernatural traits they have in the original book are in here. So without further ado I give you "Savage Heart".

The paper landed with a loud FLAP! on the kitchen table, startling Chloe from her morning routine. She looked over at the paper from her bowl of cereal to read the front paper headline.


Chloe then looked up at her father who seemed to be a bit annoyed with the news. Confused, Chloe looked down at the article and stared at the picture of an Asian guy in a suit walking out of the court house with a smug smile on his lips.

"What's this about triads?" Chloe asked trying to figure out what the article was talking about. Her father sighs as he fixes himself a cup of coffee.

"You remember Mitch Lockwood, my business partner." Steve asked his daughter. Chloe nodded faintly remembering Mitch. "Well, he apparently got mixed up with the Triads and that guy you see there was the one to kill him." Steve explained.

Chloe looked back down at the picture and absorbed all this information.

"So why did he get freed if he murdered someone?" she asked.

"Because he's a Triad member. The triads can manipulate practically anyone in this city." Her father sighed and leaned against the counter, supporting himself on his elbows.

"What the heck is a Triad?" Chloe mumbled to herself not really wanting to know, but her father of course heard her and explained.

"The Triads are like this mafia from China or something. Bottom line they are bad news and we will have nothing to do with them." He said, sounding as if he was ordering her not to go out and find out who these Triads were, not that Chloe would want to anyway.

"If they're from China what are they doing here in the US?" Chloe asked. Steve sighed.

"Who knows." He then turned and poured his coffee in his coffee mug and grabbed his things for work.

"Don't take too long okay, kiddo? I don't want you to be late for your first day of school."

"Okay." Chloe replied and looked up at her dad. He kissed her on the forehead and left for work.

With a sigh, Chloe stood up and cleared the table and grabbed her things for school. She grabbed her car keys and walked out to her little blue VW Bug her dad had gotten for her birthday a few months ago. Chloe was still a bit nervous about driving, ever since her mother had died in a bad car accident just a year ago, but she knew she would have to get over the fear someday. Besides, the school wasn't that far from her place.

Chloe and her dad had moved into the neighborhood at the beginning of the summer because her father suddenly had a great idea for a business. Everything was going great for them, up until Mitch died suddenly, and that was giving dad some troubles.

Chloe wanted to help out her dad but he had told her not to worry and to concentrate in school. Chloe sighed and started her car. She drove towards her school and started to notice something right off the bat. As she parked her car she her heart began to race with anxiety.

She stepped out of her car and watched as nicely prepped and pampered kids entered the school. Chloe looked down at her designer jeans and plain blue shirt. Was she going to fit in with this crowd? Quickly, Chloe pulled her hair out of the pony tail and ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it out a bit. She didn't know if she felt relieved or stressed about the decision to put red streaks in her hair the weekend before in the attempt to make her look a bit older.

She was 16, but she looked to be 14. Who wanted to start their junior year branded as that really short, baby faced girl? She had to go through sophomore year with that title; she wasn't going to let this school brand her that too.

Grabbing her book bag, she began to walk towards the entrance of the school. With the loud sound of screeching breaks, Chloe looked to her left only to see a silver car speed down the parking lot. She gasped and jumped out of the way before the car hit her, hearing two girls laugh inside the car.

Chloe watched as the car parked in the front row, and two girls stepped out of it. One was a blonde who looked model ready. She wore a pink top with white jeans and white heels to match. The other girl was a skinny brunette who wore a purple tank top worn over by a denim jacket and a black mini skirt with black pumps.

The two girls didn't even look her way after nearly running Chloe over. They just giggled with each other and walked into the school. Chloe shook her head and pulled her hair to one side making her way into the school.

Chloe grabbed her things from the Office and made her way towards her locker. Lucky for her it was right next to her home room class room, as she noted on the map they gave her. As she walked she accidently bumped into someone.

"S-sorry, I didn't m-mean to," Chloe began, but in return got a scoff.

"God, can you watch where you're going next time?" Chloe looked up to find that it was the brunette girl from before. Chloe sighed and rolled her eyes. Of course, it had to be this girl.

"Wait, I know you." The brunette girl said. "Why do I know you?" she asked.

"How am I supposed to know that?" Chloe asked softly.

"Was I asking you dweeb?" the girl spat and turned to her blonde friend.

"I think she's the girl we nearly ran over this morning." She said, and Chloe looked at them. So they knew that they nearly ran her over, yet they walked off like they didn't?

"Oh, yeah." The brunette smirked and looked at Chloe. "Why don't you be careful next time, okay?" the girl smiled.

"E-excuse me?" Chloe asked, hating herself for stuttering, but the girl's smile turned into a sneer.

"Did I stutter? I said watch yourself." She threatened leaning towards Chloe.

"Whoa," suddenly someone was in between Chloe and the other girl. "Sorry Tori, she's new. She doesn't know what goes up and what goes down. So, on account of the first day why don't you let her go?" the girl between them said.

"Stay out of this Rachelle." The brunette ordered.

"C'mon Tori, this girl is already a little coo coo in the head. Besides, I'm sure none of us wants to spend our first day of school in the Principal's office, right?" Rachelle pointed out.

"Come on Tori, she isn't even worth our time." The blonde added. Tori scoffed and straightened up.

"Watch yourself new girl." Tori said turning and walking away with her friend.

Chloe glared after them. Seriously, what was her problem? Chloe wasn't at fault at all. Someone should seriously tell her off.

"Are you crazy?" The girl from before turned to Chloe. She was a pudgy girl, not fat but not twig skinny either. She also had a light chocolate tone to her skin and dark copper colored hair. She didn't wear high end clothing like Tori seemed to either.

"What?" Chloe asked.

"Nobody and I mean nobody goes up against Tori Enright." She said.

"Why not?"

"Damn, you are new." Rachelle said, making Chloe blush. "Every time anyone goes up against the Bae siblings something bad always happens." She explains.

"Bae siblings? I thought you said her name was Tori Enright." Chloe pointed out just as the bell rang.

"Look, you better get to class. This place has a strict no Tardy policy. What's your home room?" Rachelle asked. Chloe pointed to the door next to them. "Good, don't be late." She said.

Chloe didn't even say anything before Rachelle left her to get to her class. Chloe sighed pulling her hair behind her ear and walking into her class room. The room seemed to belong to a history teacher, the room covered with maps, posters of the Egyptians and Mayans and a big glob sitting on a shelf.

Chloe sat in the back behind a brown headed boy who was busy playing on his PSP to even realize she sat behind him. Setting her bag down, Chloe sat back in her seat and looked over the kids her class. There seemed to be more guys than girls in this class, and about 12 to 15 kids total.

Then just as the last bell rang a stunning young guy walked through the room taking his seat across the room from Chloe. Immediately all of the girls swarmed around him and a few of the guys did too. Chloe watched them curiously.

"Good morning, young learners." A cheery voice beamed through the room. All eyes were turned up front to see a bright smiled elder woman with pixie cut blonde hair wearing a white blouse and black slacks. She looked to be in her beginning-forties.

"Welcome to your first day of Junior year." She said and then dragged one of the desks over to where she stood and sat right on top of it very casual like. Chloe liked her already.

She then proceeded to explain the school rules and her own set of class room rules. They were clean and simple, not very hard to follow. She seemed like a laid back kind of teacher, but seemed to like get work done was dedicated to her line of work, not like other teachers who just gave you packets to keep you busy.

"Now, I know you all may think this to be stupid, but I think it's a good exercise to do to get to know each other." She said. "I mean we will have to look at each other's faces for a whole year." She added getting a few giggles from the class.

Mrs. Coon started from the end of the row having each student say their name and one thing that is interesting about them. Chloe only paid half attention only catching the really interesting answers, like the sky diving boy, and the horseback riding girl.

Then there was a girl who sat two seats in front of Chloe with long black hair that caught the class's attention.

"My name is June, and I'm probably the only Micronesian that goes to this school." She said.

"What is that like some kind of alien?" the boy right in front of Chloe joked, the boys laughing but Chloe and the other girl found it completely rude.

"No. It's my home island. I'm from the south pacific islands of Micronesia." She said, practically burning a whole into the guy's head with her glare.

"So are you like, from Guam?" the blonde boy who seemed to be very popular asked. The girl, June turned to him and shook her head.

"No, I'm from Truk Island, or rather Chuuk." She explained.

"That's really cool." He smiled at her, and she nodded turning away from him.

"So can you speak the language?" Mrs. Coon asked and June nodded.

"I mean, I can understand it when it's spoken to me, but learning English when I was still very young I don't know how to say some things." June explained.

"That is very interesting. Well I'm glad to have you in class." Mrs. Coon smiled, not as if to brush her off but as if she were really interested in her.

Then it was the boy's in front of Chloe turn. "I'm Brady Hirch, and … I like video games." He says, and that's the end of that. Chloe wanted to roll her eyes but realized everyone was waiting for her answer.

"I'm Chloe Saunders, and…" Chloe took a second to figure out one thing interesting about her. "I'm into cinematography." She said.

"Oh, do you make films or analyze them?" Mrs. Coon asked.

"Make them, mostly." Chloe answered blushing a bit.

"Have you published any of them online or something like that? Like on YouTube?" one of the guys asked. Chloe shook her head.

"N-no, I usually k-keep them to myself." She replied.

After that they continued with the class, and only one other person caught Chloe's attention.

"My name is Simon Bae, and I'm a sketch artist." The popular blonde boy that sat across the room from Chloe, he was a Bae sibling.

Was that why he was so popular? Chloe thought to herself. This blonde haired Asian looking guy was supposed to be one of the most feared students in the school, so why were all the girls hanging on to him like he was a Prince, and the guys surrounding him like he was the guy to be best friends with?

Chloe stared at him, confused in all the chaos. Simon turned and noticed Chloe staring and smiled one of his million dollar smiles, making her blush and turn to look away. He chuckled to himself and turned to one of the girls that was talking to him, apparently asking him what he did during the summer.

He really didn't care to explain his adventures during his summer, besides he was more interested in the blonde girl with red streaks in her hair.

After the class had gone through and spoke their life stories Mrs. Coon let them talk amongst themselves. June had stared up a conversation with Chloe, finding an interest in film as well. Chloe smiled and nodded at June starting to warm up to the girl when suddenly June's smiling face turned into a glare.

Confused, Chloe looked behind her to see that Simon Bae stood behind them.

"Hello, mind if I cut into the conversation?" he asked. Chloe looked at June who was busy looking down at her wavy hair and playing with it. How was Chloe supposed to say no to a Bae? She didn't want another conversation like she had with Tori.

"S-sure." Chloe stuttered, making Simon smile.

"So what are we talking about?" Simon asked.

"We were talking about the Justin Lin." Chloe said, looking over at June who still seemed disinterested in Simon coming into the conversation.

"Who's that?" Simon asked.

"He's the director of the Fast and Furious movies." June put in, but still not looking at him.

"Oh I love those movies!" Simon said excitedly.

"Yeah, well we were analyzing all of his work and trying to figure out Lin's signature to all of his movies." Chloe tried explaining but when seeing Simon's expression saw that she had lost him.

"Simon," one of the girls whined from across the room, and Simon waved at her to wait a few minutes.

"Well before I go, I wanted to just say hi." He said. Raising an eyebrow Chloe nodded and Simon smiled at her and left to go back to his group.

"That was…" Chloe tried to come up with a word for that encounter.

"Out of the blue?" June offered.

"Yeah." Chloe replied. "What was that about?" she asked. June shook her head sighing.

"Don't get mixed up with a guy like him Chloe. He's bad news waiting to happen." June warned.

"How come?" Chloe asked, hoping that June could explain to her what that Rachelle girl didn't have time to.

"Because he's a Bae." June said like it was obvious.

"Well what's that got to do with anything?"

"The Baes are the most feared kids at this school. Getting mixed in with them is like signing your life to the devil himself." June tried to explain and then looked back at Simon before continuing.

"You've seen Simon's sister, Tori right?" Chloe nods.

"Well, last year my cousin had this huge blow out with Tori. Next day, my cousin's dog turns up missing, and a week later she found her dog in a shoe box on her front porch. Dead."

"No way." Chloe couldn't believe this bull crap.

"I'm not joking. My cousin switched schools this year, because ever since that day with Tori weird things have happened to her." June tried to explain. Chloe shook her head at the story. That was just too extreme to even be true.

"Fine, don't believe me. But if you ever get mixed up with the Bae family, don't say I didn't warn you." June said and got up to go back to her seat.

Chloe watched June sit back in her seat and then looked over at Simon. He was still looking over at her and when he saw that she was looking, winked at her. Blushing, Chloe turned away and looked up at the clock and sighed.

"This is going to be a long day."

A/N: Alright, I think I'm going to stop there for now. First chapters really are hard for me to write, but I hope this one was decent enough. Hope you enjoyed, and review to let me know what you think. Until next time, safe sailing fanfictioneers!